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The United Kingdom outlet Daily Star recently published an interview with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi.
Several topics were covered throughout this discussion, notably design decisions he may alter for the third and final installment. Besides talking about how ultimately proud he was for the sheer number of minigames and side activities the team implemented, he actually apologized for the Platinum Trophy.
The Platinum Trophy for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was pretty challenging and a step up from what the Final Fantasy VII Remake offered. Hamaguchi said that he won’t be making Platinum Trophies that difficult in the future.
Personally, I’m mixed on this conclusion since Platinum Trophies represent the work and time players put into the experience, ultimately making their eventual acquisition all the more satisfying. Making Platinums easier to obtain seems contradictory.
Regardless, you can view Hamaguchi’s statement below:
I think there is one other thing actually, which I can say was a mistake on my part, something that I’ve already apologized for – and I definitely will not do again, which is how difficult I made it to get the Platinum Trophy.
So rest assured I have learned from that and in future I will not be making Platinum Trophies that difficult.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Director Apologizes For Platinum Trophy Difficulty, Promises Changes
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi apologizes for the challenging Platinum Trophy and promises easier achievements in future installments.