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Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |OT| You Had One Job!

I restarted my game and made a master save after the Tomb of Raithwall without activating any jobs on my characters. It was actually harder than I thought it would be. Not being able to change your starting weapons meant i really had to rely on Vossler to dish out my damage.

But now I can restated from this save and choose any jobs and combinations I want when I want to play again or don't like a job combo rather than start from the beginning which is annoying as fuck.

Did the same. Then I accidentally saved over it 😢
Did the same. Then I accidentally saved over it 😢

Any chance it just happen just now? Check your PS+ Cloud Saves if you subscribe

It saved my butt once when XCOM crashed and corrupted my save file on PS3 -_- Still lost 4-5 hours from that night but my 25 hour-ish file uploaded from the last time I played was still backed-up..
If I just want to do the hunts that have trophies do I still need to do other hunts before I unlock those? I'm at the end of the game and have ignored hunts up until now. Montlbac just keeps saying he has no hunts for me. What's the minimum I can do to get trickster, deathgaze, ect


If I just want to do the hunts that have trophies do I still need to do other hunts before I unlock those? I'm at the end of the game and have ignored hunts up until now. Montlbac just keeps saying he has no hunts for me. What's the minimum I can do to get trickster, deathgaze, ect

Hunts are rank and sometimes story locked.

Trickster is available as soon as you reach Mt. Bur-Omisace. (I think?)

Deathgaze requires Riskbreaker.
I am ready for the final battle and I cannot start Tricket, or I am missing something? I joined the clan and talked to Montblanc. He just says he has nothing.
I feel like I'm the only one that liked the Great Crystal :O

I enjoyed how dangerous and confusing it felt going at the intended story level... always felt it better captured the sort of classic Deep Dungeon/Hells Gate atmosphere better than Pharos.


Hmmm... Koga or Iga Blade, or both...
I feel bad to just forgo 4 ninja blades, but on the other hand there are quite a few powerful daggers, and my Shikari/Foebreaker Fran is doing massive damage with her axe (also found a Francisque in Bahreim - sweet!) under Berserk, so it isn't like I need to equip the Kagenui.


Doesn't really matter as long as you don't skip the final Ninja license. I went with the Koga Blade, you can find it at the same place as Iga blade and it has earth element. If you go for both you're fucked. No Mesa and Yagyu then.

I would just make the Mesa asap, those items are possible to get once you have access to Feywood I think (and rare game hunt in Tchita). The Yagyu can be found and is only useful for 1 battle (but very useful at that).


Doesn't really matter as long as you don't skip the final Ninja license. I went with the Koga Blade, you can find it at the same place as Iga blade and it has earth element. If you go for both you're fucked. No Mesa and Yagyu then.

I would just make the Mesa asap, those items are possible to get once you have access to Cerobi and Feywood I think. The Yagyu can be found and is only useful for 1 battle (but very useful at that).

No problem here: I unlocked that 125 Quickening as soon as I could. I just need to buy the licence for the best ninja blades once I manage to get my hands on them.
The thing is: how many non-flying enemies actually are weak to earth? That is the main problem here, as ninja blades can't hit flying enemies (which are the ones weak to earth in 9 out of 10 cases).
On the other hand, I can get a +390 HP licence on my Foebreaker board if I pick Koga... Oh well.


No problem here: I unlocked that 125 Quickening as soon as I could. I just need to buy the licence for the best ninja blades once I manage to get my hands on them.
The thing is: how many non-flying enemies actually are weak to earth? That is the main problem here, as ninja blades can't hit flying enemies (which are the ones weak to earth in 9 out of 10 cases).
On the other hand, I can get a +390 HP licence on my Foebreaker board if I pick Koga... Oh well.

Telekinesis might work for that.


Telekinesis might work for that.

Telekinesis doesn't carry the weapon's element in its attack. The attack is always Non-Elemental.

Anyhow: Zalera down. It was easier than I thought it would be. Granted, having Fran dealing up to 3000 damages with an axe and berserk helped tremendously (heck, she dealt 4950 once to a skeleton in Bahreim passage). She is going to remain my main damage dealer for a while. Axes are very, very weak early on, but later... oh boy. Still kinda random, but in a good way.


I ran into the Zodiark fight by accident. Managed to beat him by pure chance (got a 15 Quickening chain and used one of those stone spells that deal a lot of damage which basically saved me), only Ultima down to go, but I'm leaving my return to the great crystal for last lol

Just fighted Gilgamesh. One of my favorite encounters with him in the series, and my favorite design. The version of BATBB is amazing too.

EDIT: oh my god that's Erdrick's sword from DQIII.
When does the medallion quest become available? Have some parts of it but the guy at old Dalan's place refuses to show up even though I've spoken to his boss.

Can someone explain this to me?

If the party members' levels are prime numbers, they'll have more advantages during the fight. If the party's levels are divisible by 2, 3 or 4, the player should set Remedy or Esunaga gambit. The player can also purchase the Black Belt accessory, which gives immunity to Disable. If the party is on an optimal level, the members are immune to the spells, but Gilgamesh will still waste time casting them. Any level that isn't an even number and isn't divisible by three is great for this purpose.

Is this for real? Is it just on this boss or all bosses? And it gives 3 completely different conditions (prime, not ending in 2, and not ending in 2 or divisible by 3) to enable this. Which is it?
Any tips to get Black Hole Concurrence? Don't remember it being this difficult to get in the ps2 version.

At the bottom blue crystal in giza plain (south of rabanastre) you can zone left and right which will respawn the enemies right away (2 zone rule) as you cross, so you turn off gambits, run out, quickening an enemy, if you fail (likely) run back to the crystal, touch it to regen quickenings, and cross to the other side and try again. Rinse and repeat for hours and hours and hours.

I gave up after 20 minutes, I'm just too old to try and find and press the buttons fast enough 12 times in a row while praying for the right RNG so that Mist regen shows up often enough so you don't lose out time.

I read a lot about it and the only real tip was start out with a level 3 quickening, and do those first since they are the hardest to have enough points for. Keep a mental count L1-L2-L3 so you know how many you have left, ie 0-0-1 is the first one since you start with a L3 and you want to reach 4-4-4. But again, its going to be extremely RNG dependent and the 4 second window just isn't going to provide enough time especially since that 4 seconds just constantly goes down as you build your quickening chain. I stopped trying because I knew I would get supremely angry if I got to the 10th or 11th chain and ran out of time.

I guess the only other worthwhile tip I saw was try to do quickenings constantly throughout the game as you play and maybe you'll get lucky, but it just seems like trying to farm it after you finish is faster/easier.

I finished the game last night and thought it was a pretty mediocre game, I really enjoying the MMO-ish grinding and class and gear aspects but thought the story, characters, and pacing were all really bad. I'm sure its been talked about to death. Wonder how the game will do sales wise, I read that it did under 150k in Japan and under 300k in Europe for July, I can't imagine NA numbers being that much better.


The Great Crystal is hurting my brain.

"I love dungeons filled with identical rooms and branching pathways!" said no one ever.


I had a map pulled up and i still didnt understand how to get Hastega, had to literally watch a step by step video of a guy doing it.

I've been stupidly trying to do it without a map. Now I have no idea where I am and almost everyone in my party has caught a disease. Yay.


Is this for real? Is it just on this boss or all bosses? And it gives 3 completely different conditions (prime, not ending in 2, and not ending in 2 or divisible by 3) to enable this. Which is it?

I'm not sure what you're confused by.

According to the page, he has:
Lv.2 Sleep
Lv.3 Disable
Lv.4 Break

If you want to not deal with Lv. 2 Sleep, don't have characters that have levels with a multiple of 2. The same applies to the other ones. If you have a character with a prime number level, like, 47, for example, they avoid all of these attacks. If you're less concerned about an optimal fight, you don't have to have all of the level requirements. Or you can equip accessories that negate status effects that would hurt you.

As for other bosses, some of them have level-multiple spells. It'll depend on the boss.


Just got through the Great Crystal and
met the Occuria. Watching this scene play out again, will still never understand why they weren't the main villains.


Gilgamesh is GOAT Hunt. Best encounter in the game.

I just beat the game, after 105 hours. I haven't played anything else for the last 4 weeks. I was hella OP for the final boss, level 70 accross the board and with Tournesol, Zodiac Spear, Kumbha etc. I love the final boss marathon and their scenes, its so good. I wish I was weaker there. Though it would probably still be easy enough, I never died against story bosses before I started grinding for gear too.

But yeah, The Zodiac Age is my game of the year and likely my favourite FF game. I thought Persona 5 would take it, a game I also put about 105 hours in. But FFXII unshackles much sooner, and has not as many tedious scenes.

I knew it before TZA came out, FFXII would stand the test of time. I've been part of discussions on this forum about this game way back, and always found this game was ahead of its time. Dunno if I go for the plat. I need the bestiary and trial mode ones I think.
I'm not sure what you're confused by.

According to the page, he has:
Lv.2 Sleep
Lv.3 Disable
Lv.4 Break

If you want to not deal with Lv. 2 Sleep, don't have characters that have levels with a multiple of 2. The same applies to the other ones. If you have a character with a prime number level, like, 47, for example, they avoid all of these attacks. If you're less concerned about an optimal fight, you don't have to have all of the level requirements. Or you can equip accessories that negate status effects that would hurt you.

As for other bosses, some of them have level-multiple spells. It'll depend on the boss.

I didn't notice the abilities list, but i was confused because first it says everyone's levels should be prime, then it says not divisible by 2, then it says not divisible by 2 or 3. All 3 of those conditions are different. It looks the last condition (not divisible by 2 or 3) is the real condition though, and prime is unnecessary
But yeah, The Zodiac Age is my game of the year and likely my favourite FF game. I thought Persona 5 would take it, a game I also put about 105 hours in. But FFXII unshackles much sooner, and has not as many tedious scenes...

while i agree that final fantasy xii's a far better game than persona 5, i'd say a fairer comparison would be with persona 3, which released the same year. now, choosing between those 2? that would be difficult for me...

& i'd also add that both of those games, from 2006, are far better than ff15, as well :) ...
anyone else get fatigued by this game? I'm at the dungeon after the crystal (that you fly to) and it is yet another boring maze like dungeon.

Already feel like im overpowered and I hardly grinded.


Just finished the horrible area full of undead to get to

I think I will take a break for a while.

I complete forget that area leads into Garamsythe.

I adore how loads of the zones link to other locations. I love the dead ends in the zones too, like in the various mine areas, there are gates used to cover dead ends and I like to imagine what could be beyond there.

Anyone else like this?


Anyone else like this?

Yes, it actually makes the 'world' feel like an actual world.

Which also made me want to say I appreciate a lot of the little details in this game such as when you defeat powerful monsters in the game. In Rabanastre, there was this Bangaa that mentioned seeing a powerful monster in the
Zertinan Caverns
and if you talk to him after you beat it, he mentions how it's not there anymore. It's nice seeing the world truly reacting to things you're doing outside of the main storyline.


needs 2 extra inches
Numerology, souleater, traveler, horology, and binecrusher.

Are any of these useful enough to include in my Gambits for my non-magic characters?
I complete forget that area leads into Garamsythe.

I adore how loads of the zones link to other locations. I love the dead ends in the zones too, like in the various mine areas, there are gates used to cover dead ends and I like to imagine what could be beyond there.

Anyone else like this?

Yep, me too. And I love both Barheim and Garamsythe.


Has anyone found a good end-game trophy guide? I seem to not be high enough level for any of the end-game hunts and am not really sure where to level up.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Has anyone found a good end-game trophy guide? I seem to not be high enough level for any of the end-game hunts and am not really sure where to level up.

I suggest you jelly-bot until 95+ then you can tackle the end game hunts.


I just got the
Sword of Kings
, how far am I story/mainquest-wise? Guessing halfish?

I've been playing off and on since I got the game and have also been doing all of the Hunts and optional stuff as they've become unlocked so everything is pretty easy at this point.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
If you're going for the Platinum, you can ignore finding Omega XII in the Great Crystal as you'll encounter it in Trial Mode.

Eh, I think I'll do this. I really have no joy on doing that dungeon all over again to fight one boss.

The monsters in the trial don't count to the beastiary I believe.


So I take it Bahamut is the final dungeon?

Because fuck this place. I walked in and am getting completely ass blasted with a non stop barrage of enemies. Get through the first room to see a cut scene only to enjoy eating shit to these spinner enemies slinging ailments like it's cool as I am baragged by Judges and other totems slinging spells. My party can't keep the fuck up at level 47/48...


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
So I take it Bahamut is the final dungeon?

Because fuck this place. I walked in and am getting completely ass blasted with a non stop barrage of enemies. Get through the first room to see a cut scene only to enjoy eating shit to these spinner enemies slinging ailments like it's cool as I am baragged by Judges and other totems slinging spells. My party can't keep the fuck up at level 47/48...

The battles are non-stop you have to enter the central room and activate a switch: http://guides.gamepressure.com/finalfantasy12/gfx/word/1742192000.jpg

yes Bahamut is the final dungeon
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