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Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |OT| You Had One Job!


I have to vent on the little touches I've noticed gone in this version. Doesn't effect gamplay, but still sad to see they are no longer here.

No Sky Pirate Den. And no summon intro for espers. Why were those removed? Are they there in zodiac age on the ps2? Just honestly don't know why these were cut.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I have to vent on the little touches I've noticed gone in this version. Doesn't effect gamplay, but still sad to see they are no longer here.

No Sky Pirate Den. And no summon intro for espers. Why were those removed? Are they there in zodiac age on the ps2? Just honestly don't know why these were cut.

Minor nitpicks but agreed. Also add the key art for the bestiary replaced with 3D models you can barely control.
I have to vent on the little touches I've noticed gone in this version. Doesn't effect gamplay, but still sad to see they are no longer here.

No Sky Pirate Den. And no summon intro for espers. Why were those removed? Are they there in zodiac age on the ps2? Just honestly don't know why these were cut.

I assume the Sky Pirate Den was removed for Trophy Support


Totally forgot that FF12 Moogles are the best.
I prefer the fluffier look of FF9 and Crystal Chronicle's, but yeah they're great.

I have to vent on the little touches I've noticed gone in this version. Doesn't effect gamplay, but still sad to see they are no longer here.

No Sky Pirate Den. And no summon intro for espers. Why were those removed? Are they there in zodiac age on the ps2? Just honestly don't know why these were cut.
What was the Sky Pirates Den and what do you mean by summon intros? Do they not have the same animations??


Ok this is just silly... I feel so overpowered, even though I'm not over leveled. I just fought
Mateus, then back to Bur-Omnisice and fought Bergan
, and wiped the floor with both, with my level 29 group.

I'm roughly the same level as the enemies in the area, so I know I'm not super OP. In fact the most trouble I've had with any boss so far has been my own doing by blasting myself with spells off of their reflect and not noticing. I'm now concerned that this game will be too easy... Gil Snapper was the only legit challenge so far, and I took it on at level 22. I may have to wear fireflies for a bit. Ugh... or is it not my levels that are the problem, but the license board?

All the main story stuff is easy in this game. The challenge comes from optional areas, espers, marks etc. At your current position in story you can go fight Espers: Zalera, Adrammelech, Cuchulainn, Zeromus, Exodus and Chaos. Try the last ones if you want challenge. :p


If anyone is curious, local wifi remote play on Vita works well. I've been doing some trials for lp while on the couch watching TV lol


I have to vent on the little touches I've noticed gone in this version. Doesn't effect gamplay, but still sad to see they are no longer here.

No Sky Pirate Den. And no summon intro for espers. Why were those removed? Are they there in zodiac age on the ps2? Just honestly don't know why these were cut.

Summon animation was actually a Loading Time in disguise. It's not needed anymore, but I miss them too.


What was the Sky Pirates Den and what do you mean by summon intros? Do they not have the same animations??

Sky Pirate Den was a place to show off your achievements in cool 16-bit form. Like a trophy room.


And when summoning an esper there was a summoning circle with the esper coming into view. Now its just a white screen and bam the esper is out.


Has anyone got ribbon yet and can confirm it's in the location from the original release? The diamond armlet was somewhere completely different

Since IZJS a lot of things got moved around. You can get Ribbon in the Henne Mines (Special Charter Shaft) and at the Pharos.

If you have the Diamond Armlet equipped I think you can also get one from the Cerobi Steppe.


So, is there like any comprehensive guide on how to manage your license board quickening/esper shenengians? Quite frankly, the whole thing seems incredibly opaque. The completionist in me is dreading to put stuff down because I don't know if I'll lock myself out of something important/good.
I have to vent on the little touches I've noticed gone in this version. Doesn't effect gamplay, but still sad to see they are no longer here.

No Sky Pirate Den. And no summon intro for espers. Why were those removed? Are they there in zodiac age on the ps2? Just honestly don't know why these were cut.

The bestiary isn't as nice now either. The art looked really cool. Now it feels cheap.
It's hard to go back to bland-looking ff14 after playing this. I know it's not as crisp as ff14, but i love how much more vibrant the colors are and it just has more visual style


farm dive talons for 30 minute didn't get a burning bow.

1 hour later go to equipment menu and apparently i have a burning bow
You shouldn't be spending that much time on those. You can try only buying licenses when in towns so it doesn't stop the flow of exploring/dungeoning. And only set basic gambits that go for every situation. That's my playstyle.

Also the adventuring opens up quite a bit after Raithwall. After it don't go directly for the story direction but places like Nalbina (you can pass the guards there and gain access to huge several new areas), Barheim (new areas there + optional Esper), Zertinan Caverns (new areas + optional Esper) etc. You also get a big number of new hunts.

Pretty much what Rad- said. Right after Raithwall is one of the best segment of the game, as you gain access to a lot of different places and challenges. You can tackle on very hard bosses way before you realistically should, explore areas you aren't exactly ready to face but the game doesn't stop you (heck, it is quite rewarding to go to these places), and on top of that you can do all of this with a very nice ally by your side if you take the time to recruit him and stop moving along the story to keep him with you a little longer.
In fewer words: that part of the game is fun and provides some nice challenges. Enjoy it.

On a side note: keeping a save right after Raithwall is the best thing to do, as it allows you to enjoy said part of the game and try different second jobs. Itwould have been better to be able to change all jobs at this part for people who wish to do so, but hey, I'm not complaining.
If you are motivated, it is possible to just start the game from scratch, not select any job and complete Raithwall (despite having no bonuses and access to good equipment, it believe it to be definitely doable with decent levels and good use of items, although some bosses may become quite hard as a result; it is a good thing the Mythril Saber you get along with Basch can be equipped by anyone, since it is a unique weapon which doesn't need any license to be used). This way, once you kill Belias, you will be able to unlock every jobs and try all the combinations you want. You just need to keep a separate save file for your experiments.
I really should try that actually.

Thanks, all
Really love the Fran and Balthier scene before Eruyt Village.

Forgotten how well written a lot of the scenes are. Far ahead of other Final Fantasies for sure.
So is Vaan only good as a Shikari or can he be good at any of the classes, what do people suggest? I know people mentioned lore stuff but would he be op with any class?


The bestiary isn't as nice now either. The art looked really cool. Now it feels cheap.

I never thought of it as "art" per se in the original version, I think they were just slightly touched up stills of the 3D models. I like the rotatable animated proper 3D models.
Since IZJS a lot of things got moved around. You can get Ribbon in the Henne Mines (Special Charter Shaft) and at the Pharos.

If you have the Diamond Armlet equipped I think you can also get one from the Cerobi Steppe.

Oh the Cerobi Steppe one still works? I should probably look up the rates for it in the other locations and see if it has a better drop rate.
I love when Vaan asks Fran about her age and everybody immediately shits on the kid.

The dialogue and interactions are so good and real in this game.


Does anyone know how the Dragonsbane spawn after the optional Demon Wall fight works in this version? According to all the guides I'm finding there's like a 1/5 change the sword appears in the chest. Other alternatives are no chest at all, a Holy Mote or Gil.

I've been reloading the game about 10 times now and everytime I only got an Item called "Scathe Mote". Do you always get that now and get the sword some other way? Help D:
Does anyone know how the Dragonsbane spawn after the optional Demon Wall fight works in this version? According to all the guides I'm finding there's like a 1/5 change the sword appears in the chest. Other alternatives are no chest at all, a Holy Mote or Gil.

I've been reloading the game about 10 times now and everytime I only got an Item called "Scathe Mote". Do you always get that now and get the sword some other way? Help D:
It doesnt
About 15 hours in. It's been years since I've played this, but doing so just upsets me in that I'm still annoyed that Square hasn't tried to make another FF that is tonally similar. The writing and dub in this absolutely destroy previous games, at least since VII, which I'm appreciating even more 10 years later.

Despite the story's shortcomings in the latter half, it's hard not to appreciate what they were going for and it's such a breath of fresh air for the series. When I'm done, my opinion that this is easily one of the top 3 games in the franchise probably won't have changed.

As an aside, I'm rocking Monk for Penelo. I'm thinking of doubling up with Black Mage later on, but wondering what other people's set ups are?


needs 2 extra inches
At what point in the game will characters have access to their second jobs? I'm realizing quick that while I have the jobs picked out per character, I might not have made the smartest choice in order.
Just wondering something about the gambit system. Is there any way to get my white mage to cast protect on all allies but only if an enemy has a certain amount of hp? I'm getting tired of doing it manually but right now I can only see a way to set it to be done for every encounter which would be a massive waste of mp.

No, but set your white mage's first gambit to Ally: Any -> Protect and then you can turn off just that single gambit. When you encounter an high HP enemy turn it on. Might be easier then casting it on everyone yourself when you want to.


I just got the Exodus Esper... Boy that would have not been possible without Bubble. Had to wait until the paling went down so I could hit him again, since constantle removing Reflect was a big pain while needing a ton of healing.


Just got started with this a couple days ago. Down under the jail fighting lightning bugs now.

Quick question: is it always safe to sell "LOOT" items? They aren't used as crafting mats or anything eventually?


I have 4 quickings i can unlock, they are all the same except the lp it costs. So do i get the cheapest one?

And wtf is a quicking? 12s version of limit break?


so j picked shikari for vaan..do i fill the entire board? is there a certain direction i should put points into?

be caureful when buying Quickenings for Shikari, and some others i guess, but it's not bad like this job

it's a poorly designed board and if you be all the cheap ones you can lock yourself out of a very important late game weapon, the Yagyu. it's on the bottom right side.

i think the suggested method is pick the one blocking Ninja Blades 1, and either the one blocking Iga or Koga. i chose the one blocking Iga

I have 4 quickings i can unlock, they are all the same except the lp it costs. So do i get the cheapest one?

And wtf is a quicking? 12s version of limit break?

essentially. depending on your class, you may ned to be careful which ones you choose, as explained above


Does this look like an ok 3 person party? I wanted to get all the magics and breaks into one party while still having decent melee damage/tank capabilities. Not sure if there is a better way.

Monk/Foebreaker or Shikari/Foebreaker (Which would be better?)
Black Mage/Red Mage
White Mage/Time Mage


I originally played the game only for a bit like a decade ago (till I got to the palace) and only now playing it properly. Some of the design choices in this game just confuse me, I'll describe a few of them below:

1) Hunts: You speak to a dude in clan or check a notice board for hunt which gives you a location of the person who listed that hunt, this right here is a completely unnecessary step and complete padding because often the person who listed it will be in a different town altogether. So you go see this person, who will then give you the location of the hunt itself...which again can be quite far away and at times require you to go through areas you've already cleared before. Just makes it feel very padded. The huntsman themselves are fine.

2) The upgrade system: What in the world? So I have to first unlock a spell/ability/equipment and then buy it separately ? Firstly it makes no sense for abilities/spells//techniques as there's only one of each. Secondly, while it does make sense for armour and weapons so that you unlock an armour/weapon class and then buy the equipment for that class. The reality is that there isn't much if any variety in a particular class itself to make it meaningful. So in the end when you unlock a class such as "Light armour 2" you're in reality just unlocking the ability to equip that one armour in that class. Thirdly, for ranged weapons you have an additional layer i.e. the ammunition otherwise it won't work. So characters using ranged weapons have to go through an extra layer of hurdle to get their shit.

3) This is menu system the game. It takes all the micromanagement in battles out and outs it in gambit system. This is essentially the equivalent of playing Football Manager instead of FIFA. Now while the system is great it also has a big flaw, the battles themselves are just a whole load of nothing. Stuff just happens on screen and if you don't use 2x/4x speed multiplier then it's too damn slow and will put you to sleep and if you do use it then it's just so fast that you cant see anything. The end result in both cases, the battles themselves the thing that you spend so much time preparing for in gambit menu...is just plain uninteresting to look at. I imagine the gambit system would've been absolute ace in FFXIII's battle system because it's fast while also being beautiful to look at and very readable.

4) The world is great, and it's really fascinating to go around in. But the layout often is awkward as hell. Most of the time I have the big map pulled up. I excuse this one though because it was on the PS2 and they could've only had as big areas as did while having visuals expected off a Final Fantasy game.

5) The quickening, much like the name implies they go so quick over it that it's barely explained wtf is happening. There's a timer and I need to click on other character's quickening within this time but I can shuffle..but shuffle what? I'm sure I'll get it in a bit but I can't remember being said anything about it.

6) Now this is specific to Zodiac Age and the international edition I guess. The job board system is open ended, right from the start you can give any character any job this means you can often end up giving the wrong job to the wrong person. My Balthair is a white mage instead of a Machinist...smh. Because I didn't really understand what each job really did (I would've had to go through all of them individually to really know everything at the point when it first opened up).

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Just got started with this a couple days ago. Down under the jail fighting lightning bugs now.

Quick question: is it always safe to sell "LOOT" items? They aren't used as crafting mats or anything eventually?
Sell everything but teleport stones. There are some rarer items that people say to keep, I guess, but if you ever need them you can farm them I think.


needs 2 extra inches
Question about Gambits: if I set up a high priority Gambit to cast an ailment such as Poison on, say, "highest level." Will the character continue casting even if target is already poisoned?

I'm still early in the game and don't have access to all the advanced target Gambits.
Right after you beat Belias in the Tomb.
Thank you!


I can't equip the Karkata to my Ashe who's a knight, very confused.

EDIT: also, is selling loot the best thing to do? I beat the game eons ago lol and cannot remember if there's crafting of any sort or if there is a use for loot besides selling it.


Question about Gambits: if I set up a high priority Gambit to cast an ailment such as Poison on, say, "highest level." Will the character continue casting even if target is already poisoned?

No, the gambit system is much smarter than they let on. This blew my mind when I discovered it in the original FFXII: You can pair "Ally: any" with any status changer, protect, shell, dispel, eye drops, phoenix down, or whatever... and it will only activate when it's needed. All of the specific "Ally: status = blind" type gambits are totally unnecessary. Ally: any + Esuna... boom. Same goes for Foe gambits. EDIT: Though of course there may be some specific complex strategies I haven't thought of where they're super useful, I dunno. Like if you want to dispel shell from any foe you meet, but don't care about protect, brave, etc.


I can't equip the Karkata to my Ashe who's a knight, very confused.

EDIT: also, is selling loot the best thing to do? I beat the game eons ago lol and cannot remember if there's crafting of any sort or if there is a use for loot besides selling it.

Does it require a license and do you have that license unlocked


Oh the Cerobi Steppe one still works? I should probably look up the rates for it in the other locations and see if it has a better drop rate.
I do not believe you can get a ribbon at the Cerobi Steppe anymore. That's been changed to my knowledge.

I can't equip the Karkata to my Ashe who's a knight, very confused.

EDIT: also, is selling loot the best thing to do? I beat the game eons ago lol and cannot remember if there's crafting of any sort or if there is a use for loot besides selling it.
It requires a licence that's rather far from where you start. You'll need to keep grinding lp and get the licence to use it.


Neo Member
At what point in the game will characters have access to their second jobs? I'm realizing quick that while I have the jobs picked out per character, I might not have made the smartest choice in order.

After you defeat the first Esper, Belias. At the tomb of Raithwall
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