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Finally saw my first UFO(s)!

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it's pretty interesting that people who already believe in UFOs always seem to be the people that see them

my dad had been talking for years about how he thinks aliens are visiting us, and in the last year alone he's seen two!

Tell him not to worry. Trump will keep us safe from them.



The point is we aren't seeing hundreds of thousands of blurry pics of UFOs, never mind a clear picture.

Someone alluded to it earlier.
Go somwehre, anywhere and you have people's faces buried in their phones IF they are even outside.
People instead are glued inside on the internet playing video games or chatting or Facebooking or sitting Netflixing.
People used to spend alot more time outside, people used to have alot more curiousity.
Look at this thread, even someone THINKING MAYBE they could have seen something is getting pissed on by all of the know it alls and witty thread shitters.
Being curious or wanting to look outside the norm is shit on so quickly and completely these days where everyone is so full of themselves and so sure that they are the high end of the food chain and they know all the rules...until constantly the mighty science god itself keeps finding new exceptions.
But going back to your question, walking down the street people can not even be bothered to look at each other much less look up or stare into the sky and wonder.


OP, I'm super jealous. Don't let haters like fauxtrot get to you.
I wish I had a friend to play DDR with :'(

Drones seem like the most likely answer yet.
Probably just the fabric of reality tearing itself at the seams due to particle acceleration testing at CERN. Nothing really unusual to worry about we probably wont even feel it when the forces that created the universe break through and turn us all into tiny particles.


I've had many serious discussion about UFOs with folks over the years. You just can't do it here.
A person spends serious time writing out an OP and the very next post is some stupid drive by comment followed by folks with stupid pics or gifs and the whole thing falls though the drain.
Every single time. It's not worth discussing this subject on GAF.

What kind of serious discussion are you expecting to come from the OP?
You could replace the "green lights" with ghosts, fairies or Santa and it would be exactly the same.
Someone alluded to it earlier.
Go somwehre, anywhere and you have people's faces buried in their phones IF they are even outside.
People instead are glued inside on the internet playing video games or chatting or Facebooking or sitting Netflixing.
People used to spend alot more time outside, people used to have alot more curiousity.
Look at this thread, even someone THINKING MAYBE they could have seen something is getting pissed on by all of the know it alls and witty thread shitters.
Being curious or wanting to look outside the norm is shit on so quickly and completely these days where everyone is so full of themselves and so sure that they are the high end of the food chain and they know all the rules...until constantly the mighty science god itself keeps finding new exceptions.
But going back to your question, walking down the street people can not even be bothered to look at each other much less look up or stare into the sky and wonder.

Thing is, amateur backyard astrophotography has improved a thousandfold in the last 15 years with affordable computer tracking and compositing. You'd think thousands and thousands of those hardcore enthusiasts all over the world with hi-tech equipment would have discovered something as well, since they do discover supernova and other anomalies on a regular basis. This isn't just about smartphones.
Thing is, amateur backyard astrophotography has improved a thousandfold in the last 15 years with affordable computer tracking and compositing. You'd think thousands and thousands of those hardcore enthusiasts all over the world with hi-tech equipment would have discovered something as well, since they do discover supernova and other anomalies on a regular basis. This isn't just about smartphones.
The thing is the best ufo footage and pics come from the most adavanced equipment out there from NASA. The most reliable witnesses are also astronauts. Dont get me wrong, I think 99% of the shit is fake. But there is a small percentage of cases that are unexplained and very well documented with multiple eye witnesses backed up by air traffic control data and shit. The problem is that there is so much fake crap out there and editing equipment, its hard to tell what is genuinely worth investigating.
Oh, I've seen lots of Unidentified Flying Objects.
It means I can't identify for shit.
Yeah. There's not really much discussion to be had from this outside of discussing what it could be. But then saying stuff like this:

I'm convinced that no naturally occurring phenomena can explain what I saw.

Basically negates any discussion whatsoever and makes this thread deserve a bunch of jokes and shitposts to me. Like, how are you supposed to discuss this if the OP is already convinced you can't explain it? What's the point?
OP, I'm super jealous. Don't let haters like fauxtrot get to you.
I wish I had a friend to play DDR with :'(

Drones seem like the most likely answer yet.

I saw the same pattern of lights as OP (though in mine the lights filled the triangle shape), and this was way before drones were available. Is it similar in shape to the stealth bomber? Sure, but those have jet engines; mine was completely silent, with no running lights that blinked, and traversed the horizon in about five seconds. Was it some secret military test vehicle? Possibly. If it is, the military has been testing this thing for much longer than any of the Skunkworks projects I've heard about.
What do you think it is? And what exact scenarios are we talking here?

I was referring mostly to people who genuinely believe in E.T life coming down to earth and communicating/leaving evidence the way they do.

Personally, I tend to wave off the many, many hearsay accounts and anecdotal stories, because like ghost stories, they tend to be said with incredible inaccuracy and are often blinded by our senses, or preconceived with what we want to see.

I don't have a settled theory myself. I loved the ETH when I was younger, but it does not make a lot of sense for the reasons stated in here.

It is intelligent. Whether that means it is physical (i.e. flesh and blood, mechanical craft) or not I don't know. I like Vallee's work and the idea of cryptoterrestrials.


Thing is, amateur backyard astrophotography has improved a thousandfold in the last 15 years with affordable computer tracking and compositing. You'd think thousands and thousands of those hardcore enthusiasts all over the world with hi-tech equipment would have discovered something as well, since they do discover supernova and other anomalies on a regular basis. This isn't just about smartphones.

It has, and I love it (except where I am in Florida is terrible for light pollution).
The catch with it is that because of the way that you are setting with a telescope you do not move, at all.
You use a digital controller that you put coordinates into (some you can just put what you want to see) and then be very still.
Tracking rigs are great for great shots of known bodies.
There is nothing like it.
Sometimes you will get ISS or a Satellite crossing your shot but unless something goes across your line you will not get it and if you saw something with your eye and tried to follow it? A blurry mess.


It has, and I love it (except where I am in Florida is terrible for light pollution).
The catch with it is that because of the way that you are setting with a telescope you do not move, at all.
You use a digital controller that you put coordinates into (some you can just put what you want to see) and then be very still.
There is nothing like it.
Sometimes you will get ISS or a Satellite crossing your shot but unless something goes across your line you will not get it and if you saw something with your eye and tried to follow it? A blurry mess.

You would imagine like with Deer cams, we would see some zany shit from time to time.
It has, and I love it (except where I am in Florida is terrible for light pollution).
The catch with it is that because of the way that you are setting with a telescope you do not move, at all.
You use a digital controller that you put coordinates into (some you can just put what you want to see) and then be very still.
Tracking rigs are great for great shots of known bodies.
There is nothing like it.
Sometimes you will get ISS or a Satellite crossing your shot but unless something goes across your line you will not get it and if you saw something with your eye and tried to follow it? A blurry mess.

I'm just saying there are thousands of people who have their eyes fixed on the skies already and who are very hardcore into studying it night-in-night-out. This idea that we now have our heads buried like hopeless ostriches in iPhones is an exaggeration.


Gotta love some of the comments here saying there's no merit at all in UFO sightings. Sure there's a fuckton of the conspiracy theorist shit out there, terrible videos that are clearly fake and idiots promoting that fake stuff that make themselves look like idiots.

BUT there ARE tons of legitimate sighting by pilots, military personnel and perfectly sane and rational members of the public. Heck I had a very quick YouTube search for some stuff and found a seemingly sane news report about a UFO sighting that lasted for hours and even the reporter saw it and they filmed it, as best they could.


Thousands of people saw it, local police actually point out where the light is to a member of the public in the report. There's tons of these news reports but they're always treated as a funny little novelty and quickly forgotten about, despite the fact they really should demand closer inspection to find out what they are.

Also, yes millions have smartphone cameras... have you tried taking pictures of the night sky, or even the Moon on your smartphone. The best smartphone cameras are pretty terrible at this and would at best show you a pixelly blurry dot if there was anything there, and smartphone cameras only get worse from there. Also, try tracking a randomly moving light, at short notice, with some form of binoculars or a telescope which has an ability to record the images, it's nigh on impossible to follow.

The outright dismissal of sane rational people, and especially experienced people like life long commercial pilots, is not very fair.
You would imagine like with Deer cams, we would see some zany shit from time to time.
There is some pretty wierd stuff out there. Amateur astronomers report UFOs all the time. Its just that the only way you are going to see their findings is by visiting a page dedicated to UFOs since nobody takes it seriously. They arent going to print their shit in no reputable science or astronomy magazine because the whole subject is pretty taboo.


works for a research lab making 6 figures
Congrats on scaring your daughter to death.

yeah, this is all i read

Edit :

You know that movie trope, where the parent is investigating something mysterious/alien/ancient/etc... and never lets the son or daughter know what he/she is investigating, until some event happens that requires the parent's work to be revealed to their offspring? For the sake of your daughter, why don't you follow this trope and keep the alien stuff to yourself until the invasion.


Gotta love some of the comments here saying there's no merit at all in UFO sightings. Sure there's a fuckton of the conspiracy theorist shit out there, terrible videos that are clearly fake and idiots promoting that fake stuff that make themselves look like idiots.

BUT there ARE tons of legitimate sighting by pilots, military personnel and perfectly sane and rational members of the public. Heck I had a very quick YouTube search for some stuff and found a seemingly sane news report about a UFO sighting that lasted for hours and even the reporter saw it and they filmed it, as best they could.

I for one welcome our new white dot in the sky overlords.

it's a balloon
Like I said, impossible to have a serious discussion about this issue, especially when there are so many feeling involved.

Yet you never responded to me and said I was saying it was aliens.

Kind of hard to have a discussion when the first thing brought up is Occam's Handwave.
not a ufo but your deal to believe or not
If it was a flying object that he could not identify then yes, it was a UFO, which literally stands for Unidentified Flying Object.

It's funny how aliens always expose their existence to the people who are already convinced they're there. Can't they give the rest of us a glimpse?
Who said anything about aliens? UFOs can be military. Fuck a 747 to a baby that hasn't learned what a plane is is a UFO.

Jesus people cut the guy some slack he saw an unidentifiable aircraft and wanted to post about it to see if anyone else had similar stories he never said it was aliens.


Yet you never responded to me and said I was saying it was aliens.

Kind of hard to have a discussion when the first thing brought up is Occam's Handwave.

Occams Razor in an invitation to consider the obvious before considering the improbable.

Saying there might be poltergeist at a ranch to explain cattle mutilation is the exact same thing as blaming aliens or djinn. It's basically a god of the gaps style argument where you substitue ignorance with theories that come out of anomaly hunting and confirmation bias.

Looking for an artisanal catapult that launches cows 50 feet in the air would be a more rational pursuit.
Would it have to be?

Not necessarily, but it seems to have a set way it wants to interact with us. Very staged, which is one of the things that makes me interested in a cryptoterrestrial origin.

If a splinter or parallel civilization wanted to hide their presence, then why not mount a campaign to make us think aliens were cruising around? The whole idea of ETH (spaceships, aliens, abductions, etc.) could be a form of propaganda.


Like I said, impossible to have a serious discussion about this issue, especially when there are so many feeling involved.

Because there's no serious discussion to be had. The notion of a UFO actually being an extraterrestrial craft requires so many obscene leaps of illogic as to be not even worth considering. Statistically speaking, there is almost certainly intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, if not our own galaxy. Those same statistics tell us the odds of us ever finding each other are basically zero.


If it exhibited some extra-normal physical properties or defied physics, or something, maybe you could have gotten excited. These days people make things to look like ufo-floats out of balloons and drones and led lights, for kicks. So it was definitely unidentified, but you have to apply your observations before you make some conclusions like xyz.


Like I said, impossible to have a serious discussion about this issue, especially when there are so many feeling involved.

Lmao, "like I said, it's impossible to have a serious discussion when the people coming into your thread to comment on it (myself included) aren't taking it seriously to begin with"

You're not even trying dude.


What kind of serious discussion are you expecting to come from the OP?
You could replace the "green lights" with ghosts, fairies or Santa and it would be exactly the same.

I have seen Santa in person though. More than once.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Hey guys, I'm witnessing evidence of intelligent life visiting our planet. An experience that could change our whole species path through history going forward. The most monumental discovery since fire.

Instead of pulling out the high def camera phone every bloody person has sitting in their pocket and recording this, I figured I'd draw it in MS Paint and post it on NeoGAF.

Are you for real OP?

The Hermit

I wish people actually discussed about weird/inexplicable things happening to them instead of dismissing as bullshit.

Scientifically speaking the probability of Earth being the only planet with intelligent life in the universe is insanely low and thinking so is way too arrogant.

And if someone is actively looking for UFOs, than of course he has a higher chance of watching weird light pattern. Its like when I was on a boat and while looking for dolphins we ran into a whale. It was very fast and very surreal, but we were looking at the sea, so we caught a glimpse.

Sometimes GAF's excessive skepticism works against the nature of this forum.

that being said:

So whatever it was may have been a single cloaked object with dim lights or it was 7 small objects with some sort of propulsion by-product emanating from it. I have researched many, many UFO stories and I made sure to take note of anything odd. I noticed no electrical disturbances, no static in the air, and no metallic taste in my mouth. I have no burns or marks on my body either. The lights were totally silent. No noise whatsoever. The lights were gliding by so smoothly too.

Scientifically speaking the probability of Earth being the only planet with intelligent life in the universe is insanely low and thinking so is way too arrogant.

And for the very same reason the probability of aliens EVER visiting Earth during the lifetime of humanity is similarly insanely low...
Lmao, "like I said, it's impossible to have a serious discussion when the people coming into your thread to comment on it (myself included) aren't taking it seriously to begin with"

You're not even trying dude.

Lmao at bringing this thread back 10 days later to again make fun of the guy. At least you didn't bring his daughter into it like some others did.


Gotta love some of the comments here saying there's no merit at all in UFO sightings. Sure there's a fuckton of the conspiracy theorist shit out there, terrible videos that are clearly fake and idiots promoting that fake stuff that make themselves look like idiots.

BUT there ARE tons of legitimate sighting by pilots, military personnel and perfectly sane and rational members of the public. Heck I had a very quick YouTube search for some stuff and found a seemingly sane news report about a UFO sighting that lasted for hours and even the reporter saw it and they filmed it, as best they could.


Thousands of people saw it, local police actually point out where the light is to a member of the public in the report. There's tons of these news reports but they're always treated as a funny little novelty and quickly forgotten about, despite the fact they really should demand closer inspection to find out what they are.

Also, yes millions have smartphone cameras... have you tried taking pictures of the night sky, or even the Moon on your smartphone. The best smartphone cameras are pretty terrible at this and would at best show you a pixelly blurry dot if there was anything there, and smartphone cameras only get worse from there. Also, try tracking a randomly moving light, at short notice, with some form of binoculars or a telescope which has an ability to record the images, it's nigh on impossible to follow.

The outright dismissal of sane rational people, and especially experienced people like life long commercial pilots, is not very fair.

A lot of people claim to have seen Bigfoot, something even less possible than an alien species farting around in one of thousands of proclaimed iterations of dumb looking spaceships to poke us in the butt.

Just because you see something you can't explain doesn't mean you pick the explanation for it that most amuses you.


A lot of people claim to have seen Bigfoot, something even less possible than an alien species farting around in one of thousands of proclaimed iterations of dumb looking spaceships to poke us in the butt.

Just because you see something you can't explain doesn't mean you pick the explanation for it that most amuses you.

Don't you go shittalking Bigfoot now.
The outright dismissal of sane rational people, and especially experienced people like life long commercial pilots, is not very fair.

It's not sane or rational to say that sometimes, unexplained things are probably aliens.

I think most people in the thread are open to the idea that there may be some unexplained phenomena that have been observed.. But if there could be closer examination on the event or flying object, it could probably be explained very simply.. and why would we even consider aliens before something else? Even if it was some unknown flying technology, isn't it endlessly more likely that it came from this Earth instead of outside the solar system? It would make more sense to construct a theory that countries around the world have man made flying saucers hidden in the moon than it would be to jump all the way to extragalactical intelligent beings.
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