Was... was the special gift a Lucina mask in Miitomo?
That's the message I saw for the 10k+ retweets when I went into Miitomo.
Was... was the special gift a Lucina mask in Miitomo?
That's the message I saw for the 10k+ retweets when I went into Miitomo.
Damn, wasn't expecting this much challenge from the Narcian thing. Considering you can just kinda blow through everything normally. Guess I need to farm some levels or something.
edit: This may have been asked but I don't know for sure, are the daily characters farmable? And if so will Narcian? Other gacha I've played (DBZ and OP) have had the event guys farmable even though they're incredibly difficult.
...well that and not everyone here runs max lvl squads already. Stage will be too tough for alot of players who just started out, while the Dailys can be handled right away.???
I must have had it easy with my flying team against Narcian.
Yeah you really get ganged up on that Narcian stage - you better have high level units for 15 stam lol.
Yeah - the Special Arena stages offer farmable units.
Yeah - the Special Arena stages offer farmable units.
Awesome thanks, I've only ever done them with the first play through bonus and went back to playing story/training so I hadn't tried. Dunno his stats or abilities but may be worth farming if he's gonna be a pain in the ass to get like it seems.
And it turned out to be clear once get 3* guy.
Are you sure ? I tried farming one day (to get 10 copies of healer) and ended with only one.
Yeah, I have no way to deal with that mage. If I send up Fae, the red sword user at the top demolishes her. If I send up Takumi/Tiki, the mage kills them.My temp comp is going to get bodied in that choke point by that blue mage. Is there any reason why I shouldn't just run the lower level one and upgrade the guy if I want him? There's no orbs for completion, right?
Def. worth to try to get every farmable unit as f2p, they will come handy at some point - especially since it will get easier to evolve/level units over the time. Always good to have more choices.
Why would you expect something else ? The game came out a week ago. They wont drop a Holiday season type event when most people havent even cleared all normal story missions and are still leveling their main units.
Well for farmable as in you can get a copy of them as reward. In general everything that isnt coming from Gacha or costs stone = farmable for me.
Are you actually going to use those units? If so, merge. If not, feathers.Anyone know if it's wiser to merge 4 star duplicates or send them home for feathers?
Yo that Narcian map actually looks brutal. I don't want to be the one to step into that choke point.
I have Cordelia but there's the damn archer...
A couple of questions:
1) is the healing spell Physic broken? It says it heals all allies within 2 squares of the target but it simply doesn't. It's still worth using because it's a ranged heal but the in game description definitely seems wrong.
2) Why is my Arena defense always empty? I'm getting friend requests from people who have clearly fought me in the arena but defense is always blank
Are you actually going to use those units? If so, merge. If not, feathers.
Got him - but yeah just get the 2* version on the lower stamina mission if you dont have the right team. Not worth wasting stamina just to get the 3* when you can easily upgrade the 2* one.
get a single copy only isn't farmable. you can farm upgrade stones but you can't farm characters
That Narscian Hard map is straight up bullshit. My Hector can tank a single turn but then OOPS, blown up my a gangbang of mages, swords, and arrows. Whoever steps into the point to begin combat dies or, dies a moment later.
I mean, you can refarm them as they rotate back (Assuming Nintendo doesn't update the Rotation right away, and it loops a few times)
Yeah he's only 31. I'm not too proud to fold to a bullshit map design in order to get a 3 star version. I'll take the 2 and be content. If combat began immediately and you could hang back this would be so much simpler.
Ohh well that is really lame. The range is still worth it but that is just a massive tease.1. Mistranslation. It can heal an ally 2 squares away. Not all allies within 2 squares.
2. They won. Can still request after a victory. Only get Defense for the AI winning on behalf of your team.
yeah it's more about the term use. some people might laugh if you said something that isn't farmable "farmable" :>But thats how "farmable" works in this game so far. Unless they introduce mode or challenges where we can amass endless copies of units.
Okay maybe Reward units makes more sense, so yeah dont sell them off...because we dont know how or when we can get them again.
I mean, you can refarm them as they rotate back (Assuming Nintendo doesn't update the Rotation right away, and it loops a few times)
I mean, you can refarm them as they rotate back (Assuming Nintendo doesn't update the Rotation right away, and it loops a few times)
yeah it's more about the term use. some people might laugh if you said something that isn't farmable "farmable" :>
This challenge seems to be a "do you have a 4*/5* archer" check? Meh.
But thats how "farmable" works in this game so far. Unless they introduce mode or challenges where we can amass endless copies of units.
Okay maybe Reward units makes more sense, so yeah dont sell them off...because we dont know how or when we can get them again.