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First baby born without a gender in Canada

Being against this does not mean you are transphobic. I think most on GAF are fine when someone can recognize as a person that is able to think and communicate for themselves they want to be a certain way. We are dealing with a baby here where choices are being made for them. I also find this rather unnecessary and insane.
This does the complete fucking opposite of taking away their choice. The whole point is giving the child the choice to be whoever they feel they are with as few restrictions as possible.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I dunno. I'm not Canadian, but it seems like that sex is probably used when running tests and diagnosis whenever the child sees a doctor. It was presumptuous to compare it to parents trying to pray away illnesses, as they haven't actively endangered their child yet, and that I apologize for, but it seems similar in them trying to impose their views on their child.

Just like a person can be religious and still take normal medicine, having the child's biological sex (and yes, I'm aware of people who are intersex) listed doesn't prevent them from identifying as whatever gender they are.

But I'm not a transgender, so maybe having that match would be a big deal for them, and I don't realize that.

...If biological sex is necessary for running tests and diagnosis on that child, the physician has another way of knowing that information other than a letter on an ID card. Christ.


Do you think kids in junior high school compare their health cards or something? Is this a canadian thing? I've never shown someone my birth certificate.
Doesn't the reverse then apply aswell? What influence does the certificate have on the child's gender if barely anyone gets to see it anyway.


I got a question:

On what grounds do this person [the parent] is considered Transgender if they do not identify as either gender? is it under the concept of transitioning from "gendered" to agender?


I feeel sorry for the kid. Sometimes you just get a bad draw in terms of parents.

lol @ the lawyer.

I mean, the parent could be anti-vax, so it's not so bad for them.

Also, we're playing right into the parents hands here, calling the baby "them" and "the baby". So maybe it's working lol (at least, until the baby beings to express sex specific features)

The Lamp

All babies are born without a known gender. Most are born with a known sex. The state identifies sex at birth. Surely this is not the first time sex is labeled as "U" since hermaphrodites babies are sometimes born. I don't think this family even understands that.
I feeel sorry for the kid. Sometimes you just get a bad draw in terms of parents.

lol @ the lawyer.

Yeah as opposed to the kind of parents many LGBTQ kids around the world get who want them dead for who they are, are closed-minded and abusive and lead to the kids committing or attempting suicide?

But Clearly these are the worst kind of parents. Yeah totally.
Doesn't the reverse then apply aswell? What influence does the certificate have on the child's gender if barely anyone gets to see it anyway.

I have no idea because I'm not sure what the Canadian government uses this information for, but if the idea is to leave it open for any possibility, leaving it blank seems like...not that big of a deal. Again, the medically relevant information can be figured out *very easily by any trained medical professional.*
My main reason for saying poor kid, is because before they can even say their first word, they are being used as genie pigs to push what i think is an agenda by their parents. If i'm right or wrong is not for you to decide.

Every child is literally subject to the agenda of the parents when they're born. From food to entertainment to religion all the way to gender and how they're "meant" to portray it from the perspective of the parents. No child in history has had the first word in terms of their upbringing in general. What makes this any different or worse when the parent literally already said they're ready to accept whatever avenue their child chooses once they reach that point of comprehending what gender they'd like to present? Especially in comparison to some parents who would outright emotionally or physically retaliate against a child choosing to go against gender norms.
The only "agenda" I'm seeing here is that the kid should be free to be who they want and not have the parents push them one way or the other. That doesn't seem like an inherently bad message, and I really don't see how you can call them bad parents for wanting to go along with that.

Yes you are 100% right to think that, each to their own. But if someone does not agree with that calling them transphobic is a clear over reach and actually misses the point and it does more to distract from the actual social issues then anything.


I got a question:

On what grounds do this person [the parent] is considered Transgender if they do not identify as either gender? is it under the concept of transitioning from "gendered" to agender?

"identify with a gender different from the one you were born"

if you are not born "none" than identifying as none is different than what you are born


Every child is literally subject to the agenda of the parents when they're born. From food to entertainment to religion all the way to gender and how they're "meant" to portray it from the perspective of the parents. No child in history has had the first word in terms of their upbringing in general. What makes this any different or worse when the parent literally already said they're ready to accept whatever avenue their child chooses once they reach that point of comprehending what gender they'd like to present? Especially in comparison to some parents who would outright emotionally or physically retaliate against a child choosing to go against gender norms.
It simply goes against logic. Biological sex is identifiable, everyone agrees on that. The birth certificate states the biological sex. Why should government documentation now suddenly act like you can't identify the biological sex?

Astral Dog

And you know what is worst, a doctor choosing for you =O
Yeah of course i agree we should have better education at the very least (here is very ,um closed/catholic)

Y'all know gender is the "social" one and sex is the "biological" aspect, yes?
im not sure what you mean but i think she is afraid of young boys entering girls restrooms or something like that, it was an uncomfortable conversation because she is the most 'liberal' in the family.
Well I hope one day she will become more open minded. Fortunately they are teaching this stuff in schools more and more, starting at a young age. Those outraged in here will have to deal, as this will become the norm during their lifetime.
yeah i hope regardless of 'pick your genre' they still teach more about this stuff in school here because its important and because of course 'fuck the sexual minorities they don't exist' mentality is toxic and isn't working anyways, it would have helped me growing up :'(
...If biological sex is necessary for running tests and diagnosis on that child, the physician has another way of knowing that information other than a letter on an ID card. Christ.

It's not an ID card. From what I've read from Googling it isn't something a person would have to show to anyone, except for whenever they're getting medical treatment (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

That sex identification is no different than any other pertinent medical information or history that might be written for a person. Yes a medical professional has other ways of knowing that information, but I can still envision it possibly being important

You mean exactly what they're doing?

You realize that IS the point then

A lot of 'damage' is already done by that point. Why do you think "coming out" is such a big deal. If from a young age you're allowed to simply be what you want to be there will be a lot less drama and hurt.

Again, this can be made really weird and complicated if the parents are especially vindictive about it; but if the kid is left alone then it takes off any pressure to wear blue if you're a boy or wear a dress if you're a girl. I said it above, but even though I am a female, I ID as a female, I still got bullied a lot because I dressed like a tomboy when I was young.

I don't think these parents are trying to CHANGE THE ENTIRE GENDER-SPHERE AS WE KNOW IT, but make it "okay" if you don't conform PRECISELY to what is expected of being a boy when you're born a boy, or being a girl when you're born a girl.

irrelevant to the topic. Someone saying it's right out of 'Arrested Development' had me laughing. x)
Wonder what Bob Loblaw's Law Blog would say about it.

They're forcing the kid to be different is my point. Its pointless hassle. Kids at school will latch on to anything at school. That's gifting them ammo on a plate.
Yeah as opposed to the kind of parents many LGBTQ kids around the world get who want them dead for who they are, are closed-minded and abusive and lead to the kids committing or attempting suicide?

But Clearly these are the worst kind of parents. Yeah totally.

I said a bad draw, not the worst. Hope that helps.
UoT gives no fucks




"identify with a gender different from the one you were born"

if you are not born "none" than identifying as none is different than what you are born

I guess that sort of makes sense if we were talking about [biological] sex, but under the understanding that Gender is a social construct is it because at one point they did identify as being of a gender?


I don't know what causes gender dysphoria. Is it known?
Pretty sure this stupidity doesn't decrease the chances tho.

Cmon, do a bit of reading then

Gender dysphoria is a condition where a person experiences discomfort or distress because there's a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity. It's sometimes known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence or transgenderism.

Biological sex is assigned at birth, depending on the appearance of the genitals. Gender identity is the gender that a person "identifies" with or feels themselves to be.

While biological sex and gender identity are the same for most people, this isn't the case for everyone. For example, some people may have the anatomy of a man, but identify themselves as a woman, while others may not feel they're definitively either male or female.

This mismatch between sex and gender identity can lead to distressing and uncomfortable feelings that are called gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It's not a mental illness.

Some people with gender dysphoria have a strong and persistent desire to live according to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex. These people are sometimes called transsexual or trans people. Some trans people have treatment to make their physical appearance more consistent with their gender identity.




I guess that sort of makes sense if we were talking about [biological] sex, but under the understanding that Gender is a social construct is it because at one point they did identify as being of a gender?

In the sense that 3 is a number but outside of the binary 1 and 0

I don't know what causes gender dysphoria. Is it known?
Pretty sure this stupidity doesn't decrease the chances tho.

Dysphoria is based on the perception of your own body.

saying people of any gender can have lots of possible (including masculine and feminine) bodies actualy decrease dysphoria a little


These parents don't appear to be helping the sex/gender confusion with this choice. Unless that was a typo in the article.

Other than that, I say run! Be free, ambiguous baby!
I hate this way of looking at data and polls. Oh, 54% of younger people are okay with transgender people? Splendid. I guess the 46% that aren't will just keep to themselves since they are a slight minority in a poll.


I think, at least for consistency, the parent should not name the child either. Rather let it grow until it finds the name it wants.
They're forcing the kid to be different is my point. Its pointless hassle. Kids at school will latch on to anything at school. That's gifting them ammo on a plate.

You're assuming the kid won't have an identity and by the time school starts it will be walking around in grey cloths and will tell everyone how it doesn't have a gender and won't be labeled and bla bla bla.

When what's actually going to happen is the kid will find things it likes, cloths it likes, wear that and most likely this won't be an issue except for people on the internet thinking the kid is going to be a literal blank slate by the time it's going to school.
It simply goes against logic. Biological sex is identifiable, everyone agrees on that. The birth certificate states the biological sex. Why should government documentation now suddenly act like you can't identify the biological sex?

If it's against logic then let it be against logic. The kid will still be a citizen and be able to be medically treated despite being unidentified on their birth certificate and at some point, will be able to identify themselves however they wish on a multitude of documentation. What else actually matters at that point beyond the fact that bureaucrats who read their certificate it might be confused for 5 seconds?
This does the complete fucking opposite of taking away their choice. The whole point is giving the child the choice to be whoever they feel they are with as few restrictions as possible.
So, what if they have "less choice", like me or most of humanity that is raised in a certain cultural fashion?

People here act like it's everything or nothing or that children who are raised in a "classic fashion" are doomed to never find their true self, which is a generalization that I certainly can't agree on, especially because this whole topic affects a small amount of the population.

As I already said there is more important stuff to teach children than micro-managing products that represent or not represent their gender: honesty, self confidence, kindness, critical thinking, etc.
Was the kid born with no defining sexual organs?

Nice little experiment. I hope they keep track/catch up down the road so we can see how it turns out.
Every child is literally subject to the agenda of the parents when they're born. From food to entertainment to religion all the way to gender and how they're "meant" to portray it from the perspective of the parents. No child in history has had the first word in terms of their upbringing in general. What makes this any different or worse when the parent literally already said they're ready to accept whatever avenue their child chooses once they reach that point of comprehending what gender they'd like to present? Especially in comparison to some parents who would outright emotionally or physically retaliate against a child choosing to go against gender norms.

Yes, every child is subject to some agenda in the sense, i can agree with you there. So take me for example i'm raising a kid now, his 3 years old, and already likes Thomas the tank engine and Ben 10. To me his growing up to be a man, Infact im raising him the same way my parents raised me ( Parents are African). And i turned out perfectly fine, I'm a straight male man. However i did at one point in time have sex with a trans person to see if i liked it. It was not what i expected it to be and i stuck to women from then on. I made that choice when i got curious and i'm happy i did. That's how i would raise my child. As the gender/sex they are given at birth and let them make their own mind up when they get to that age.


I see nothing wrong with this, no one is harmed by a detail in a birth certificate. A piece of documentation that wont really be relevant to the child until adulthood where they can change the sex from the neutral position its in right now.

It just that now if the kids sex doesn't translate to their gender identity, they don't have to go through the process of changing it as they transition.

I don't see anything but a net positive out of this.
I see nothing wrong with this, no one is harmed by a detail in a birth certificate. A piece of documentation that wont really be relevant to the child until adulthood where they can change the sex from the neutral position its in right now.

It just that now if the kids sex doesn't translate to their gender identity, they don't have to go through the process of changing it as they transition.

I don't see anything but a net positive out of this.

Yeah this is how I see it.
gender: social/cultural
sex: biological

it's 2017 bro you should know this by now
I think you overestimate the average persons exposure to topics like this.

I see nothing wrong with this, no one is harmed by a detail in a birth certificate. A piece of documentation that wont really be relevant to the child until adulthood where they can change the sex from the neutral position its in right now.

It just that now if the kids sex doesn't translate to their gender identity, they don't have to go through the process of changing it as they transition.

I don't see anything but a net positive out of this.

The thing is tho thst this kid will absolutely by classified/gender by its peers/teachers/etc so if a transition were to be required they would still have to go through it.


It simply goes against logic. Biological sex is identifiable, everyone agrees on that. The birth certificate states the biological sex. Why should government documentation now suddenly act like you can't identify the biological sex?

It shouldn't. It should state the sex

Rather, terminology could change to be more sensitive to the fact that sex and gender are different. The terms are mostly interchangeable for most that don't really think about this. The move to not put it on the birth certificate is really to bring that to the forefront I think.


If it's against logic then let it be against logic. The kid will still be a citizen and be able to be medically treated despite being unidentified on their birth certificate and at some point, will be able to identify themselves however they wish on a multitude of documentation. What else actually matters at that point beyond the fact that bureaucrats who read their certificate it might be confused for 5 seconds?
This doesn't seem like much of a reason. It only adds to the misconception of sex = gender
gender: social/cultural
sex: biological

it's 2017 bro you should know this by now
This case sure isn't helping with that as it describes the sex as undetermined which is nonsense.
Yes, every child is subject to some agenda in the sense, i can agree with you there. So take me for example i'm raising a kid now, his 3 years old, and already likes Thomas the tank engine and Ben 10. To me his growing up to be a man, Infact im raising him the same way my parents raised me ( Parents are African). And i turned out perfectly fine, I'm a straight male man. However i did at one point in time have sex with a trans person to see if i liked it. It was not what i expected it to be and i stuck to women from then on. I made that choice when i got curious and i'm happy i did. That's how i would raise my child. As the gender/sex they are given at birth and let them make their own mind up when they get to that age.

OK? So you were raised as a man and so was I and we both turned out fine. These parents simply have decided to make a different decision. Their child will grow up liking whatever they'd like. They will one day reconcile with the idea of gender and decide for themselves where they fit on that spectrum and the parents will be fully behind them no matter their decision. What is the inherent problem with their approach to not assign a gender at birth and let them still make up their own mind when the time comes?
gender: social/cultural
sex: biological

it's 2017 bro you should know this by now

It's odd that the BBC writer seemed to screw this up, both using the explicit "sex" as stated on the health card, but using "gender" is the headline.

I see nothing wrong with this, no one is harmed by a detail in a birth certificate. A piece of documentation that wont really be relevant to the child until adulthood where they can change the sex from the neutral position its in right now.

It just that now if the kids sex doesn't translate to their gender identity, they don't have to go through the process of changing it as they transition.

I don't see anything but a net positive out of this.

I hadn't thought about this before


I did, i'm failing to see your point.
Defining "trans person" as some other rather than the gender she clearly identifies as ("woman") is transphobic behavior.

A trans woman is a woman, same as any other woman. At most you should clarify "trans woman" but calling her a "trans person" and then in the same breath referring to a cis woman as "woman" is pretty not OK.
You're assuming the kid won't have an identity and by the time school starts it will be walking around in grey cloths and will tell everyone how it doesn't have a gender and won't be labeled and bla bla bla.

When what's actually going to happen is the kid will find things it likes, cloths it likes, wear that and most likely this won't be an issue except for people on the internet thinking the kid is going to be a literal blank slate by the time it's going to school.

What I had in mind is the child being who they want to be anyway and not understanding until they're older why their parents decided to give them a different start than all the other kids.
It's not a huge difference. I get that. The kid isn't going to be wearing a tag around their neck saying "Look at me! I don't conform to your standards of gender" and I'm glad that kids are becoming more accepting of those who aren't cisgender, but it still seems unnecessary to me to take this step at birth.

People disagree with me, that's cool. Opinions and all that.
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