...The video released 4 hours ago
Anyway, isn't that kind of like criticizing Traffic for not going into its themes with the same depth as The Wire? Blade Runner is exploring its themes through the lens of cyberpunk sci-fi noir, but it's still a sci-fi cyberpunk noir. Solaris is a philosophical rumination of its themes, solely focused on exploring those questions.
Oh, for some reason I thought it was the analysis by nerdwriter, I am truly sorry, my mistake!
I get what you're saying, and probably I'm unable to judge this on its own merits. I saw Blade Runner as a part of a school project seven years ago, where we had to discuss philosophy in cinema. So, around that time I saw movies that stuck with me and resonated more deeply like Solaris and 2001 (and other non-sci-fi movies). I felt like this was trying to do the same, but failing, and since it was so beautiful I've never been able to overcome this sense of frustration while talking about it. I should probably give it a second shot, I know.