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First Fable Review??? (Maybe, maybe not. Decide for yourself)

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The review itself is actually very, very pathetic. It goes over everything we already know about the game with the reviewer (Christian Nutt) saying things like "The game is difficult." and "Both the magic and combat systems are held back by clunky controls that see the Xbox controller overflowing with functions."

Based on my time with the game at Gencon, the controls were FINE. Like I said, this review is going over everything we already know with a few bits of opinions scattered extremely lightly throughout.

Here's the preview image from the last page of the previous GMR (image from 1up.com's site):


Christian already said on here that he thought people would be disappointed. I believe this news, and I probably agree with his review. He seems to be pretty reasonable with this shit.


From GMR blog:

"I'm curious about what the reaction to Christian's Fable review is going to be like, especially from the throngs of message board fanboys who have been stirred ever-so-violently by IGN's ridiculous glowing 12-page preview, which was admittedly based on two hours of gameplay. I expect the typical ad homenim-based "discussion" that fuels such boards, even though we ended up giving it a very good score. It's a shame that this industry, or at least that aspect of it, will never truly mature."

Translated: Lets try for our own C-!! (j/k :p)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
God forbid he talk about how he felt the controls were clunky.
PhatSaqs said:
From GMR blog:

"I'm curious about what the reaction to Christian's Fable review is going to be like, especially from the throngs of message board fanboys who have been stirred ever-so-violently by IGN's ridiculous glowing 12-page preview, which was admittedly based on two hours of gameplay. I expect the typical ad homenim-based "discussion" that fuels such boards, even though we ended up giving it a very good score. It's a shame that this industry, or at least that aspect of it, will never truly mature."

Translated: Lets try for our own C-!! (j/k :p)

Hillary's response on the IGN boards:


HilIGN said:
What a bunch of crack heads.


Junior Member
Didn't GMR review Ninja Gayden months before everyone else?

I'd say this is:

... even tho the GMR score might be true..
PhatSaqs said:
Probably referring to the people responding as if they had rabies in the thread and not GMR :p

I'm not quite so sure. I mean the GMR folks actually called him out by calling his article "ridiculous glowing 12 page article"

Also, here are the other Xbox reviews, (supposedly)

Fable 8/10
NASCAR 2005 9/10
SRS 6/10
NHL2K5 8/10
NHL 2005 6/10
DOAU 9/10
GGX2R 8/10
Burnout 3 9/10
Sudeki 6/10
The Guy Game 3/10
Silent Hill 4 7/10
Galleon 6/10

Those are just games that are on Xbox, I didn't list the PS2 or GC only games.


sonycowboy said:
I'm not quite so sure. I mean the GMR folks actually called him out by calling his article "ridiculous glowing 12 page article"
Ah. I didnt see that. Weird that he'd (they'd) call him out like that but then give the game an 8 which isnt a horrible score by any means.

And I think its kinda obvious that SOMEONE wants this 8 to be big news....


sonycowboy said:
I'm not quite so sure. I mean the GMR folks actually called him out by calling his article "ridiculous glowing 12 page article"

Also, here are the other Xbox reviews, (supposedly)
Damnit, those other scores look about right (6 for Sudeki, 3 for Guy Game, 6 for Galleon, 9 for Burnout 3). I sure hope they're wrong on Fable.
PhatSaqs said:
Ah. I didnt see that. Weird that he'd (they'd) call him out like that but then give the game an 8 which isnt a horrible score by any means.

And I think its kinda obvious that SOMEONE wants this 8 to be big news....

Please. Judging by the frothing, it is big news. IT'S MY JOB! And FYI, I just rebought another Xbox today, so I can get this game. It took a while, but they finally got another game to bring me back after KOTOR.


PhatSaqs said:
And I think its kinda obvious that SOMEONE wants this 8 to be big news....

if you're talking about me, I'm just here to make sure that people have the correct info. if I wanted attention for our review scores, I would have busted it out earlier instead of waiting for it to break naturally.


Rhage said:
Damnit, those other scores look about right (6 for Sudeki, 3 for Guy Game, 6 for Galleon, 9 for Burnout 3). I sure hope they're wrong on Fable.

When did an 8/10 BECOME BAD? I'm happy my hopes for this game never got that high, because I'd hate to be as irrational as some of you people.


skip said:
if you're talking about me, I'm just here to make sure that people have the correct info. if I wanted attention for our review scores, I would have busted it out earlier instead of waiting for it to break naturally.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to sonycowboy.


skip said:
if you're talking about me, I'm just here to make sure that people have the correct info. if I wanted attention for our review scores, I would have busted it out earlier instead of waiting for it to break naturally.

sonycowboy said:
Please. Judging by the frothing, it is big news. IT'S MY JOB! And FYI, I just rebought another Xbox today, so I can get this game. It took a while, but they finally got another game to bring me back after KOTOR.

Will the real guilty party please stand up?

Oh wait... :p


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Soul4ger said:
When did an 8/10 BECOME BAD? I'm happy my hopes for this game never got that high, because I'd hate to be as irrational as some of you people.

Hehe, of course 8/10 isn't a bad score. But you have to consider the fan hype factor. This game has been in development for awhile and the expectations are VERY high. People always go bonkers when their favorite game to hype doesn't fair to well. Some people still have that "best rpg ever" image in their head, poor guys. :(

8/10 sounds good to me though. :D


Soul4ger said:
When did an 8/10 BECOME BAD? I'm happy my hopes for this game never got that high, because I'd hate to be as irrational as some of you people.

Clearly an 8/10 isn't bad at all. It's just that people have insanely high hopes for this game. I remember some people in 2002 who bought an Xbox just for this game, expecting it to be the be-all, end-all.


AniHawk said:
Clearly an 8/10 isn't bad at all. It's just that people have insanely high hopes for this game, I remember some people in 2002 who bought an Xbox just for this game, expecting it to be the be-all, end-all.
Very true. Ever since my friend got an xbox last year he's always been talking about Fable. Though his smile gets lower everytime he hears a soemthing he was excited about being taken away.

If you read anything about fable in the press from the last few years, you would think the game would be the greatest thing ever created or something.


Rhage said:
8/10 is basically just above average. Consider that pretty much every game made gets a 6.5+

I think GMR does things differently though. To them, 5 is an average game. 6 is above average, 7 is good. 8 is great. 9 is excellent, 10 being perfect, or damn close.

Same with Gamespot.


I dunno, maybe it's just me, but when you've got one of the Executive Producers going on about it's the best RPG ever, that kinda tailors my enthusiasm a bit... Especially when the guy is known for spending years on his games, and not making them all they're promised to be. But maybe I just think clearly.


Soul4ger said:
When did an 8/10 BECOME BAD? I'm happy my hopes for this game never got that high, because I'd hate to be as irrational as some of you people.

It's not bad, but for a high-profile MS published game that's had some five years of development time by experienced people who probably had all the resources they could ask for, it's not great, which is what it should be given all that.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Blame ol' Petey for the hype.

"The greatest RPG ever made"

If this really turns out to be another Black and White then I hope no one ever believes a word he says ever again (regarding the quality of his games, anyway).
Soul4ger said:
I dunno, maybe it's just me, but when you've got one of the Executive Producers going on about it's the best RPG ever, that kinda tailors my enthusiasm a bit... Especially when the guy is known for spending years on his games, and not making them all they're promised to be. But maybe I just think clearly.
Uh, ONE game didn't live up to expectations. Tell me, what game by Molyneaux, other than Black and White, did not live up to expectations?

Or maybe I just think too clearly. Don't patronize people, asshole.


AniHawk said:
I think GMR does things differently though. To them, 5 is an average game. 6 is above average, 7 is good. 8 is great. 9 is excellent, 10 being perfect, or damn close.

Same with Gamespot.

this is correct, except for the perfect part. 10 is "the highest score we can give," or something to that effect.


Justin Bailey said:
Blame ol' Petey for the hype.

"The greatest RPG ever made"

If this really turns out to be another Black and White then I hope no one ever believes a word he says ever again (regarding the quality of his games, anyway).

Thumbs up to this guy's post! I still want to play it, and a whole lot, regardless. If one person's opinion is really going to temper your feelings, when you've been looking forward to it for so long, then you're WEAK. Of body, mind, and spirit.
AniHawk said:
I think GMR does things differently though. To them, 5 is an average game. 6 is above average, 7 is good. 8 is great. 9 is excellent, 10 being perfect, or damn close.

Same with Gamespot.

Not quite. In general, they've been fairly easy graders. It differs from reviewer to reviewer, but they're nothing like Gamespot or EGM.

This game will average much higher though, once more reviews come in. Probably in the low 90's like many of the other high quality Xbox games.


enjoy bell woods said:
Uh, ONE game didn't live up to expectations. Tell me, what game by Molyneaux, other than Black and White, did not live up to expectations?

Or maybe I just think too clearly. Don't patronize people, asshole.
Populous 3 sucked. Or did he not head that up?
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