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First Second Sight(xb) review.

Kon Tiki

8 out of 10

Butterfly Effect : The Video Game*

A key ingredient in its success is its engaging concept, which comes layered with a satisfying narrative structure and credible characters. Factor in Free Radical's trademark attention to detail and instantly gratifying controls and it's a game you can't help but be drawn to. Although in pure in gameplay terms it doesn't reach match Psi-Ops' thrilling ambition, favouring old school stealth principles over riotous action, it almost makes up for it by being a far more stylish affair - although the occasional lack of signposting can be irritating on one or two notable occasions. The bottom line is both games fall short of being everything they could have been, and which one you choose will very much come down to personal taste. We admired both in very different ways. If story matters to you, go for Second Sight. If you can stand the cheese, opt for Psi-Ops. It's a tough call, but you don't have to be a psychic to make it.

*With a real male lead this time.


Chili Con Carnage!
MORE stealthy than psi-ops? jeeeees, forget it then, i just wanna go ape shit with psi powers.

Kon Tiki

Game Informer 8.5 out of 10
Playstation 2 Mag UK 8 out of 10
PSW Magazine UK 8 out of 10


Game Informer 8.5 out of 10
Eurogamer 8 out of 10
XboxGamer Mag UK 9 out of 10
Official Xbox Magazine UK 8.1 out of 10


Game Informer 8.5 out of 10
NGC Magazine UK 90 out of 100
Cube UK 8.6 out of 10

Ok I lied not the first. I forgot about this game, good to see it is better than Fable overall. PHEW!


The Inside Track
I really liked the game, too bad I just can't play the stealth parts (I suck at ALL 3d stealth games without any exceptions, even the stealth in TWW was hard for me...). I did not like the Timesplitters series but Second Sight had a very nice way to say 2 stories in one that made me want to play more. Gameplay was good too of course :)
I did a video of the first 10 minutes of the game (where I forgot how to open a door...) for those interested.


Ghost is does have stealthy parts but apprently your powers are so great that it makes them slightly redundant.


The Inside Track
Ghost said:
MORE stealthy than psi-ops? jeeeees, forget it then, i just wanna go ape shit with psi powers.
Then Second Sight is not for you. The psi powers are important, but it's not at all a total mayhem like Psi Ops. Both games are quite different in fact.


Society the OXBM does not score in percentages, it may have been 8.1/10. They argue that you can't covert the score to a percentage.


Chili Con Carnage!
well the thing that really pissed me off about psi-ops was the creeping around in order to drain people, basically meant you couldnt just bomb it around, and if i did i ended up thinking "fuck, i think i needed to drain those guys".


The Inside Track
No need to drain people in Second Sight. Like I said except for the powers bit these 2 games are really different beasts.


Been looking forward to this one since it was announced. The only thing I'm worried about is that since Codemasters is publishing, that it might not get the marketing it deserves.
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