Somehow reading an article about a movie in production and liking it translates into a deserved permanent injury or death to you. This arguement went from "I don't think it looks too great," to "Shoot everyone who likes the idea of it."
Yeah. Because it's not like I wrote "Serious sarcasm implied" after it or anything. So really, this argument went from a common euphemism used to portray disdain to said euphemism being taken seriously so as to paint me as some kind of maniacal serial killer. Hm.
And why do you keep trying to argue that critical acclaim is only possible after something else has been acclaimed? And why are you linking drawing power to critical acclaim? Your arguments are all over the place.
The only reason I linked the two is because you equated the success of films such as Troy, etc, at the box office worldwide with critical success. I merely stipulated the difference to make sure that we were on the same page, and that this probably will have boxoffice success. Our only disagreement is over whether it will have critical success.
Let's not really argue on the basis of how well our arguments are put together, as yours is chock full of logical fallacies, with proctor hoc bullshit all over it. We both do it, but being as you're not really on a higher ground than me in this instance, you really shouldn't go about critiquing the way I'm arguing. Kettle; Pot; black.
1. You said that "King Kong + the guy that did LOTR = huge box office and probable critical acclaim, whether deserved or not."
Ok, fine. If that's your opinion, that's just fine. My opinion is just the opposite-- King Kong + Peter Jackson doesn't necessarily = critical acclaim.
2. You also said: "All but two of her recent films have had fresh ratings at Rotten Tomatoes". This doesn't really mean anything, as the only movie she was singled out in was 21 Grams and The Ring... Mulholland Dr., too, if we're going to be picky. You're saying that because those movies are acclaimed, then she must be, too, and this isn't the case. Maybe she just chose good movies to do. Or maybe she really did make those movies good. The simple problem is, though, that there's no way to tell. Thus we're forced to go by movies she was popularly and publically lauded for, which are the two or three aforementioned films.