Spidey 2 is legit a great movie. I mean, the Raimi leads were terribly miscast. Dunst and Maguire just terrible choices. And the Green Gobby's costume was bad, but he, JJJ, and Doc Oc were all cast incredibly.
Seeing Spidey swing, and the impeccable casting of the antagonists for each still make me love it. I can't stress enough how great Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, and J. K. Simmons are in their respective roles. They made their movies.
Spidey 3 didn't have this. They tried to pack too many villains into it, giving neither a good focus. Not that there was much to work with there. Also too much focus on the weaker links of Dunst and Maguire.
Spidey 2 I love, I like Spidey 1 in spite of it's flaws, and I find nothing to like about Spidey 3. The Amazings were mishmashed piles of blah... I really liked the dynamic of Garfield and Stone though. They did the Petey and Gwen dynamic justice, until it ended. About the only thing done adequately.
So if this is as good as Spidey 2... that's like my bar for incredible Spidey movie. And it sounds like it actually stars a well cast Spidey! So double awesome!