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First Spider-Man: Homecoming reactions


First Class does suck though. And BvS was a top 10 superhero movie until Logan kicked it out

Sacrilege to shit on Spider-Man 2 and Logan tho imo. Aside from dark knight they are so far above and beyond other superhero flicks from a filmmaking standpoint. Regardless of personal preference and all that. Like i understand not liking those movies. But to outright call them bad? Nope

Insulting to throw xmen shit class in the mix with them

X2 and dofp are dope though. Despite some of the wack movies wolverine has been in he's had the strongest character development on screen for a superhero to this day

How can one think any of the X-Men joints outside of Origins, Last Stand, and Apocalypse are bad films?

How can one think any of the Spider-Man movies are bad movies?

How can one think any of the DCEU outside of SS are bad movies?

In the last few years, the only bad CBMs I can think of are SS, Apocalypse, Fantastic Four, and...that's about it

Dude the amazing Spider-Man movies were outright terrible. Especially the second. Don't let a few very brief fun Spider-Man moments fool you
Trivia: Tobey is a vegetarian so he's eating a tofu dog in that scene but I guess tofu dogs look different from hot dogs so he's holding it weirdly in that scene.

Nice that Homecoming is getting good impressions I guess.

Another fun fact.

Tobey rolled with Leonardo DiCaprio and David Blaine.


I bet Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland never did!
BvS isn't a bad movie.

It's a fucking garbage movie and one of the worst super-hero flicks. God bless Wonder Woman for not being another shitty DCEU flick.

Homecoming sounds good. Hopefully the rumored spoilers are true.
How can one think any of the X-Men joints outside of Origins, Last Stand, and Apocalypse are bad films?

How can one think any of the Spider-Man movies are bad movies?

How can one think any of the DCEU outside of SS are bad movies?

In the last few years, the only bad CBMs I can think of are SS, Apocalypse, Fantastic Four, and...that's about it

I can absolutely say that the Amazing Spider-Man movies and MOS/BvS are busted-ass, ass-busted movies.


Dude the amazing Spider-Man movies were outright terrible. Especially the second. Don't let a few very brief fun Spider-Man moments fool you

Nah, they aren't poorly filmed movies, neither of em. I'd give both 6/10s tbh

I can watch TASM and not want to switch it to something else just because of how much I enjoy Garfield and Stone

And like, I genuinely want people to think, is BvS or MoS REALLY one of the worst films you've ever seen? Or are you unable to not be hyperbolic to get your point across since you can't give any actual reason? Because that's most people on this site and I don't even like BvS
Nah, they aren't poorly filmed movies, neither of em. I'd give both 6/10s tbh

I can watch TASM and not want to switch it to something else just because of how much I enjoy Garfield and Stone

If the grading scale goes Good > Watchable > Boring > Bad then the ASM movies are watchable at best.


Thor: The Dark World was a cinematic watershed moment, segmenting all comic book films to everything before TDW and everything after.

Best superhero film bar none.

Yeah I forgot how much this place props up that Matthew Vaughn mediocrity just because of the impeccable casting of the leads (whose best xmen work isn't even in this movie) and the fact that they all have some yellow in their costumes

A million scusts to all who put this over x2 or dofp or Logan.

Best thing about these threads is the hot takes.

One of the better Petey moments.

Listen... it's not like every moment is bad. But there's a lot of very stilted and unnatural acting, particularly from Maguire and Dunst, that they become the weak links. But when you've got Simmons, Molina, and Dafoe, stealing scenes and setting the standard, it's easy to become the weakest link.

Like I love Rosemary Harris as Aunt May, she's another scene stealer, but the scene in which Goblin attacks her, and directly after are overacted on a Shatnerian scale.

Probably a writing and directing issue. The second definitely has the highest highs for Maguire and Dunst. But even still... a lot of it has to do with the cast around them. Weakest links. But with that cast... just about anyone young was going to be the most likely to screw up.

My initial point was... Spidey 2 was my bar for best Spidey, all the issues I have with the portrayals by Dunst and Maguire, legit terrific movie. But... with as little as we've seen with him... I like Holland SpideyPete, better than Maguire PeteySpider.

Calling Dunst and Maguire "terrible" was hyperbole. They were the weakest links, and the stars that were overshadowed at every turn.

I hope the comparisons with Spidey 2 and Hughes are true. With a Spidey I actually like, and think can hold his own, this could be a great movie.


Yeah I forgot how much this place props up that Matthew Vaughn mediocrity just because of the impeccable casting of the leads (whose best xmen work isn't even in this movie) and the fact that they all have some yellow in their costumes

A million scusts to all who put this over x2 or dofp or Logan.

Best thing about these threads is the hot takes.

You already know my thoughts, but I do have a question...is Michael Fassbender a good actor? Cause that man takes on some not good roles. Too damn many for every Shame or 12 Years, there's like 20 X-Men and Assassin's Creeds rn
It's too bad Disco had to include that positively insane comment about BvS, because he's on point about First Class.

Also, ASM1 seems gets a big pass from many for including great Spider-Man webswinging and the two leads having such great chemistry. I don't have much disagreement with the former, but I find Garfield and Emma Stone's chemistry completely undermined by a terribly writen relationship. It's just not believable at all.
You already know my thoughts, but I do have a question...is Michael Fassbender a good actor? Cause that man takes on some not good roles. Too damn many for every Shame or 12 Years, there's like 20 X-Men and Assassin's Creeds rn

His choices have been pretty shit lately but come on bruv...hes a fucking monster talent. Most actors today couldn't even dream of delivering performances as good as the ones he had in the 3 McQueen movies.

Also he's good in the otherwise bad alien flicks. Frank too. Even in xmen when he bothers to give a shit he puts in good work.

I hope snowman is good. He's working with a dope director there.
Yeah I forgot how much this place props up that Matthew Vaughn mediocrity just because of the impeccable casting of the leads (whose best xmen work isn't even in this movie) and the fact that they all have some yellow in their costumes

A million scusts to all who put this over x2 or dofp or Logan.

Best thing about these threads is the hot takes.

I'd say I liked First Class overall but yeah, I think some forget everything outside Charles, Erik, Kevin Bacon, and to an extent Moira. Those parts were good to great. Young cast and January Jones' Emma Frost? Not so much.


The BvS review thread will never be topped.

It is the gold standard that all other film threads must be measured to.
Such a fucking hell hole

If I ever see the words "You're just not smart enough to get it" ever again...
His choices have been pretty shit lately but come on bruv...hes a fucking monster talent. Most actors today couldn't even dream of delivering performances as good as the ones he had in the 3 McQueen movies.

Also he's good in the otherwise bad alien flicks. Frank too. Even in xmen when he bothers to give a shit he puts in good work.

I hope snowman is good. He's working with a dope director there.
He was really only good in First Class, I'd like to believe he was solid, but I ain't like him in Promethus either

Spidey 2 is legit a great movie. I mean, the Raimi leads were terribly miscast. Dunst and Maguire just terrible choices. And the Green Gobby's costume was bad, but he, JJJ, and Doc Oc were all cast incredibly.

Seeing Spidey swing, and the impeccable casting of the antagonists for each still make me love it. I can't stress enough how great Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, and J. K. Simmons are in their respective roles. They made their movies.

Spidey 3 didn't have this. They tried to pack too many villains into it, giving neither a good focus. Not that there was much to work with there. Also too much focus on the weaker links of Dunst and Maguire.

Spidey 2 I love, I like Spidey 1 in spite of it's flaws, and I find nothing to like about Spidey 3. The Amazings were mishmashed piles of blah... I really liked the dynamic of Garfield and Stone though. They did the Petey and Gwen dynamic justice, until it ended. About the only thing done adequately.

So if this is as good as Spidey 2... that's like my bar for incredible Spidey movie. And it sounds like it actually stars a well cast Spidey! So double awesome!

I enjoy people being unable to separate "Spider-Man 2 is a bad Spider-Man movie" from "Spider-Man 2 is a good movie". Both things can be true. Both things are.

I want Goblin to be put to rest for these first two movies, but you don't not bring Norman fucking Osborn into Spidey's world. You just don't.

Other than an actual good Osborn (and a more accurate Octavius), I really want Kraven and Mysterio.


If starring in bad movies somehow negated amazing acting performances, there wouldn't be very many good actors in the history of Hollywood.
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