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First Tiger Woods 2005 review


Games Radar: 8.8. A little thin on specifics.

Last year we complained that Tiger Woods 2004 was basically just 2003 on steroids. This year it's so big, most players with full-time jobs and social lives will never see more than half of it. You almost need a map to find your way through the menu options.

Using the analogue stick to swing the club adds an arcade-style feel that's enhanced by the inclusion of the mystical Tiger Vision putting aid and a range of over-the-top celebration animations - all of which can be turned off or toned down if you prefer a more serious game.

We're still not convinced by the putting, which tells you where to place a cursor rather than trusting the traditional 3D grid and your instincts. [...] But as a whole, this is the new benchmark in golf sims.

Please don't tell me the putting for this game is still as sketchy as it was in TW2003/2004.


I have two copies reserved for X-Box... my buddy and I love the game, now if the bastard will learn how to hook up DSL to the X-Box... lazy bastage won't run the cable from the 2nd. floor to the X-Box...


What is the deal with the putting I played the first one on the cube and it was horrible. It never really felt like you were playing golf. My wife played it for a few days before me and I could never beat her. She had higher stats so she just always got the better shot. What I did with the analog stick apparently had no input. I always wondered how you could consider it a game when controller input seemed to have little effect. It's like and RPG with auto battle. Has any of this been change?


I only have real experience with TW2003--2004 I got on the cheap and played for a couple of hours, until I realized it wasn't any different.

Anyway, yeah, analog swing in 2003 is a joke, and requires no real skill. Putting seems to be slightly better in 2004, but is still broken. Character profiles are still a fix for an essentially broken game mechanic. (Get a character profile up to 100% luck, and then watch as the ball lands on the green, six inches from the hole, and gets sucked in as if through magnetism.) I held out hope that in 2005 EA would fix the putting and at least add a slight randomizing element into the driving to make it more simlike, but it looks as if that may not be happening.


I know TW 2003 gets a lot of hate on these boards, but I really enjoyed it, despite it being extremely easy. My friends and I played through dozens of tournaments. Never tried 2004. I'll have to rent 2005, at the very least.


ive put about 30 hours (not counting a lot of restarting and not saving) in TW2004. realllly enjoyed it.
BojTrek said:
I have two copies reserved for X-Box... my buddy and I love the game, now if the bastard will learn how to hook up DSL to the X-Box... lazy bastage won't run the cable from the 2nd. floor to the X-Box...

Aren't you the lazy bastard for not just driving over to his house and playing it together?
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