cuevas. PhD.
Foxy Fox 39 said:Crap. I just started jogging. Ah well. I was doing 3 miles a run. I do have a workout bike. Maybe I'll use that instead?
Also, whats the best way to get Bruce lee ripped?
Lower your bf%
Foxy Fox 39 said:Crap. I just started jogging. Ah well. I was doing 3 miles a run. I do have a workout bike. Maybe I'll use that instead?
Also, whats the best way to get Bruce lee ripped?
Alienshogun said:God I love shoulder day. I always feel like a fucking monster when I leave, and I've not seen anyone press more than me there yet in over a year. Feels good man, ego boost engaged!
Alienshogun said:God I love shoulder day. I always feel like a fucking monster when I leave, and I've not seen anyone press more than me there yet in over a year. Feels good man, ego boost engaged!
X-Frame said:What do you do? Standing OHP?
I LOVED that exercise before I got hurt. One of my favorites. Takes every muscle in your body to stabilize and press without killing yourself. When I did 135 pounds I felt like such a badass.
Maybe one day again ..
cuevas said:Do you drive a huge SUV or a muscle car?
Alienshogun said:God I love shoulder day. I always feel like a fucking monster when I leave, and I've not seen anyone press more than me there yet in over a year. Feels good man, ego boost engaged!
MrToughPants said:I always watch youtube videos to keep myself in check and remind myself how much of a weak bitch I am.
Klokov 225kg
Has nothing to do with looks. It's mental. Be easy. I hardly look fat. But I don't look fit either lol.OG Kush said:Yeah please stop caring about what other people think of you at the gym. Everyones there to get healthy and fit. You need to stop with that bullshit thinking and just do it or shit aint ever going to change in your life.
His best tip was be on your heels and knees out. If your knees are wobbling as you are coming back up from a squat, you are doing it wrong and risk tearing something. Push those knees out.X-Frame said:Every single person here who squats or deadlifts or even does olympic lifts needs to watch this 30 minute video by Dan John.
He's funny, and everything he says is so simple.
Dan John Squat/Deadlift/Olympic Lift Video (Google Video)
Are you going to build a squat rack and invest in a set of olympic weights? Along with everything else? If not, you will completely miss out not going to the gym. It isn't about lecturing, its about not using a bowflex and calling it a day.MoonsaultSlayer said:Has nothing to do with looks. It's mental. Be easy. I hardly look fat. But I don't look fit either lol.
My schedule doesn't have room for it anyway. Unless I had more options and money in the "watch my kid even though I just got home after working all day and hardly have time for anything before getting sleep (lmao) just to wake up and repeat the process" department. What can I get at the gym I can't get at home anyway?
I said no gym so people can suggest home routines, not to lecture me on the benefits.
oh hell yeah, it's just such a big kick seeing girls checking you out / commenting. very solid progress bro.balddemon said:l. i also just feel a lot fucking bigger and the ladies are definitely noticingfucking amazing feeling.
How about just do a lot of pushups and pullups every day, maybe alternate. You could do them tabata style -- as many as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat 8 times; increase the time by 5 seconds every week or whatever. You'll be getting a great cardio workout and upper body hypertrophy in a few minutes a day. You're not going to gain mass, but you'll look better. People sometimes commented about my arms when I used to do tabata pushups cuz it gives you a pump. But don't expect to increase strength, mostly cardio and endurance.MoonsaultSlayer said:Has nothing to do with looks. It's mental. Be easy. I hardly look fat. But I don't look fit either lol.
My schedule doesn't have room for it anyway. Unless I had more options and money in the "watch my kid even though I just got home after working all day and hardly have time for anything before getting sleep (lmao) just to wake up and repeat the process" department. What can I get at the gym I can't get at home anyway?
I said no gym so people can suggest home routines, not to lecture me on the benefits.
Damn, I am a little jealous of your progress. Good work. Life must be nice as a hardgainer.balddemon said:can i show off my progress here?
i think it's pretty good for 5 months work with wisdom teeth removal thrown in that put me out for a week. also at least a week or 2 where i didn't go to the gym at all because of work/school issues. only gained 2 lbs btw170-172. i wonder what would happen if i ate more...
edit: as for PRs...i didn't really keep track, but i remember struggling to get 95x8 on bench, now i struggle to get 165x8 (lbs). curls went from me doing 20x10 now i can do 45x10 (one set max) and i workout with 30s atm. shoulder raises went from 10lbs to 20lbs. pullups went from 5 in one set to 15-20 in one set. pushups increased to the point where i get bored doing them lol. i also just feel a lot fucking bigger and the ladies are definitely noticingfucking amazing feeling. oh and my vert went from barely grabbing the rim to almost hammering a 2handed drose style dunk.
edit2: album has 37 is that lol
reilo said:His best tip was be on your heels and knees out. If your knees are wobbling as you are coming back up from a squat, you are doing it wrong and risk tearing something. Push those knees out.
Alternate them.MoonsaultSlayer said:Pull ups are done with fingers away from or towards my face? Or either one is okay for different muscle groups?
May I ask what else you do for shoulders? And do you have a separate day for back? I typically have a combined back and shoulder day where I go from deadlift directly to seated military press. Based on your reply, I may try to split them up, or at least start my workout with seated barbell press (not ready for standing). My deadlift is alright but my shoulders are fairly weak so I need to put more focus on them.Alienshogun said:God I love shoulder day. I always feel like a fucking monster when I leave, and I've not seen anyone press more than me there yet in over a year. Feels good man, ego boost engaged!
I'm in a similar situation in which I want to gain a few pounds but still want to fit into size-31 pants and keep fat off. I'm 5'10" 160lbs which is skinny, but my lifts are decent for my size (bp 225 for reps, deadlift 300, squat a bit weaker at 250 but I'm working on it). Fully dressed, however, I look like a guy who may or may not go to the gym.Ripclawe said:Anyone else stuck in the I want to lose weight but making awesome strides lifting weights?
I need to lose about 30 more pounds(already lost 70!) but I am losing fat, getting muscle definition and getting stronger a lot faster since I moved to a mostly compound routine and doing a body part a week.
How hard is it to do both or is it impossible?
Ready Up Already said:May I ask what else you do for shoulders? And do you have a separate day for back? I typically have a combined back and shoulder day where I go from deadlift directly to seated military press. Based on your reply, I may try to split them up, or at least start my workout with seated barbell press (not ready for standing). My deadlift is alright but my shoulders are fairly weak so I need to put more focus on them.
Ripclawe said:Anyone else stuck in the I want to lose weight but making awesome strides lifting weights?
I need to lose about 30 more pounds(already lost 70!) but I am losing fat, getting muscle definition and getting stronger a lot faster since I moved to a mostly compound routine and doing a body part a week.
How hard is it to do both or is it impossible?
balddemon said:can i show off my progress here?
i think it's pretty good for 5 months work with wisdom teeth removal thrown in that put me out for a week. also at least a week or 2 where i didn't go to the gym at all because of work/school issues. only gained 2 lbs btw170-172. i wonder what would happen if i ate more...
edit: as for PRs...i didn't really keep track, but i remember struggling to get 95x8 on bench, now i struggle to get 165x8 (lbs). curls went from me doing 20x10 now i can do 45x10 (one set max) and i workout with 30s atm. shoulder raises went from 10lbs to 20lbs. pullups went from 5 in one set to 15-20 in one set. pushups increased to the point where i get bored doing them lol. i also just feel a lot fucking bigger and the ladies are definitely noticingfucking amazing feeling. oh and my vert went from barely grabbing the rim to almost hammering a 2handed drose style dunk.
edit2: album has 37 is that lol
You never really want to stretch beforehand but a good warmup + stretching should get you ready. Before you start, do some high knees forward and backward, side steps, and buttkicks. After that warmup do a couple Samson Stretches and Downward Dogs. That's pretty much all the lower body stretching I do before my parkour training and it has served me well. Finally touched my toes for the first time in 10 years.Datwheezy said:Started replacing standard running with HIIT. Only problem I have is that I constantly feel like I am going to pull something form the constantly going from zero to top speed over and over again. Any good stretches people can recommend beforehand?
Don't go from 0 to Max in a second. Work up to your max speed over a couple seconds to make it easier on your body.Datwheezy said:Started replacing standard running with HIIT. Only problem I have is that I constantly feel like I am going to pull something from constantly going from zero to top speed over and over again. Any good stretches people can recommend beforehand?
X-Frame said:Don't go from 0 to Max in a second. Work up to your max speed over a couple seconds to make it easier on your body.
If you can sprint up a hill that would be ideal for your joints.
Thanks. Great recommendations.parrotbeak said:How about just do a lot of pushups and pullups every day, maybe alternate. You could do them tabata style -- as many as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat 8 times; increase the time by 5 seconds every week or whatever. You'll be getting a great cardio workout and upper body hypertrophy in a few minutes a day. You're not going to gain mass, but you'll look better. People sometimes commented about my arms when I used to do tabata pushups cuz it gives you a pump. But don't expect to increase strength, mostly cardio and endurance.
I'd throw in body squats or lunges, turkish getups, burpees, stuff for your legs and core also.
If tabatas aren't for you, just do as many reps as you can and increase them a little every day. I think that's a realistic plan that anyone no matter how busy can follow though on. It would be 20-30 minutes a day. You might find that you slowly want to spend more time as you advance.
When were you in Tacoma, Shogun? I live in the Seattle area and my wife and I spent all yesterday walking around Seattle. Approximately 12 miles, gotta love them hills! Nothing strenuous, just enjoying the overcast skies.Alienshogun said:Yep. I miss running in Tacoma Washington, that city has tons of hills, but the gangs are a minus, although I never really got messed with.
MjFrancis said:When were you in Tacoma, Shogun? I live in the Seattle area and my wife and I spent all yesterday walking around Seattle. Approximately 12 miles, gotta love them hills! Nothing strenuous, just enjoying the overcast skies.
MjFrancis said:That's right, you've mentioned that before, I just forgot.
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Well, not Tacoma, specifically, but it's nice to visit. It's a blue-collar version of Seattle with half the pretentiousness and half the expense. Plenty of great places to hike around here both urban and rural. The weather is nice and mild, year round (nine months of autumn I swear).
MjFrancis said:When were you in Tacoma, Shogun? I live in the Seattle area and my wife and I spent all yesterday walking around Seattle. Approximately 12 miles, gotta love them hills! Nothing strenuous, just enjoying the overcast skies.
IceCold said:Great progress man. What's your workout like?
MrOogieBoogie said:Had my "Fuck yeah!" moment of the day.
Did my first unassisted handstand push-up. I've been doing sitting handstands every day the past three weeks, perfecting my form, and today I finally managed to incorporate a single perfect push-up. Keep in mind, this isn't against a wall or anything like that. All balance and core strength.
Feels good, man.
Cudder said:My girlfriend started going to the gym with me last week. I've been showing her the ropes with all of the machines and free weights, showing her proper form and all that. She's a thick girl, but for her to get toned, high reps/low weight will do it, right?
Goddamn, I'm having trouble with L-sits and Handstands seperately, nevermind combining the two. Fucking gdlk.MrOogieBoogie said:Had my "Fuck yeah!" moment of the day.
Did my first unassisted handstand push-up. I've been doing sitting handstands every day the past three weeks, perfecting my form, and today I finally managed to incorporate a single perfect push-up. Keep in mind, this isn't against a wall or anything like that. All balance and core strength.
Feels good, man.
Atramental said:Age: 21
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 194 lbs
Goal: I want to increase the size of my muscles. Initially I was going to say, "I want to lose weight." but when I looked at these photos I took last night I'm not entirely sure that's the route I want to go.
I have a slight gut but nothing too serious.
Current Training Schedule: None. I could probably workout 1½ hr every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Current Training Equipment Available: The gym that I have a membership to has the following:
Treadmills, Stairclimbers, Lifecycles, Elliptical cross-trainers
Dumbbells / Barbells, Benches, Multi-jungles, 8-station Crossover Cable, Smith Assisted Squat Machines, Power Racks, Hammer Strength plate-loaded equipment
I'm a complete noob when it comes to this stuff. Reading through the OP made my head spin a bit. haha.
But here's some simple points I can give about myself:
-I've already taken soda and alcoholic beverages out of my diet and I drink nothing but water, milk, and fruit juice.
-My food intake is random. I could be eating healthy one day and junk food the next.
-My sleep schedule is all over the place. As a graphic design student I could be up to 4 am trying to glue a project down on a display board... and on a normal night I fall asleep around 1 am. On Tuesday and Thursday I have to be up by 6 am for class and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I don't have class until 1 pm.
I guess the two main things I need to get from you guys is A) a workout routine and B) a diet.
So... hit me.