I would worry less about your chest and more about your bench. A weak bench can mean weak pec, triceps, shoulders, upper back, etc. Do you do chin ups/ pull ups and the overhead press?
Yeah. So what's a "general" bench form? The one Rippetoe advocates? But it is true that I felt very unsure about my bench form in the past. It would be good to have that out of the equation as far as my issues go. I will see if I can record myself sometime. When I bench I feel way more stress in my arms compared to my pecs than I should - or so I think.
I am about 5'9'', 160 lbs lifting seriously for maybe about 8 months now. My workout schedule is:
chest/tri day (with bench as main lift and some incline/flys/tri assistance work),
back/biceps day (deadlift as main lift; curls / pullups / bent-over barbell raises as assistance),
shoulder/legs day (squat and OHP as main lifts, some light leg/shoulder assistance).
I do them with one rest day inbetween each, inserting a 2 day rest after a couple times. I know this is not your classical SS routine and I have been considering switching to SS, but I feel that it de-emphasizes back exercises a bit, which are important to me personally as I have been suffering from a shitty back all my life. I also feel I simply couldn't afford to eat as much as SS requires to make good progress. I eat 3000-3500 calories on lifting days, but more than that would be really, really difficult for me.
My overhead press is actually my strongest lift, comparatively. It is 3x5x100 right now.
Oh and I do chinups before every workout, usually 3 sets in the area of 5-8 - which isn't much, and actually another thing that has been stagnating. On back/biceps days I do military and wide grip pull ups instead of chin-ups (with lower numbers, unsurprisingly).
My deadlift and squat have been coming along nicely (considering I neglected them for a longer time), just my bench won't go anywhere.
Any advice welcome of course.