The only thing I use to squat is a smith machine since I started back in January. I have a membership at Planet Fitness and that's all they have there.
"Get out."
The only thing I use to squat is a smith machine since I started back in January. I have a membership at Planet Fitness and that's all they have there.
Does anyone have any more fitocracy invites?
This thread might.
I just started my new job behind the counter at a gym. Which means: free membership and shakes. Awesome!
This thread might.
I just started my new job behind the counter at a gym. Which means: free membership and shakes. Awesome!
I noticed the other day that the YMCA has a list of rules on the wall that includes something along the lines of PF's "no grunting" rule. But no one enforces any of the posted rules. People bring bags into the weight room, eat, drink protein shakes, talk on the phone, move equipment around--all against the posted rules. But generally people are considerate of others, and I haven't seen any problems from rule breaking.
What time do you need to wake up? I thought about getting one of those but after having really poor sleep hygiene for most of my life, my sleep has become really regular, to the point where it kinda sucks. I get tired by 9 pm and wake up at 5:30 am like clockwork, with no alarm. Even on weekends I'll wake up by 6 or so. I'm not sure if something like this would help me, since I wake up quickly and won't go back to sleep.Anybody have one of these?
Dawn Simulator (Philips Wake-Up Light) - Amazon
Prior to waking up the light begins to slowly get brighter until your desired wake-up time and then the room is lit up so it supposed to artificially simulate the morning sun.
As of now I wake up everyday at 6 AM in pitch blackness and it's terrible. The only issue is it's price. $90 for this seems steep.
19 one arm pull ups. (10 right arm, 9 left arm)
Saw this video and I was immensely impressed. Awe-inspiring.
Anybody have one of these?
Dawn Simulator (Philips Wake-Up Light) - Amazon
Prior to waking up the light begins to slowly get brighter until your desired wake-up time and then the room is lit up so it supposed to artificially simulate the morning sun.
As of now I wake up everyday at 6 AM in pitch blackness and it's terrible. The only issue is it's price. $90 for this seems steep.
The dawn simulator slowly brightens, simulating the natural progression from darkness to light. Supposedly this is a more natural way to waken, although I somehow doubt our ancestors were waking up only when the sun came out. I think it also has music options.
Baby steps. If your max reps is four shoot for five. Once at five, shoot for six, and so forth.I thought this thread was to help motivate us, I cannot even do 4 with 2 arms not gonna watch that beast of a show of how weak I truly am![]()
So I've been trying to get really fit this past week. I've always been in pretty good shape, almost to where I want to be but never there. If I breathe in I have the flat tight sexy chest I want, but when I let my breath go my stomach sticks out a bit with a few pounds of fat. I figure this is because I don't eat super healthy (I don't eat bad, just sort of in the middle).
So for the past week I've cut my calorie intake in half from 2000 -> 1000 and been working out for an hour daily. I still eat bread/meat/fruits/veggies, but I pretty much cut out everything besides lunch (500 calories or less meal) and dinner (500 calories or less meal) and only drink water with some coffee or a diet coke here and there.
At first it was great, I lost a couple of pounds, didn't have to breathe in much to get flat, and felt good.
But after about 3-4 days I started getting really tired, depressed, and hungry. When I get home from work I just want to work out and then sleep. At work I'm less productive and I'm avoiding social events because I don't feel in the mood. That's where I am now. I basically feel miserable.
So I'm assuming this was not the best way to lose those 5 final pounds I needed and gain an athletic build. I used to weigh 125 pounds and after a week I'm around 121. But instead of being more athletic looking, my eyes look sunken in and I look kind of malnourished.
Need some advice!
Yeah I figure I should eat more, but what's the best way to do it without putting on fat and putting on the weight in muscle instead? What kind of food should I eat to go along with my workouts?
You have absolutely no desire to put on any muscle mass at all? Shit, don't even work out if you're just eating 1,000 calories a day. You'll get that... great... look.... quickly with that little food.
How are you even walking straight? That is crazy skinny. You need to bulk up.
That's even skinnier than me at my lowest anf I thought I was underweight, but your height:weight ratio is not good.
Bebpo - why are you surprised that dropping 4 lbs via starvation would make you look bad? If you want to look athletic and healthy at 121 lbs, you have to eat and lift weights to main a good physique. I'm actually 5'4" myself and I use to be even skinnier than that (was a cross country runner) and there was no way I could ever see myself as athletic at that weight. Heck, I'm about 145 now and I don't even look that big.
edit: if you don't want that last bit of fat on your stomach - you need to eat very cleanly to lower your overall body fat. I'm talking chicken/broccoli/brown rice dinners.
Nothing but chicken breast and steamed vegetables.5'4"
Yeah I figure I should eat more, but what's the best way to do it without putting on fat and putting on the weight in muscle instead? What kind of food should I eat to go along with my workouts?
I do! I want muscle! That's why I work out. I run and do lots of push ups, sit ups, squats.
I don't want fat on my stomach, that's all. Always wanted a completely flat stomach, but always been 2-4 weeks away from it.
Yeah I figure I should eat more, but what's the best way to do it without putting on fat and putting on the weight in muscle instead? What kind of food should I eat to go along with my workouts?
Wow, how did you get to 145? Lifting weights?
I've always been pretty clueless about how weight management works. I figure "hey, if I run and do some muscle workout regularly and don't eat pizza I'll get a great build!" but it never happens![]()
Wow, how did you get to 145? Lifting weights?
I've always been pretty clueless about how weight management works. I figure "hey, if I run and do some muscle workout regularly and don't eat pizza I'll get a great build!" but it never happens![]()
There is no secret about gaining muscle naturally guys. Eat 3500-4000 calories a day, 250-300 gs of protein, and lift heavy in the 6-10 rep range consistently and you will gain muscle and get stronger. If you see nothing after 6 weeks than up your calories to 4500. It's a very simple thing to do but difficult to achieve.
At what point would you say it's time to stop the mass building and start losing whatever fat you've gained for the more toned look? I'm around 130 right now and want to get to 160-170. I've heard it's really hard or near impossible to gain mass + lose the fat at the same time (even though I've read about christian bale doing mass building workouts during the week and extensive cardio on the weekend to get rid of fat gained but I don't know if this is real).
Anyway I'll basically be eating like crazy, pumping high weight low rep etc. but how long do I do this mass building until I stop and go for the fat losing/toning? Is it possible to do both at the same time? (mass building during the week, fat loss/extreme cardio on weekends) or should it be something like 3-6 months mass building then stop and lose the fat at that point? I don't want to stop too soon and then tone down and find out my final weight ends up being something like 150. Then it'll feel like I have to do that process all over again.
What would you guys say is the best work out for someone to gain lean weight provided that they have a good diet. I'm talking for someone who is a beginner (trained for 0-6 months). Would a split work out of 4 days a week be good or something like SS be better? I want to emphasize lean muscle/built here because I've notice that when doing workout like SS a lot of people tend do gain a fair about of fat. Like it's the type of workout made for dude's that want a body like a football player or those chubbier power lifters. I might be wrong though.
How tall are you Cooter? You look huge for 185lb.
19 one arm pull ups. (10 right arm, 9 left arm)
Saw this video and I was immensely impressed. Awe-inspiring.
That's because they eat like football players, if you don't want that look then do the program and eat well. Like it says in the OP, you're not just going to sprout muscles or gain a beer belly in a week either.
Yeah I guess you're right. Rippetoe does promote GOMAD after all. But what's better? Rippetor, MadCow. Strong lift 5x5? They all seem very similar to me. One thing that I don't understand about these work outs though is that you're supposed to add 5lbs per workout. How can you maintain that? You'd have to increase your squats by 15lbs a week. Sounds like a lot to me.
Does your ass also stick out and do you sit around a lot because of an office job? You might have lordosis, which would mean that no matter how much you starve yourself you wouldnt get a flat stomach, because your posture is fucked up.So I've been trying to get really fit this past week. I've always been in pretty good shape, almost to where I want to be but never there. If I breathe in I have the flat tight sexy chest I want, but when I let my breath go my stomach sticks out a bit with a few pounds of fat. I figure this is because I don't eat super healthy (I don't eat bad, just sort of in the middle).
So for the past week I've cut my calorie intake in half from 2000 -> 1000 and been working out for an hour daily. I still eat bread/meat/fruits/veggies, but I pretty much cut out everything besides lunch (500 calories or less meal) and dinner (500 calories or less meal) and only drink water with some coffee or a diet coke here and there.
At first it was great, I lost a couple of pounds, didn't have to breathe in much to get flat, and felt good.
But after about 3-4 days I started getting really tired, depressed, and hungry. When I get home from work I just want to work out and then sleep. At work I'm less productive and I'm avoiding social events because I don't feel in the mood. That's where I am now. I basically feel miserable.
So I'm assuming this was not the best way to lose those 5 final pounds I needed and gain an athletic build. I used to weigh 125 pounds and after a week I'm around 121. But instead of being more athletic looking, my eyes look sunken in and I look kind of malnourished.
Need some advice!
I haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks. I fear for tomorrow. Should I expect a loss in my lifts?
Always happy to shed light on a possible achievement for anyone here. I'm a ways off, but I've got my eye on such a feat.I have a new goal! Gonna try this next week. Hope I don't embarrass myself.
They're waiting to see it drop on your head.Always happy to shed light on a possible achievement for anyone here. I'm a ways off, but I've got my eye on such a feat.
Attempting things like this, one-rep maxes and such - they can be a little embarrassing sometimes when you come up short. When I pressed 135lbs for a one-rep max, I'm facing the mirror in the squat rack and I can see everyone turning towards me, and my second rep had to be cut off about halfway up. I can't help but think they supposed they were going to watch a skinny guy beast mode a few reps of 135lbs but nope, just one. That's all folks, nothing to see here, lol.
Question for the group:
I just got a pair of dip bars that latch onto my power rack. I've been supplementing SL 5X5 with chin ups and will now add dips to the mix.
What kind of set and rep plan should I follow with these exercises? I've seen people say to shoot for 3X15 BW for chin ups. Is this too many? Should I just follow a 5X5 format for these as well or maybe 3X8?
Currently, I can do around 3X10 chin ups and 3X8 for dips at BW. Should I just start adding weight (I'm going to ask my GF for a dipping belt for Christmas) as soon as I can?