This is unrelated, but I hate when people say lean muscle. There's no such thing as fat muscle, you're going to blow up overnight unless you got an IV of HGH going at all times, and you don't have to worry about getting too muscular, which is not the same as getting too fat on an overzealous bulk.
I am just talking about body shape, lean yet still muscular
The idea body image of Gaf.
Got a massive blood blister on my hand after my heavy as shit deadlifts today. Do I pop it?
This.Gaining tons of muscle is very, very hard. Lifting for 2 years has shown me that. It's funny how people feel lifting heavy for a year or so will turn them into a bulky weighlifter, especially a beginner.
Sadly, this fallacy has affected many women and the women's magazines promote the fallacy. Can't count the times I've seem women at my gym doing endless 2.5lb db curls with no end in sight.
Gaining tons of muscle is very, very hard. Lifting for 2 years has shown me that. It's funny how people feel lifting heavy for a year or so will turn them into a bulky weighlifter, especially a beginner.
Sadly, this fallacy has affected many women and the women's magazines promote the fallacy. Can't count the times I've seem women at my gym doing endless 2.5lb db curls with no end in sight.
I've never understood side bends at all at least at feather weights.
The worst is seeing women use the stupid 'crotch' machines where you squeeze something between your legs.
I'm totally going to marry the first woman i meet who does barbell squats.
Gaining tons of muscle is very, very hard. Lifting for 2 years has shown me that. It's funny how people feel lifting heavy for a year or so will turn them into a bulky weighlifter, especially a beginner.
Sadly, this fallacy has affected many women and the women's magazines promote the fallacy. Can't count the times I've seem women at my gym doing endless 2.5lb db curls with no end in sight.
I've tried it with 95 lbs and while they're not necessarily easy to do, I wasn't feeling or seeing any physical response with them whatsoever. Figured there are better ways to work abs and moved on.
When I was in high school I was 6'2" 135lbs (skinny as shit) and I took weight training class and was able to bench 205lbs in the end (not bro bragging since its not much to some people but for 135lbs HS me it was) and I was still skinny and not manly shaped
Look I didnt say I am opposed to lifting heavyer weights but it just seems like everyone wants to get super strong (which is fine) but for me it seems unessisary. I just want to look as good as I would feel is all. I just dont know if its certain exersices that make people "look" good or is it the amount of weight they push. When I was in high school I was 6'2" 135lbs (skinny as shit) and I took weight training class and was able to bench 205lbs in the end (not bro bragging since its not much to some people but for 135lbs HS me it was) and I was still skinny and not manly shaped
I am glad we never experience anything like that in this thread. Everyone is open to hearing what we have to say after they ask for advice. People that ask for such advice are thankfully smart enough not to argue back saying that we are wrong.
I'm totally going to marry the first woman i meet who does barbell squats.
I think I am going to give up on playing basketball for exercise.
It's just too damn hard on my knees at my age. I feel like it's just a ticking time bomb until I get injured on it.
Exactly, I would be better off just roaming the outside and shooting jumpers all day but then my competitive side kicks in and I think I can easily take this guy to the hole.Basketball is the worst sport when it comes to getting older, the mind remembers all these things you used to be able to do but the body can't do them anymore. I look at the rim now and it seems so high, but when I was 21 I could almost get my elbow to the rim, now I still grab it but my brain sends the command "Explode off the floor" and the body responds with "LOL, yeah right".
Exactly, I would be better off just roaming the outside and shooting jumpers all day but then my competitive side kicks in and I think I can easily take this guy to the hole.
You need to develop your "Old man game", basically shooting jumpers when they're open, and taking these skinny 18-24 year olds into the post. Im not going to beat people off the dribble at my current weight, but there are very few people on the court physically strong enough to stop me from posting them up even if they're taller. I used to like dunking on people, now I enjoy seeing snot shoot out of their nose when I put my shoulder into their chest, not as fancy but knowing they aren't strong enough to guard me is good enough for me now.
Live by the "Old man game" code....No blood, no foul.
This guys is a beast. Look at those thighs. He weighs like 180lbs but can clean and jerk like 500lb. Crazy.
He was also on steroidsbut still the ratio is crazy.
He was also on steroidsbut still the ratio is crazy.
Isn't it true for most of the bodybuilders and olympic lifters?
He was also on steroidsbut still the ratio is crazy.
How do I get rid of my fucking gut? The rest of me is getting in shape fairly nicely...
I'm moving up brothers and sisters (are there any females in here?). Managed to get 5 muscle ups today. Training is so much better when you set goals!
Impressive, I'll be looking forward to getting an entire one in at some point this year. It's damn hard when you weight almost 200 lbs.
Also, anyone have some good internet reading regarding health/fitness? Been out of work lately and have run my usual sources dry. Any good reads would be appreciated.
My last weigh in I was 196.5 in the AM, I'm probably walking around at almost exactly 200. I've been doing 30 reps (not all at once) swapping between wide grip pull ups and weighted chins swapping between them every other day for awhile now. Seeing some progress in numbers, so hopefully I'm close.
You'll never look like either one.btw I am not talking about looking like this
just more something like this
and also I weigh 185 now at age 30
Eat.......LotsAlright FitnessGAF, let's do this! I've been lifting for a year and a half and my deadlift hasn't gone past 245 lbs. And my squat is around the same range. I'm going to stop being a pussy and start adding 5 lbs each week doing the 5x5. Ok Bros now I'm PUMPED. YEAH. Friday can't come soon enough!