No real reason too. The only reason I would get one at this point is because I'm simply curious as to how my discs look. I could have 3 bulgings discs though and yet none of them could be the causes of any of my past symptoms -- as I'm sure you're aware. The lower back is so damn complex it could be so many things.
Luckily I am not experiencing any symptoms and haven't consistently since June. Maybe a rare issue that lasts for a day but it still minimal. I still get nervous about sitting for too often (i.e. movie theaters, car rides) and I still haven't done any sort of bilateral squatting or deadlifting as I am feeling great just doing single-leg stuff. Muscle wise, my legs/glutes are too big. So squatting wouldn't be necessary for that reason.
Though I have no intention of back squatting ever again, or conventional deadlifting. I would like to front squat, and RDL though. Maybe in the future. I am just babying it.
I have the same
2 bulging disks. Only gone back to squatting last week (back)- only got up to 135 pounds, but it was painful. Going to use and abuse the hack squat machine a lot more.
It will be interesting to talk to you as we have the same problem. I have a 1.5 hour train journey to work, and my back used to hurt BADLY, to the point I couldnt move unless the train was empty and I could wiggle my way up to t a standing point. So much issue, slowly getting better. Deadlifting is out of the question no doubt
Sorry AlienShogun- I did an insta-fall asleep. In the process of this I burnt all my chicken for the week. Incredibly pissed off right now. Will answer when I am in work