Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
With the Juggernaut Method, Chad Wesley Smith's alteration of 5/3/1, he recommends cutting assistance work volume in half. So if you do 50 pull-ups, do 25. If you do Boring but Big squats 5x10 try 3x8 for the same weight, and so forth.
It's not quite like Wendler's 5/3/1 recommendations but it makes sense to me. It's not like Wendler hasn't played with a dozen different variations of his own program, either! It sounds like a decent rule of thumb if you are still itching to do more but not wanting to overdo it at the same time.
I may try that. Can't hurt to give it a shot.
And yeah, the more I read from wendler the more it's clear he plays around with the formula.
I'll experiment myself a bit when I get comfortable. Atm I'm pretty strict on the program, although I did add in dips to my kroc rows on bench day and shrugs with lateral raises to my press day. I cut the sets back for those extra assistance work though.