So wait the workout calls for 63 reps of overhead press at 95lbs? and 63 reps of pullups? OOoooooo kay. I imagine the form breakdown on the overhead press is rather severe. Are we talking about a strick press or push press? Either way that's a lot of volume.
Edit: wait did you decide to reduce the reps on rounds 2 and 3 yourself or does the program call for that?
I'm very strict on it. The pullups are done a bit fast, but I'm not kipping.
For the overhead press, it's not that bad at that weight. And yes, the program calls for 21 reps on the first round, 15 on the second, and 9 on the third.
If you watch some of the videos on youtube, people do tend to throw form out the window on the third round, but I've been injured in the past and keep it strict. I would rather have a higher time and remain injury free.
21-15-9 routines are FML asskickers. It'll definitely test you at your limits and it will really determine how good your form is.
EDIT: I should clarify that you can put the weight down at any time. You just don't move onto the next round until your reps are complete. So if you want, you can do 6-5-5-5 on your first round with breaks inbetween obviously. Chances are you'll have to do it anyway.
What's everybody's opinion on crossfit? I sit next to a CF coach in class and she's been talking about it nonstop, almost has me convinced. I'd try to find a good CF gym though, I've heard some horror stories.
I think it's great if you get a great gym and trainers. I was telling my Army buddies I think the Army should look into CF to replace traditional training much like they replaced the old style Army Combatives to MMA/BJJ.
It's good for overall fitness. It's definitely not my thing though.
I was going to give it a try, until I found out how much the cross fit gyms charged.
I was going to give it a try, until I found out how much the cross fit gyms charged.
Crossfit always seemed like crazy superfluous shit for affluent white people who think regular tried and true training just isn't good enough.
Let me preface this by saying us haters lost to Crossfit. They made millions from selling certs, affiliate licenses, merchandising, and most recently their associate with Reebok.What's everybody's opinion on crossfit? I sit next to a CF coach in class and she's been talking about it nonstop, almost has me convinced. I'd try to find a good CF gym though, I've heard some horror stories.
So CrossFitters, wake up. If you’ve been CrossFitting for more than 6 months, it’s time to move on. You’ve had your warm up, now move into the world of elite competition. Don’t be fooled into thinking that CrossFit will take you anywhere except under the knife when you destroy your shoulders from performing 20 clean-and-jerks with poor form—Olympic lifts are designed to be performed for one repetition after a solid set up at the bar. The CrossFit establishment is not operating in your best interest as an athlete, hell, they don’t even think of you as an athlete, just a graduated couch potato with some vague and meaningless asset called elite fitness. If you were a real athlete, they’d make fun of you and say how unfit you are as they do jumping pull-ups for 30 grueling reps (I guess kipplings got too hard and heaven forbid you see a CrossFitter ever perform a hanging pull-up).
Holy fucking shit :lol
Holy fucking shit :lol
:lol cos it's a photoshop. Right? What's up with the tennis ball?
Interesting question. It was recommended here that i grab a pullup bar and do chins/pullups throughout my day to improve, and i can definitely do more overall, but im finding that on the day they are part of the beginner workout, i cant do as many as i could before because im just still tired and recovering from the constant stream. Should i continue, or perhaps skip them at home the few days before that workout? Thoughts?
I refuse to believe people are that stupidThe baby's real. The photoshop of the ball is to show how elite he is.
Google "baby strapped to chest crossfit" to see a non photoshoped one. It was posted on the main site sometime in 2011.
How many are you doing through the day on your actual training day? You may want to take a 24 hour break on the chins/pulls so you can hit them hard when you're at the gym.
I've been doing a psuedo-SS/Crossfit workout recently and have been looking at the CF Workout of the Day (WOD). Is that all you are supposed to do on that day or are you supposed to do additional strength and endurance work after or before the WOD?
I do 5-7 a set on training day, because im not fresh. If i dont do them for a few days, i can crank out 8-11 per set.How many are you doing through the day on your actual training day? You may want to take a 24 hour break on the chins/pulls so you can hit them hard when you're at the gym.
I do 5-7 a set on training day, because im not fresh. If i dont do them for a few days, i can crank out 8-11 per set.
That's probably a kipping front squat so of course the form is going to be off.
Anyone here use ON's Creatine Powder, I'm a big fan of their Protein Powder and I am looking for a better creatine than the suger-filled Body Fortress stuff they sell at WalMart
Anyone here use ON's Creatine Powder, I'm a big fan of their Protein Powder and I am looking for a better creatine than the suger-filled Body Fortress stuff they sell at WalMart
$200 a month for a gym is absurd.
Little big, but here's the unphotoshopped version:]
That is all kinds of fucked up...
example of Crossfit in my neighborhood-
Technical- 5 x 2 Front Squats
For Time- Five Rounds of:7 Push Press (185/115)
14 Toes To Bar
21 Double Unders
Stabilization- 50 Pistol Squats
I'm using it now, it was on sale a while ago. It's good.
I don't understand the underlined.
Actually I don't even know what "7 Push press 185/115" is supposed to mean, either. Am I suppose to do 7 push presses for 185lbs or 115lbs or something?
And 50 pistol squats? What set or rep scheme? To what end? For everyone regardless of skill level?
It's like they are speaking a completely different language than I do.
Groovy. It's still a culture that's almost foreign to me, despite being what many might refer to as a gym rat.7 push press would mean 185 for men, 115 for women. Everything is scaled so if you can't do that much weight then you would drop down to a comfortable weight.
50 pistol squats would be at your own pace. If your a beginner then it would be scaled down to less reps.
I have a stockpile of the holiday only gingerbread ones hiding in my cupboard. Gingerbread is so goddamn delicious. Rarely touch them though.Oh poptarts, why are you so delicious?!
Reading the comments on Cressey's Blog that's the first I've heard of Ferruggias Renegade Diet. Holy shit has the 16/8 fast/feed IF protocol caught on.
Could you repost any of Martin's stuff on his Facebook? I don't see anything there (sent him a friend request, his stuff was full).
Q: How do you rip off my meal frequency material AND my diet, without a single mention or link back to the source, and keep a straight face?
Find the answer on Eric Cressey's blog. Should not need to argue my case. Just one of many recent examples, albeit the most obvious one yet.
RT @Gaijin_Shogun Posted a comment on his recent IF article about giving you credit... Which was immediately deleted
I don't understand the underlined.
Actually I don't even know what "7 Push press 185/115" is supposed to mean, either. Am I suppose to do 7 push presses for 185lbs or 115lbs or something?
And 50 pistol squats? What set or rep scheme? To what end? For everyone regardless of skill level?
It's like they are speaking a completely different language than I do.
Oh poptarts, why are you so delicious?!
So for this IF, should we eat at the 8th hour of the fed period?
You eat for 8 hours. If you eat starting at noon you don't consume anything after 8.
so basically stay full for those 8 hours, then dont eat anything after. not even like a glass of milk?
actually, that's not so bad. It's almost what I do anyway. Usually don't eat breakfast, eat lunch around 1, dinner at 6-7, gym at 8, protein shake after that. Just gotta squeeze it in a bit more. Sounds doable.
Almost 0 calories. You can have coffee with a splash of milk he says and some sugar free gum.
Eat dinner after the gym, and take the protein shake before.
Working out on an empty stomach is the driving force.
I have a stockpile of the holiday only gingerbread ones hiding in my cupboard. Gingerbread is so goddamn delicious. Rarely touch them though.
I like the Smores version of poptarts, haven't had one in years though.
The driving force of IF? I always read the protein shake should be taken after. Should I take it like an hour before if I should have an empty stomach? I usually make it pretty heavy with bananas, oats, peanut butter, etc.