I have a terrible diet. Everything I eat is shit. The only remotely healthy part of my diet is 90% of my fluids are water, and maybe at a stretch, I eat 3 pieces of fruit a day. I've been a fussy eater since I was child. Everything smells and looks good, but no matter how much I try I can't expand my pallet. I think if I was to eat more I'd just eat more junk.
Didn't say eat 'healthy'! Eat MORE.
Here's breakfast:
6 pieces of bacon (make in microwave)
4 eggs (make in microwave)
2 tall glasses of whole milk (don't microwave hahaha)
1 cup trail mix (get one that has lots of nut in it, not just dried fruit)
milk if you can get it
2 sandwiches (yes I said two, eat them fairly quickly or you'll get full! good trick is to not put them down until they're done)
fruit, veggies, more milk
Beef jerky, trail mix, milk, nuts, protein shake, protein bar, etc
Large hunk of meat, pile of veggies, milk
Whatever, just eat if you can force it down.
Most important meal is breakfast: you eat that, your body's prepped to eat for the day.
It's hard for the first week or two, easy after that. Just stuff your face. If you're lazy and buy junk food and fast food, choose options with a high protein content and try to avoid the sugar, heavily procesed stuff and empty carbs.