I finally saw a "dudebro" horror moment at the gym. I know everyone has these stories, but I usually take them with a grain of salt, because they're so unreal and over the top.
So today is squat day. Before I can grab it, these two dudes take a squat rack. Fair enough, everyone needs to squat! Still, my squatter sense was tingling--I didn't think these guys were gonna make adequate use of it. Maybe it was the "Bad Boy Fighter" shirt one of them had on.
All of the racks are used up, so I just pick some squat stands and go at it. Today was my 3's day for 5/3/1. These dudes kept looking over at me, awkwardly, as I continued to put weight on the bar, and it kinda seemed like they were trying to match me? Keep in mind, they're pretty jacked. At least, more muscular than me.
But their reps/technique...dear god. Quarter squats, at most, working up to 245 lbs. And the entire fucking set, them "pushing" each other with "Fuck yeah, man!" "Hit it!" "You got this!" "Nice!"
Maybe they didn't know any better. But it HAS to be strange when you're doing quarter squats, and a smaller dude in the same room is doing 100+ more pounds than you and going below parallel. Do people delude themselves that easily? Even the newb doing SS right next to them was squatting 225 to parallel.
I feel like kind of an elitist posting this. I'm not against enthusiastic lifting buddies or people learning to squat...but put some damned effort into it, at least.
In other news, one of my Tommy Kono knee sleeves is starting to rip. Pretty disappointing, but I pretty much rely on them to keep my knees warm and pain-free during squats. Will have to order more.