My poor shoulder.

I have been working out 3-4 days a week for years with not too many issues. My Rotator Cuff can get tweaked from time to time but its usually not a big deal as long as I properly warm up before hand.
Now my workouts have changed quite a bit over the last month. I have started to do Muscle Ups super-setting them into my chest and back days twice a week. Been doing this for about 5 weeks now.
Two days ago I am at a hotel and I am hanging from a damn luggage cart and do a single slow pull-up. There is kinda a pop sound in the back of my left shoulder and I immediately let go. Didn't hurt or anything but it felt...tight. I moved my arm around a bit thinking "Wtf was that?" No pain at all while doing regular activities, until I pull a car door open. The pulling motion with my left arm put serious discomfort in the back of my left shoulder.
Its been about 4 days now with no working out at all. I went and just hung from a bar to see how it felt. It felt ok, but i felt it getting tighter as I hung there so I let go right away.
The heck did I do to my shoulder??