Cririque my four day split Gaf. I normally do sets of 10-15 depending on the exercise btw.
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Looking to lose some fat primarily.
Why did you decide on a four day split?
I would definitely not do a program like that personally as I feel it's rare for people to need more than three days to accomplish their goals and I believe that splitting up your muscle groups can make fitting in the important compound lifts awkward, but if it's working for you then more power to you.
Here are some modifications I'd do:
Day 1: Try doing lateral raises instead of front raises, as shoulder press can be anterior deltoid dominant. Drop the shrugs, you can hit those with the deadlifts on back day. Nix one of the triceps isolation exercises, and do that movement after you've done tricep dips NOT on a bench; use the dip bars.
Day 2: Increase rest time for the DL to 3 minutes. Do both wrist movements at the end of the workout, or they'll interfere with the big movements. Skip the lat pulldown and do pullups if possible, or use assistance and decrease as you progress. Skip the one arm row, it adds nothing.
Day 3: Lose one of the barbell biceps movements. Lose the cable crossover. Use free weights for the incline bench. Do flies after other chest movements.
Day 4: Up the squat sets by one. Drop the leg press. Do hamstring curls instead of leg extensions. For the second calf movement, do seated calf raises.
That would improve things as a initial rough look.