So I'm just getting into this whole lifting thing and I need to buy myself a decent pair of shoes. I'm kind of leaning towards the Risto White Thunder's but I'd like to hear if you guys have any other suggestions.
Shalashaska161 said:So I'm just getting into this whole lifting thing and I need to buy myself a decent pair of shoes. I'm kind of leaning towards the Risto White Thunder's but I'd like to hear if you guys have any other suggestions.
You might be getting tennis elbow. My left elbow is also a bit messed up, and that's what I had/have.Ranvier said:On a side note I've been getting a strange tingling sensation in my left arm when getting close to finishing my last few reps. Back in March I went to Cabo for a bachelor party and I slammed my left elbow on some rocks pretty hard and I got this terrible funny bone tingling sensation which lasted a couple of weeks. This same tingling sensation comes back when I've done a lot of push-ups or tricep exercises and while it doesn't keep me from working out, it is quite annoying. Has anyone experienced something like this?
You increase your appetite by using up energy. How do you use up energy? By working out and being active! Eventually your stomach will expand and you will be able to eat bigger portions.Kad5 said:Hey guys.
I was wondering if there is some way I can increase my appetite. I have a shit appetite.
I'm trying to get bigger but there is only so much I can do if I don't eat a lot of food.
reilo said:You increase your appetite by using up energy. How do you use up energy? By working out and being active! Eventually your stomach will expand and you will be able to eat bigger portions.
Kad5 said:Hey guys.
I was wondering if there is some way I can increase my appetite. I have a shit appetite.
I'm trying to get bigger but there is only so much I can do if I don't eat a lot of food.
Drealmcc0y said:How much protein shake should I have a day?
I take one 20 minutes after gym sessions and i go gym 5-7 times a week.
ezrarh said:If you're working out that much, at least 1.5X your body weight. If you're looking to bulk substantially, I'd aim for 2X.
edit: I missed the word "shake". Anyway, I usually take one after a workout but I prefer to get as much protein as possible from normal food.
Much more so.Domino Theory said:So I was re-reading the OP and is it saying that Bent Over Rows are better/more effective than Lat Pulldowns? What do you guys think?
Unless it's coupled with a weightlifting routine as aggressive as Starting Strength, I don't really recommend GOMAD. If you aren't demanding near-maximum adaptation from your muscles, GOMAD will add more fat than muscle - even on a skinny bastard.fredrancour said:GOMAD does usually make sense for hard-gainers, yeah, so give it a shot if you can't eat enough. You'd basically have to eat nothing else to avoid gaining weight on it.
Domino Theory said:So I was re-reading the OP and is it saying that Bent Over Rows are better/more effective than Lat Pulldowns? What do you guys think?
Right now I'm just doing Insanity with my wife. She is new to that type of workout though so she needs a recovery day between videos.MjFrancis said:It wouldn't hurt if you shared just what exactly you are doing in your 45 minute workout every other day. I figure at that point a few more people will be able to chime in and help you out.
Here's the dude in question. He gained 78 lbs:MjFrancis said:Unless it's coupled with a weightlifting routine as aggressive as Starting Strength, I don't really recommend GOMAD. If you aren't demanding near-maximum adaptation from your muscles, GOMAD will add more fat than muscle - even on a skinny bastard.
When Rippetoe mentions the guy who added 55 lbs in eleven weeks (approx. 50%-70% muscle, my own estimation), he also made his squat move from three sets of 145 x 5 to three sets of 315 x 5 in that same time frame. So, if you aren't forcing this level of adaptation, or aren't willing to, GOMAD isn't for you. GOMAD is a tool for improving maximal levels of strength in the shortest time possible, and if it's used for anything less the results are going to be disappointing.
Domino Theory said:So I was re-reading the OP and is it saying that Bent Over Rows are better/more effective than Lat Pulldowns? What do you guys think?
Zach Evetts? I took the stats from here: The Novice Effect by Mark Rippetoe [PDF]OpinionatedCyborg said:Here's the dude in question. He gained 78 lbs:[img]
and what he was eating
I don't think he added 50% muscle, but yeah, only do this if you have a ridiculous metabolism or if you are interested in strength gains only (and getting fat doesn't bother you).
Alienshogun said:Get out fatty, aren't you an inheritor by now?
I would prefer this method as well. Different goals though, if I were still in high school trying to beef up for football I wouldn't mind the fat.reilo said:I would never guess that he gained 78lbs and is able to squat 315x5. Kudos to him if that was his goal, but I'd rather take twice as long to get to 250x5 and look properly lean and muscular.
cuevas said:You can do cardio after your lifting. I started doing 15 minutes of HIIT at the end of my workouts and hasn't affected my lifts.
hxa155 said:Age: 21
Height: 5ft6
Weight: 155 lb
Goal: losing gut/fat and being fit
Current Training Schedule: none at the moment, did p90x for two weeks
Current Training Equipment Available: dumbbells, exercise mat, may join a gym
Comments: I think I have slow metabolism or something since no matter how little I eat, I don't seem to lose weight. So I think I'm gonna need to work out to lose weight. However, I'm a newb when it comes to this stuff.
Any suggestions, Gaf?
Para bailar La Bomba said:My initial advice would be invest in some running shoes or a bike and start a cardio regime. Join a gym and start a low weights, high-reps weights program, at least 3 times a week.
Drink lots of plain green tea (with nothing added) and start amino acid supplements, such as l-carnitine and l-glutamine. Buy a good low-carb, low-fat whey powder.
hxa155 said:Age: 21
Height: 5ft6
Weight: 155 lb
Goal: losing gut/fat and being fit
Current Training Schedule: none at the moment, did p90x for two weeks
Current Training Equipment Available: dumbbells, exercise mat, may join a gym
Comments: I think I have slow metabolism or something since no matter how little I eat, I don't seem to lose weight. So I think I'm gonna need to work out to lose weight. However, I'm a newb when it comes to this stuff.
Any suggestions, Gaf?
GiJoccin said:why the green tea and amino acid supplements? i wouldn't recommend anyone invest in that stuff unless they were very serious and stuck with working out - besides the fact that i haven't seen any well designed studies that amino acid supplements have real benefits
you're much better off focusing on getting a set workout down and finding something you enjoy rather than focusing on supplementation, at least when you're beginning
In a study performed at Birmingham University, it was shown that average fat oxidation rates were 17% higher after ingestion of Green Tea Extract than after ingestion of a placebo. Similarly the contribution of fat oxidation to total energy expenditure was also significantly higher by a similar percentage following ingestion of Green Tea Extract. This implies that ingestion of Green Tea Extract can not only increase fat oxidation during moderately intensive exercise but also improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in healthy young men.
Some studies show that oral carnitine reduces fat mass, increases muscle mass, and reduces fatigue. All of these effects may contribute to weight loss.
kylej said:Hah, not even close. I've got a feeling some dudes at HaloGAF could use a few days at the gym though.
Best part of going back to school soon is being in a gym filled with
Love my local place during the summer but goddamn nobody here breaks a sweat, they all read magazines or bro-out.
could be damage to the ulnar nerveRanvier said:On a side note I've been getting a strange tingling sensation in my left arm when getting close to finishing my last few reps. Back in March I went to Cabo for a bachelor party and I slammed my left elbow on some rocks pretty hard and I got this terrible funny bone tingling sensation which lasted a couple of weeks. This same tingling sensation comes back when I've done a lot of push-ups or tricep exercises and while it doesn't keep me from working out, it is quite annoying. Has anyone experienced something like this?
Try switching to standing presses for a few weeks. Here's why:Domino Theory said:Thanks for the input. Also, I very recently reached 3x8 on Dumbbell Military Press (45lb per DB), but then moved on to 50lb dumbbells the next time I visited the gym, but when I tried to do the 3rd set, I couldn't at all. Should I stick to 3x8 45lb for a little while longer or go with 3x5 50lb even if I can't do the last set?
no, which is why I get that its a lot... Supposedly the dude who came up with is is all natural though. I'm gonna try to slam a lot of food and sleep wellDraft said:Definitely a BB program. You juicin'?
Don't take this the wrong way, but this is the type of program I did when I was on my oral and injectable anabolic steroids. I can't imagine doing that heavy of a program, even with perfect nutrition, unless I had something to help with the recovery.peterb0y said:Lots of stuff here.
Looks Good to me...
It couldn't hurt to give it a shot for a few months.peterb0y said:no, which is why I get that its a lot... Supposedly the dude who came up with is is all natural though. I'm gonna try to slam a lot of food and sleep well
hxa155 said:Age: 21
Height: 5ft6
Weight: 155 lb
Goal: losing gut/fat and being fit
Current Training Schedule: none at the moment, did p90x for two weeks
Current Training Equipment Available: dumbbells, exercise mat, may join a gym
Comments: I think I have slow metabolism or something since no matter how little I eat, I don't seem to lose weight. So I think I'm gonna need to work out to lose weight. However, I'm a newb when it comes to this stuff.
Any suggestions, Gaf?
fredrancour said:GOMAD does usually make sense for hard-gainers, yeah, so give it a shot if you can't eat enough. You'd basically have to eat nothing else to avoid gaining weight on it.