cuevas. PhD.
_dementia said:Did you click it?
Do you even have to ask? Of course I did.
_dementia said:Did you click it?
SD-Ness said:So this Optimum Nutrition creatine I've been using for a week makes me super constipated. Should I just skip the creatine and use only whey? Try another brand? I feel a little dehydrated even though I drink a lot of water and am urinating really often. Maybe creatine doesn't mix well with my body.
How much are you taking per day?SD-Ness said:So this Optimum Nutrition creatine I've been using for a week makes me super constipated. Should I just skip the creatine and use only whey? Try another brand? I feel a little dehydrated even though I drink a lot of water and am urinating really often. Maybe creatine doesn't mix well with my body.
I'm 6'4. With my frame, I could go as far as 210+ and it would look good on me. I don't think I want to be that huge. We'll see in a couple years I guess!balddemon said:Hey, nice job man. How tall are you?
I'm 6'0" and was stuck at 170 for the longest time, but now I seem to have permanently lost 2 pounds...but I'm getting shredded and making strength gains. Guess I don't eat enough.
reilo said:I'm 6'4. With my frame, I could go as far as 210+ and it would look good on me. I don't think I want to be that huge. We'll see in a couple years I guess!
And yes, eating is such a huge part. That's why I added in the snacks that I did because I was stuck at 175-177. Get some roasted peanuts and cashews, then make yourself a almond butter and jelly sandwich. Eat a quarter bowl to half a bowl of the nuts and a sandwich as a snack whenever you can every day. It's not a whole lot of food physically, either, which is great, but it's dense with calories, protein, and fat.
Just prefer the taste of AB. You can get all natural/organic PB that's good for you, too.balddemon said:Well I just weighed myself for the first time in a week, and I'm back up to 170.2. In any case, I feel like I would look good up until about ~190, which is what I'm shooting for in the long run. moreeee calories please
Definitely sounds easy enough, I love nuts.Can I ask why not just regular PB? Too much sugar or bad stuff in it?no homo
Too many unknown variables and other processed junk. Your best bet to eating big is to also eat healthy, which means a lot of raw foods that you cook yourself and know exactly what's in them.EDIT: what about fast food? besides the large amounts of sodium and fat, isn't the huge amount of calories just calories to be burned?
balddemon said:Well I just weighed myself for the first time in a week, and I'm back up to 170.2. In any case, I feel like I would look good up until about ~190, which is what I'm shooting for in the long run. moreeee calories please
Definitely sounds easy enough, I love nuts.Can I ask why not just regular PB? Too much sugar or bad stuff in it?no homo
EDIT: what about fast food? besides the large amounts of sodium and fat, isn't the huge amount of calories just calories to be burned?
So I've been using these for a while. Just wanted to chime in and say thanks. Great headphones for working out. They never fall out or get "loose". Pretty good sound as well.FleckSplat said:
Almond butter on its own is tough to swallow. That's why I added in the strawberry spread.balddemon said:So basically organic PB (good cuz I just had an almond butter sandwich and that would take some serious getting used to), and make my own food/don't eat fast food. fake edit: mmm what about chocolate almond butter.
Ydahs said:Anyone here use medicine balls? If so, what benefits do you feel it's given you?
Looking at buying one, but unsure on how heavy it should be.
No need to make drastic changes. Deload by dropping the weights by 15 pounds (if you increase weekly by 5 lbs) or 30 (if 10 per week).Petrie said:So I've been doing the program from the OP since July, and before that a program my buddy designed for a few months, and for the first time I feel like my progress is slowing a bit. I seem to have leveled off a bit at 3 sets of 5 reps squating @ 255 and benching 185, and 1 set of deads at around 245 (my grip is what fails here). Im still seeing results, just slower, but I guess that's inevitable. Is it time to switch programs to something meant for more size gains, or should I continue the strength focus of the OP program?
Petrie said:So I've been doing the program from the OP since July, and before that a program my buddy designed for a few months, and for the first time I feel like my progress is slowing a bit. I seem to have leveled off a bit at 3 sets of 5 reps squating @ 255 and benching 185, and 1 set of deads at around 245 (my grip is what fails here). Im still seeing results, just slower, but I guess that's inevitable. Is it time to switch programs to something meant for more size gains, or should I continue the strength focus of the OP program?
I believe what im doing is similar to SS, just the beginner program from the OP. Hearing I should be on it for even up to a year makes me feel better. I guess maybe im still not eating quite enough for my metabolism. Im going to have to buy more nuts and such to keep around and snack on all day, as my weight does seem to have stalled around 185 as well. Its just gotten difficult to eat enough and eat clean without breaking the bank, but screw it this is important to me so if a bit more of my disposable income goes towards it, so be it. Time to stock up on almonds and cashews for one thing. Thanks!ezrarh said:I'm assuming you're just doing normal starting strength so there's a few things you can do with. First would be just resetting and dropping down say 10-20% from your working weight and then going back up and see if that helps. The other option would be do a 5x5 program for intermediates such as this one. I like it because it's a natural transition from Rippetoe's starting strength. Also, as long as you're gaining weight you should be able to lift more. For reference, a lot people may stay on starting strength for a year or more. It's quite dependent on the person.
When I drop the weight, do I want to still stick to 5 reps, or do I want to increase them and still go until I can't manage another rep?X-Frame said:No need to make drastic changes. Deload by dropping the weights by 15 pounds (if you increase weekly by 5 lbs) or 30 (if 10 per week).
Then just work back up to your current PR's now over the next 3 weeks and you'll blow past them.
You also could take a week off before you do this to further recondition your muscles to be sensitive to the lower weight too.
Everything else is exactly the same. The reduced weight means less volume for the body so it has chances to recover during a deload. Most reasons why people stall is that the body is not recovering enough to get stronger due to CNS fatigue (i.e. slight overtraining, lack of sleep), lack of calories.Petrie said:When I drop the weight, do I want to still stick to 5 reps, or do I want to increase them and still go until I can't manage another rep?
Ok. Thank you for the advice. Ill look at it as a birthday present to myself this week to lighten my load and take it easy, and hopefully my gains will continue if I combine that with even more calories. You guys are awesome.X-Frame said:Everything else is exactly the same. The reduced weight means less volume for the body so it has chances to recover during a deload. Most reasons why people stall is that the body is not recovering enough to get stronger due to CNS fatigue (i.e. slight overtraining, lack of sleep), lack of calories.
Deloads give your body a chance to catch up.
Saadster said:I have been doing squats at higher weights and am facing a problem. For some reason my left shoulder is always in pain. Is my grip maybe too wide when I squat? Where should I place the bar on my back? It feels like such a weird question since I've Bern squatting for like 6 months but as the weight gets heavier I really don't want to lose my form.
Bad_Boy said:So I've been using these for a while. Just wanted to chime in and say thanks. Great headphones for working out. They never fall out or get "loose". Pretty good sound as well.
I'm due to go on holiday to Spain in 2 days. I want to take some protein and creatine with me but I'm not sure what the deal is with airport security finding powder in my hand luggage (I have no luggage to check in).
Aurora said:I'm due to go on holiday to Spain in 2 days. I want to take some protein and creatine with me but I'm not sure what the deal is with airport security finding powder in my hand luggage (I have no luggage to check in).
Does anyone have any experience taking powder on the plane with hand luggage?
MjFrancis said:The OP has some bodyweight info I wrote (the rest of it is worthwhile even if you don't use barbells), if you're looking for strength through bodyweight exercises I'd recommend Convict Conditioning.
It doesn't have any nutritional guidelines. The author wanted to put them in the book, but it supposedly would have made it prohibitively large and expensive. Apparently he believes protein is overrated, as evidenced by his personal experience building a respectable amount of strength in prison where you aren't fed steak and chicken and eggs and protein powder. He might release a Convict Conditioning part 2 someday.Leunam said:Does this have nutrition guidelines also? I may pull the trigger on this later this week.
Louis got his physique from long range runs(10mi) in the morning, sparring, bag work, and healthy use of rowing machines(and lake rowing eventually). Not sure why Joe Louis is the heavyweight physique you want as I never found him to be very jacked or muscled, but there you go.Alpha-Bromega said:i just wanna look like Joe Louis, lol, just obvs not as big haha just the shape if you understand
EschatonDX said:Louis got his physique from long range runs(10mi) in the morning, sparring, bag work, and healthy use of rowing machines(and lake rowing eventually). Not sure why Joe Louis is the heavyweight physique you want as I never found him to be very jacked or muscled, but there you go.
Speed bag work for coordination and some light cardio. Heavy bag work can be a combination of cardio and resistance training. It really depends on how you train it.Leunam said:By bag work you mean like with a punching bag or speed bag, right? Is that more for cardio? said:that's exactly really my point, he's just has the standard fit male shape and size to him, i ain't trying to get ripped or huge, just set