cuevas. PhD.
Clott said:THAT'S what I am talkin about brooo, even though it may not seem like it, I bet she was totally into your guns man, I mean, how can chicks not dig being taken to the gun show?!
Thank you, lol.
Clott said:THAT'S what I am talkin about brooo, even though it may not seem like it, I bet she was totally into your guns man, I mean, how can chicks not dig being taken to the gun show?!
Clott said:THAT'S what I am talkin about brooo, even though it may not seem like it, I bet she was totally into your guns man, I mean, how can chicks not dig being taken to the gun show?!
Baki said:I have a 6 day a week plan.
4 days of weight training (All major compound exercises are done 2x a week - Bench Press, Squats, Overhead Press and Deadlifts.)
2 days of HIIT on my off days.
My question is will doing HIIT affect my gains? and will it accelerate fat loss? What kind of HIIT? Like sprinting outside? If so, that's fine but you really only need 1 time a week right now. Remember, your focus needs to be getting stronger. Too much HIIT would inhibit CNS recovery as it is an intense exercise. I would hold off personally until you go on a true strength training program after 4 weeks, then add in HIIT.
Also diet wise - I take cellmass (creatine) and Syntha 6 (Whey, Casein Protein Mix with BCAAs). 3 shakes a day on workout days and 2 on non work out days. Use up the rest of the Cellmass if you want but it is not something you should be worrying about -- especially Cellmass which if I remember correctly is a crapload of sugar. Buy straight monohydrate powder next time, but remember Creatine is a supplement and focusing on food should be your priority. For example, use the money from the Creatine to buy more whole foods so you don't need to take so many whey shakes per day.
#Workout Plan: *5 sets, 8-12 reps Upper Body:
1) Bench Press [Incline]
2) Overhead Press [Bar up and down]
3) Barbell Curl
4) Narrow Grip Bench Press [Flat Bench]
5) Barbell Shrugs [Bar Behind Back]
Lower Body: 1) Deadlifts
2) Lat Pull Down
3) Squats
4) Leg Press
5) Crunches [30x5]
HIIT: 20 minutes[3-4 minute warm up, 1 minute jogging, 1 minute sprinting]
5 minute cooldown
Workout Schedule:
Monday: UPPER
Tuesday: Lower
Wednesday: HIIT
Saturday: HIIT
WAY WAY WAY too much. WAY too much. Seriously, take this workout and just throw it in the garbage. You are not Arnold, not juicing, and do not have great genetics if you're classified as someone who is "skinny fat". This is not a diss, it is the truth. You need to tone it down a lot.
Honestly, you really should read the OP and pick a low volume, strength-based program from there and run with it. Starting Strength is something that you should be doing, not what you are now. Starting Strength was BUILT FOR people like you who are starting out.
Your focus is STRENGTH STRENGTH STRENGTH. Build a strength foundation and then focus on hypertrophy work. Doing 8-12 reps and 5 sets is worthless if you can't even do a regular pull-up now without assistance.
Once you've added 50 pounds to your core lifts and gained 10-15 pounds of muscle can you worry about the rest.
If you're weak and small then your body cannot handle all that volume. You need very little volume. Off the top of my head, this is what I would suggest:
A Day, B Day; 2-3 sets of 5 reps. Mon/Wed/Fri so it's A/B/A/ then B/A/B, etc.
[A Day]
- Parallel Squat
- Bench Press Variation (i.e. Incline, Flat)
- Row Variation (i.e. Chest-Supported, Bent-Over, Dumbbell)
- Core Work (i.e. Planks, Side Planks, Hanging Leg Raises)
[B Day]
- Deadlifts
- Overhead Press (i.e. Dumbbell, Barbell standing or seated)
- Pull-Ups (assisted if you need to)
- Core Work
Focus on adding weight each time you go in the gym. If you can't add weight, stick with the same weight and try again next time. If it happens again, drop 10% of the weight and ramp back up.
This is my current workout plan, I've been following it for 2 weeks and a half (I've hit the gym before but this is the first time I'm doing it as consistently as I am)
I was thinking of modifying it to
A) Have more extensive core exercises on HIIT days?
B) Seperate Squats and Deadlifts to different days.
C) Replace lat pull downs with pull ups (assisted if I have to)
D) Replace narrow grip bench press with skull crushers
E) Add in extra cardio on weight days in morning (on just a protein shake). So 2 days 40 minute jog and 2 days HIIT.
Mully said:I'm getting back into going to gym and I'm going back to my old work out plan. I normally do this 4 days a week.
Warmup: 20 Minutes on Treadmill
1. Shoulder Press
2. Bench Press
3. Skull Crushers
4. Lateral Raises
5. Bicep Curls
6. Seated Rows
7. Squats
8. Seated Calf Raises
9. Pec Deck
10. Delt Deck
When I get home, I normally run 4-5 miles.
Honestly, if you have the mass for it, a winstrol only cycle is fine. It's normally stacked, but whatever. Your problem with it is that it's mostly designed for keeping strength while trying to cut fat, so if you're a small guy it's just going to help with strength gains and won't help you with mass. Well, as in you'll get a lot stronger and slightly bigger versus strong and big at the same time. However, the diarrhetic properties and the small conversion into increased estrogen is a massive plus. In other words, if you're skinny, and you're not about to go to a meet, don't do winny.Mecha_Infantry said:Oh don't worry, I do have my suppliers
So far I have been on pro hormones for a couple of cycles (SD Matrix & good PCT) and have a few cycles worth of Winny at the moment. But I am not a fan of injections, and from all the advice/cycles I've read they said run Winny and test at the same...obviously I can't use two 17-aa orals at the same time, so I was wondering what you thought of a Winny only cycle?
I can't afford for my libido to go down! So I need some test somewhere
kylej said:I don't know how you can do all that without getting completely burned out. I do 4 or 5 exercises each time I go to the gym and I'm completely dead by the end of it.
Six days a week I go for a 20-30 minute fasted walk, immediately when I wake up.Mully said:Eh I feel like I'm not doing enough to be honest. I always feel guilty when I weight lift for less than an hour.
How long do you guys normally go for?
Veezy said:Six days a week I go for a 20-30 minute fasted walk, immediately when I wake up.
On those days, throughout the day, I do multiple sets of push ups and chin ups.
On those days, I work on my goal of doing 100 burpies within ten minutes.
Three days a week, MWF, I do the Grayskull LP with Chins after my press and curls after my bench, and 25x4 of neck extensions. When I work out, I do a 3-5 minute warm up on the C2 rower.
So, I work out a lot, but it's spread through the day. I'm in the gym for around an hour.
IMHO, with your regimen, you're probably not doing enough weight or not enough reps/sets. Especially if you end it with a 4-5 mile run. That's 16-20 miles a week after doing squats and calf work every time you work out.
For five or for a single set? If you're looking to tone, a 4-5 mile run isn't really best. Quarter mile sprints might be better for you, as you can still get the conditioning but without losing too much muscle mass (see a picture of a sprinter versus a long distance runner for what I mean, I know you can't really "burn" muscle mass).Mully said:As of right now I squat 275. I run that much since I'm looking for tone.
Veezy said:For five or for a single set? If you're looking to tone, a 4-5 mile run isn't really best. Quarter mile sprints might be better for you, as you can still get the conditioning but without losing too much muscle mass (see a picture of a sprinter versus a long distance runner for what I mean, I know you can't really "burn" muscle mass).
What's your end goal and how long you been out of the gym? That might help with suggestions.
And you're squatting 5 sets of 12 reps for 275lbs four days a week? If all your lifts are similarly geared in that puzzling four-day-a-week workout, then your diet should be the only thing standing in the way of the muscle definition you desire.Mully said:I'm getting back into going to gym and I'm going back to my old work out plan. I normally do this 4 days a week.
Warmup: 20 Minutes on Treadmill
1. Shoulder Press
2. Bench Press
3. Skull Crushers
4. Lateral Raises
5. Bicep Curls
6. Seated Rows
7. Squats
8. Seated Calf Raises
9. Pec Deck
10. Delt Deck
When I get home, I normally run 4-5 miles.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:I suppose, my swoll was pretty fierce.
So, 225*12, 245*12, and the 275*12*3? Good numbers.Mully said:For 3, I start at 225, then go up to 245, and then stay at 275. 5 sets total at 12 reps a piece.
Prior to my head injury, I had 5:30AM workouts 5 days a week. Plus I had to run 6 miles 4 times a week. Compared to most people I'm in really good shape, but I would like to get back to my washboard without being to bulky.
Basically, I want to look like a soccer player again.
Veezy said:So, 225*12, 245*12, and the 275*12*3? Good numbers.
I'm gonna say something that sounds smart assish, but I'm not trying to be. Can you play soccer again? By that I mean, if you'd like to look like a soccer player, I would think training for soccer and playing soccer would get you there quicker.
To second Mj, while your work out is, IMHO, unconventional, if you're other lifts are at the same sort of volume as above, you'll get plenty of definition and muscularity if your diet's on point. I just figured it'd be easier to look like a soccer player again if you were a, well, soccer player again. Not trying to be rude, just looking at it from a "shortest distance between two points" sort of mindset.
shadowsdarknes said:Crazy. My squats have jumped like 75 pounds in about 5 weeks.
When I first got back to school, I squatted, only got 315 for 3. I just got 345 for 7 on Monday.
343 pounds to 426 lbs now. I've been consuming a lot more protein, that's for sure. But damn.
Luckily I speak Turkish so they let me go in barefoot lolJ Tourettes said:Just had my first work out after being on holiday for a week at a 5 star all inclusive hotel in Turkey, boy did I put the food away there, put on almost 6lbs trying to make sure I got my money's worthI couldn't use their gym as I only had flip flops and barefoot wasn't allowed.![]()
Aurora said:Luckily I speak Turkish so they let me go in barefoot lol
Also, did you really put on 6lbs (2.7kg) in a week? That's some pretty insane gains...
Aurora said:Luckily I speak Turkish so they let me go in barefoot lol
Also, did you really put on 6lbs (2.7kg) in a week? That's some pretty insane gains...
cuevas said:I've put on 8 lbs over a weekend.
parrotbeak said:I think I just lost 8 lbs in 4 minutes.
cuevas said:He was making fun of you.
Cool, what events are you doing?Cheeto said:Got my first friendly amateur strongman competition coming up next week, so I decided to get in one last serious barbell workout today before it. I'm planning on shifting gears back to serious barbell work once this is done then back to strongman stuff in the spring. Scraped up my shins till they bled on dead-lift and that was a feeling I missed.
mooooose said:Is there any easy way to learn how to do powercleans? I don't know anyone who knows how so I'm on my own,
Tire flips max reps in 1 mindeadbeef said:Cool, what events are you doing?
Cool good luck. Post some videos!Cheeto said:Tire flips max reps in 1 min
5 graduating atlas stone loads for time
Farmers Carry
Sled Pull
Husafell(sp?) stone carry
:|balddemon said:Today I found a 5lb tub of Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion Protein in the trash at work
Jason's Ultimatum said:I bought that six star whey protein tub at Walmart and honestly it tastes pretty freaking good.
cuevas said:
Jason's Ultimatum said:I bought that six star whey protein tub at Walmart and honestly it tastes pretty freaking good.
600 lbs-ish I believe... not the biggest but its the best we gotJason's Ultimatum said:How much do those tires weigh?
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:I know. But do they know I was being sarcastic? who knows.