SMH.I'd lose the preworkout crap and continue what you're doing after, as that's solid.
Increased energy, focus, BCAA's and Creatine are bad for weightlifting now? Oh, good to know.
SMH.I'd lose the preworkout crap and continue what you're doing after, as that's solid.
Jon Hamm, is that you?
I wish. Goddamn, that's a sexy motherfucker, that Jon Hamm. I say that as a heterosexual man, too.
You've gained 10 pounds of muscle a month? That's awesome for you and depressing for me.Weighed in at 168 today after starting around 8 weeks ago at 148ish. Quite pleased.
This pictures reminds me of the time I climbed Algonquin Peak in the Adirondacks.
I was completely unprepared for it. This is how my friend wanted to spend his bachelor party and he called it a hike. Fuck that. That was a mountain climb. I mean I was literally climbing vertically up wet rocks etc. Took about 4+ hours to get up and 4 to get down safely.
I thought I was in decent shape from lifting weights etc at the time, but no amount of lifting prepared me for every other muscle that was put to use during that climb. Near the peak I was stopping every 20 minutes because my heart was racing. Was completely worth it when I made it up there.
Another friend of ours made it up as well but didn't have enough left in his tank for the trip down, and he had really bad knees. He still wasn't down from the mountain at 9pm so we contacted the Rangers and they went up looking for him. He didn't make it down until 11 that night and basically ruined our bachelor party plans to go into Lake Placid that evening and go bar hopping.
I was sore for a week+ after that climb. I hate how I felt at the time but have really fond memories of it...but it was very dangerous I felt. I also fell backwards off of a rock face...I would have fallen about 15-20 feet onto rocks below and probably break my neck or spine. Scares me shitless to think about that.
I was at the gym yesterday, and I saw three young(er) guys doing the following bicep workout using a bicep curl machine that uses plates:
As one guy was curling and hit a certain number of reps, one of the spotters would take off a plate, and keep going until it was down to just one plate. At one point the spotter made sure to help out so that the guy curling would hit the number of reps.
So, ugh, yeah. Not sure what to think of that workout.
Lipo Six won't do fuck besides making you feel like you have taken low grade heroin. BCAAs aren't bad, and whey is pretty standard if you need a protein supplement for your diet. Interesting how you've only posted your supplement stack and none of your training or diet.
I can notice some improvements, but getting ripped and cutting down belly fat are still challenges.
You've gained 10 pounds of muscle a month? That's awesome for you and depressing for me.
Increased energy, focus, BCAA's and Creatine are bad for weightlifting now? Oh, good to know.
If you're trying to cut I wouldn't recommend eating all those carbs. Pastas and breads will hamper your progress.
I was at the gym yesterday, and I saw three young(er) guys doing the following bicep workout using a bicep curl machine that uses plates:
As one guy was curling and hit a certain number of reps, one of the spotters would take off a plate, and keep going until it was down to just one plate. At one point the spotter made sure to help out so that the guy curling would hit the number of reps.
So, ugh, yeah. Not sure what to think of that workout.
Man, hiking is such a terrific workout.
I was at the gym yesterday, and I saw three young(er) guys doing the following bicep workout using a bicep curl machine that uses plates:
As one guy was curling and hit a certain number of reps, one of the spotters would take off a plate, and keep going until it was down to just one plate. At one point the spotter made sure to help out so that the guy curling would hit the number of reps.
So, ugh, yeah. Not sure what to think of that workout.
They are called breakdowns. You go to failure and then drop to a lower weight, go to failure again, and repeat.
Anybody know how to take care of a torn callus? I dropped the wrist straps, got chalk, and tore off most of a callus doing dead lifts.
Yeah, that´s the biggest challenge, but the pasta was done after some days of eating rice. What? I know, still carbs, but i don´t know what to eat in a real meal (lunch or dinner) without either one. I might cook some vegetables, some meat or chicken, but i got to have one of those bascis to complement. I don´t know what could i use it to replace.
The breads are a way to make sure i´m not eating sugar instead. I will replace the sandwich on the evening for a fruit (apple i think) and to me that kind of revolutionary, since i don´t really like fruits.
Not drinking Coca Cola everyday was already a huge plus, but i still drink it in the weekends and i know i have to say goodbye to that too.
Getting in great shape is SO hard. I´m not pleased with being juust average, passable or decent, so i know i´m up for a big task. I would like to replace straighten my diet for 20% or 30% more exercises, but i know it doesn´t work like that![]()
Honestly? Band aid until it heals and try not to aggravate it. In the future, make sure you file them down.
Not much else you can do. It's a slab of torn skin.
Increased energy, focus, BCAA's and Creatine are bad for weightlifting now? Oh, good to know.
Pre workouts, specifically, are a completely unnecessary expenditure. They can be useful, but black coffee for the caffeine is almost as good and way less expensive.
It makes me weaker. I am very sensitive to stimulants so when I tried some caffeine before a work out I was way too jittery and nervous and I didn't perform nearly as well. It's basically just a YMMV thing.What does caffeine do pre-workout? Teach me.
Six quick tips to always remember:
Good stuff. What's a good time period to stick to a routine before changing it up for muscle confusion-sake? A month?
Sounds intense. Yeah, hiking/mountain climbing can be very taxing if you're not used to using and moving around your bodyweight.
Going to Colorado in a couple days to train/vacation, so I'm super excited. I know for a fact that New York's hiking trails have nothing on Colorado's.
Six quick tips to always remember:
Bottom line: if your biceps lag behind your triceps, don't hesitate to start off your workout with some curls; if your legs look like upside down bowling pins, by all means perform calf raises at the onset.
Many bodybuilders perform an incline movement first during every chest workout, and some hit their rear delts before heavy overhead pressing on their shoulder days. Don't blindly stick to the "heaviest compound movement first" mantra if you have a glaring imbalance. If you possess a noticeable strength or muscle discrepancy, prioritize that weak link by hitting it right off the bat.
isn't muscle confusion bullshit?
Now before you start thinking that P90X is the key to muscle-building nirvana, understand that you can't simply string together a hodgepodge of disconnected movements for the sake of variety and expect to optimize gains. Rather, the idea is to design your program so that training is systematically carried out from different angles and planes of movement.
Why you got to have pasta or rice withe every meal? If you want it bad enough then you won't. You're on a cut and eating pasta twice a day?! The best is really to slowly bring your carbs down. If you feel you can cut carbs by a drastic amount immediately then why not? but some people understandably can't do that.
isn't muscle confusion bullshit?
That's me! Upside down bowling pins and tiny calves.
You've gained 10 pounds of muscle a month? That's awesome for you and depressing for me.
You've gained 10 pounds of muscle a month? That's awesome for you and depressing for me.
Good stuff. What's a good time period to stick to a routine before changing it up for muscle confusion-sake? A month?
I'm so blessed to have incredible calf genetics, never done a single calf exercise.![]()
Calves and prolly chest are my two biggest weak points. At least I'm targeting the chest with bench, db bench, incline, etc. But for calves, I've never done shit. So now, I'm just doing bw raises, seated calf raises and standing calf raises. Twice a week as well. Gotta start somewhere =/
For calves, you need to do high intensity, high volume. I'd argue they're the most stubborn muscles on the entire body.
Legs in the morning:
Bike to warm up
Leg presses
Hamstring curls
Calf raises
Sound good?
I'd argue they're the most stubborn muscles on the entire body.
No way man, fingers. No matter how much I train I just can't get the hot dog fingers of my dreams![]()
No way man, fingers. No matter how much I train I just can't get the hot dog fingers of my dreams![]()
No way man, fingers. No matter how much I train I just can't get the hot dog fingers of my dreams![]()
This. BCAAs are all but useless unless you are fasting, and everything else can be had from a cheap cup of coffee and some cheap as he'll creatine powder. If you want to throw your money away on an unnecessary cocktail, be my guest. It won't hurt your gym progress I suppose, but I'm a fan of putting that money into more useful things.
lol I knew at least a couple of people would take it (semi)seriously.Get fat, or start climbing mountains, with no ropes and gear like that Alex Honnold guy.
nothing aesthetic about sausage fingers imo.
My weak points are my forearms. Been doing a lot more hammer curls to fix that.
My weak points are my forearms. Been doing a lot more hammer curls to fix that.