Well, you should eat a variety of protein for a few reasons:
1. Whey protein isn't rich in vitamins and other micronutrients, unlike meat, eggs, whole foods.
2. Whey protein absorbs quickly; your muscles can only take up so much at once, so if you run over that limit it just gets burned as calories or stored as fat.
3. It's best to eat a variety of protein sources, as they have different absorption rates, micronutrient compositions and are generally going to be a little better for you.
Shakes ARE good, but focusing on whole food first is never a bad call. If you're getting 180+g/day from whole food though you're probably in good shape though, right?
#1 yeah that's why I get 50 out of 250 from shakes.
#2 Sorry, this is absolute broscience bullshit. Idon't blame you, it's been touted for awhile.
#3 is just a mix of the first 2.