Reposting for new pageAnyone here have any positive or negative experiences with a pure bodybuilding routine? Like has anyone put on size with such a routine?
Reposting for new pageAnyone here have any positive or negative experiences with a pure bodybuilding routine? Like has anyone put on size with such a routine?
Anyone here have any positive or negative experiences with a pure bodybuilding routine? Like has anyone put on size with such a routine?
4 sets leg extension 10-15reps (keep it light, this is just to get blood in the legs)
4 sets squat 6-10 reps
3 sets leg press 10-12 reps
4 sets leg curl 10-12 reps
3 sets stiff legged deadlift or walking lunges (hamstring or quad, pick one and alternate every so often or whichever you think needs more work)
4 sets incline DB or barbell bench 8-12 reps
3 sets flat DB or barbell bench 8-12 reps
3 sets DB fly or machine fly (pec deck) 12-15 reps, focus on squeezing at the top
2 sets weighted dips
4 sets bodyweight pullups: up to 15 reps (add weight if 4x15 is too easy)
4 sets bent over row barbell or DB row 8-12 reps
3 sets front pulldown, wide or narrow (switch it up) 8-10 reps
3 sets cable row 6-10 reps
Behind the head pulldowns(yeah they're bad blah blah blah): 2 sets 15 reps Medium easy weight...just squeeze.
FRIDAY - shoulders/arms
3 sets DB press or front military 8-10 reps
3 sets side laterals 10-12 reps
3 sets rear lateral machine or DB 10-12 reps
6 sets shrugs behind the back for 3 sets and to the front for 3
3 sets 10-15 rope pushdown
3 sets skullcrushers or DB extensions 6-10 reps
3 sets reversed push down (palms facing) 8-10 reps
3 sets barbell curl or e-z curl bar 8-12 reps
3 sets preacher machine or db/barbell 8-12 reps
2 sets hammer curl db or rope 10-15 reps
wrist curls 13-20 reps 2 sets
-Do abs on Monday and Thursday
-Do calves Tuesday and Friday.
-KEEP THE REST INTERVALS SHORT. 30-60 seconds between sets, no more. This is very important as it will fatigue the hell out of your muscles AND improve your conditioning.
-Alternate squats with deadlifts every week or two weeks if you want.
-Do your cardio normally and adjust depending on whether you're bulking or cutting.
-If you want to do this in a 3 day split, you can go chest/back, legs, shoulders/arms.
One nice thing is this allows for variation in the number of reps and such you do. If you want to go heavy one week you can do sets of 6, if you want to lighten it up and go for a better pump you can go 12-15. The most important thing for growth is forcing as much as blood as possible into the muscle. Just don't go under 6 reps. You'll still build plenty of strength even though this is not designed for strength or athletic purposes.
If you have a kindle get it on there, 3rd edition.
Looks solid. Look at Keleis workout on forums, curious what u think of that. Ran it for a monthI'll let you know in 12 months, because i realized that i just want to look hot, so SS and such arent really helping. :lol
This is the template im going to start out with, shamelessly stolen from the bodybuilding thread over at the Something Awful forums:
Wow guys... I'm amazed and humbled by all the support...
I'm definitely not giving up, and I'll be doing everything you guys suggested. And if I don't see progress in a couple of be it, I'll see progress in a couple of months instead, just gotta stay focused and consistent right?
Also, I've been researching the whole gallon of milk thingy, has anyone actually tried it? I don't know, it seems kind of excesive, but given my current weight I guess anything should work as long as it has a lot of calories.
Oh and Smiley90 I hope you can reach your goals man, you and I seem to be on the same boat. Weak and skinny but determined to change once and for all.
i'm enjoying my cut with IF.. most of my friends understand it but one of my colleagues (who is quite round) continually tries to put me down by saying i'm starving myself skinny. she's quite jelly.
what's everyone's ideal chest/waist size? i'm currently 41" chest, 31" waist.. 6"2 so it doesn't look too bad. trying to get my waist down to 30" to give better visibility of lats when not pumped etc.
Thanks, you too! I need to find someone in real life to go to the gym with me preferably too, that'd do wonders for me actually going.
Try not to rely on someone else for motivation; while helpful, it can be killer if you lose the support for whatever reason.
Understand all the progression and the techniques, and figure out what about the entire process you like the best and chase after that.
Yeah... I know, but to get started, it'd be helpful, don't you think? Get over the whole intimidation of the process. I'll definitely read up some more on what techniques and diets would be best for my situation. Still not sure(see my post last page)
I can only dumbbell chest press 55 pounders. Is this pathetic?
I can only dumbbell chest press 55 pounders. Is this pathetic?
Go have sex with someone.
Doesn't matter what you bench.
I know but I've been going at this for a good while now and I'm not sure where I should be.
How much do you weigh and how long have you been lifting seriously (diet and consistency)?
Well if you have been lifting less than 6 months and only have access to dumbbells, I'd say it isn't too bad. My gym only has dumbbells up to 50lbs, and I'm only now starting to need more. After 6 months, I'm pressing 50 14x4, which obviously I need to find a real gym soon.I can only dumbbell chest press 55 pounders. Is this pathetic?
205lbs, May 2012 I started going 4 days a week doing 6-8 exercises at 3-4 sets each with 8-12 reps.
I see. How has your diet been since May? Depending on your diet type you might have partaken in gomad or something similar. Not getting enough protein will certainly not help beyond noob gains.
You might consider trying a strength-based regimen. 5/3/1 seems to be popular amongst FitGAF. Did you ever try Starting Strength?
True- I ran a strength based program for 3 years tho, I don't mind slow progress in gains as long as they're more aesthetically tailoredTo gain muscles you need to gain strength. So I don't why someone would think a strength based workout would be more inefficient if you are only interested in looks. If your end goal is to gain muscle then will get that with a strength workout. A lot of BB workouts just seem too bloated to me.
I have a weird problem.
I watched one of Rip's videos on grip while squatting (I think someone posted it in here) the and so have been trying to emulate it the last few times I've been to the gym.
Problem is when I go to squat with high elbows, straight wrists with my whole hand on top of the bar and a thumb less grip I get pain in my shoulders, upper arms and back. This is before I've even unracked the weight. Trying to unrack it and hold the weight evenly is worrying for a few seconds at the moment.
My guess is I'm just ridiculously inflexible and tight or something. Any advice?
Diet is not bad. I drink two shakes a day (whey protein) and eat 2-3 meals of chicken, steak, and stuff like that. It's possible I'm not getting enough protein since I haven't been following it super closely.
Unfortunately I have to stick to dumbbells, machines, and limited barbell exercises because I'm injury prone so I have to work around my busted ass body. I do bench press, leg press, stuff for the arms like bar curls but otherwise I'm SOL.
Sorry to post this again, but has anyone dealt with elbow soreness from curls? Any advice appreciated.
Is this inner elbow or "outer"? Like for example, when I curled I used to get really really sore inside my elbow but it turns out I just have insanely long bicep insertions that were getting sore.
Otherwise, if it feels more like nerve pain (like ulnar entrapment) that isn't due to muscle soreness, consult a physician.
Warm up your rotator cuff and shoulders before you squat. Dislocations helped me a TON with flexibility. You may also try a wider grip with how you hold the bar when you squat. Are you doing high or low bar squats?
From what I can tell you are not focusing on strength exercises like squats, deads and ohp. It is my belief that strength overall comes from the training of strength in all of your body, not just the triceps and chest like in bench.
It's mostly nagging stuff like back spasms, elbow pain from past injury, knee pain from past injury. For instance, my elbow has been flaring up on me just from doing my usual stuff so I gotta take extra time to let it stop hurting.
This is exactly what I go through. Got snapping hip syndrome, chondromalacia in the right knee, instability across all joints, and weak wrists.
Was considering this.I stopped at 70lbs on DB chest press for awhile a few months back. Same weight as you (5"11 - 204 pounds). I wasn't making any progress despite switching a few lifts up (incorporating new ones). Was pretty frustrating. I read a bunch of different things online, but ultimately didn't decided concretely on anything.
What ultimately helped me progress was changing my routine entirely. I had been doing splits for months, but instead of having *two* days focusing on the same weight - I've gone to one heavy (with fewer reps) and one light day (with higher reps) days. This was at the recommendation of a trainer friend.
It's been great and seems to have benefited every lift I do. On heavy days - I'm doing say 4-6 reps instead of my previous constant 8-10. Now I'm stronger and able to concentrate more energy on heavy days pushing myself. Where in the past - it felt more like maintenance.
Was considering this.
What does gaf think of this routine?
SS day A on Mondays
SS day B Wednesday
Thurs upper body Bb
Fri back BB
Sat legs BB
Was considering this.
What does gaf think of this routine?
SS day A on Mondays
SS day B Wednesday
Thurs upper body Bb
Fri back BB
Sat legs BB
I can only dumbbell chest press 55 pounders. Is this pathetic?
Why not try out Layne Norton's PHAT routine?
No it's not pathetic, the thing with dumbbells is you can push yourself much harder than you would with barbell because if you fail you just drop the weights. How many times can you press 55lbers? If you can push them 8 times, then bump it up to 60lbers and push for 7. Whatever you do with the 55s, try 1 or 2 less with 60s and keep pushing every week.
I started at 55-60lbers with dumbbells, I was pushing up 120lbers in sets a little more than a year later. Don't be afraid to push yourself, you think you can only press 55lbers, I'm sure you could do 60-65s if you put your mind to it.
Daaamn man if I could do 100+ one day I would be so fucking thrilled.
Don't put yourself down just because you can't yet. Be confident in what you can do now and what looms in the near future. 100 DB press will come one day. Just focus on the next workout.
wow today was compound day...bad idea, I'm pretty sure I tweaked my back. nothing serious, it'll be better by Monday I think, but still, it hurts lol.
ATG Squats
Flat BB Bench
Power Cleans
Ran 1/2 mile
so ouch.
Daaamn man if I could do 100+ one day I would be so fucking thrilled.
Start mixing in BB Bench press. As you linearly progress in the bench, it will help you progress in the DB bench. In addition, get some 1.25# plates for the BB and the magnet things for the DB. That way, you can take even smaller jumps.
It'll take time, but you can get there.
wow today was compound day...bad idea, I'm pretty sure I tweaked my back. nothing serious, it'll be better by Monday I think, but still, it hurts lol.
ATG Squats
Flat BB Bench
Power Cleans
Ran 1/2 mile
so ouch.
Fuck that shit, posting this next page.