OK so because everyone in here is awesome and everyone in here helps everyone out all the time and are just all around great peeps - I'd like to thank everyone for what they do for everyone and what this place has done for me.
The only way I know how is to put FitGAF in my game.
There's a team called REAPER (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeper_(program)) in our game that act as the watchers/police (not spoiling any more than that) and one of the levels has you going through their headquarters. I figure they need a gym because they are all huge dudes (
http://gfycat.com/ThunderousSlimyCopperbutterfly) and relatively tough to kill.
I'll be placing as many of you as I can in that gym. I can't get everyone but you can probably guess who everyone is by what they are doing like: if you see a dude OHP the whole damn joint then you know that's Brolic. Muscle Ups? C'mon sons. Cycling? Dragon Flags? Running? Standing around with quads just growing?
I'll be PMing you guys in the coming months when it comes time to work on that section of the game and you can yea or nay to having yourself featured in-game, give the nod to your character and animation as well as your name (how you like it) in the credits.
I'll also be giving you guys PSN and PC codes at launch.
Least I can do for you all being who you all are.