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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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So yeah, no mail or callback from Rogue (EU) and they'll be closed now. I'm going to have to call them tomorrow and do my best not to lose my shit with whoever I get on the phone.

I much prefer complaining via email as it's easier to take your time and not get annoyed.

can you not contact the US side so they can contact EU side or see what US can do?

and email... they'll never respond or take just as long lol.
Yeah, that's my next step if I don't get any luck tomorrow... as I guess it was their fault for providing the wrong crap to Rogue EU in the first place. Step after that is contacting my credit card and telling them to do a chargeback, see if they pay attention then.

What really pisses me off is I know they read their emails quickly as I got a response almost instantly when I asked them for the missing instructions.


So yeah, no mail or callback from Rogue (EU) and they'll be closed now. I'm going to have to call them tomorrow and do my best not to lose my shit with whoever I get on the phone.

I much prefer complaining via email as it's easier to take your time and not get annoyed.

That's ridiculous. Out of curiosity I checked the last time I sent them questions about equipment. The response came within 40 minutes.


Anyway you can lift in socks?

Isn't the main advantage of specific shoes for squats the heel lift? That's certainly why I was considering using them for squatting.

I almost wouldn't squat without my Adipowers at this point. Feels like you're dipping your feet in cement everytime. Firmly secure and stable. I use them for OHP too but squat is the main reason I got them .

I feel like there is conflicting information out there in regards to squats. I've heard you want your foot as flat as possible so Chuck's (or even barefoot) is good. But then all of these weightlifting shoes have a raised heel that apparently really helps. People I've talked to have said that raised heel shoes are better for high bar squat rather than low bar. When I first started lifting I did high bar but somewhere along the line I kept dropping the bar on my back so I'm pretty sure I'm doing low bar now.
I don't think I've ever read specifically anything that says about having your feet flat being an advantage. Are you sure they're basically not referring to having a stable platform? (as in, you don't want a sport shoe with a heel as it'll squish / move around).

it got too frozen. so i was impatient and put in the microwave. probably a bad idea because it felt like it separated. ended up tasted watery? or is that what coconut taste like when it's melted. LOL. i have like 2 more dairy free ones and a sorbet. ate it with a crispy cookie i found at the store.



it got too frozen. so i was impatient and put in the microwave. probably a bad idea because it felt like it separated. ended up tasted watery? or is that what coconut taste like when it's melted. LOL. i have like 2 more dairy free ones and a sorbet. ate it with a crispy cookie i found at the store.

We've bought that for my son and it was... Ok.

We actually really liked the Trader Joe's Coconut Milk Ice Cream though. He still didn't like it though, isn't down with cold foods yet.
We've bought that for my son and it was... Ok.

We actually really liked the Trader Joe's Coconut Milk Ice Cream though. He still didn't like it though, isn't down with cold foods yet.

we have a trader joes and i didn't realize it... LOL i'll go see.


My newest cheat obsession:

this one in particular

I have only been able to get my hands on that and the Mint Chocolate Chip. So fucking good though. It's like a perfect half-baked chocolate chip cookie with the most amazing vanilla ice cream. Ends up tasting like God-Tier Cookie Dough Ice Cream.


the piano man
OK so because everyone in here is awesome and everyone in here helps everyone out all the time and are just all around great peeps - I'd like to thank everyone for what they do for everyone and what this place has done for me.

The only way I know how is to put FitGAF in my game.

There's a team called REAPER (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeper_(program)) in our game that act as the watchers/police (not spoiling any more than that) and one of the levels has you going through their headquarters. I figure they need a gym because they are all huge dudes (http://gfycat.com/ThunderousSlimyCopperbutterfly) and relatively tough to kill.

I'll be placing as many of you as I can in that gym. I can't get everyone but you can probably guess who everyone is by what they are doing like: if you see a dude OHP the whole damn joint then you know that's Brolic. Muscle Ups? C'mon sons. Cycling? Dragon Flags? Running? Standing around with quads just growing?

I'll be PMing you guys in the coming months when it comes time to work on that section of the game and you can yea or nay to having yourself featured in-game, give the nod to your character and animation as well as your name (how you like it) in the credits.

I'll also be giving you guys PSN and PC codes at launch.

Least I can do for you all being who you all are.

I haven't been posting much in the last year or so but if I make it into the game I can be the one doing pistol squats :)



My newest cheat obsession:

this one in particular

I have only been able to get my hands on that and the Mint Chocolate Chip. So fucking good though. It's like a perfect half-baked chocolate chip cookie with the most amazing vanilla ice cream. Ends up tasting like God-Tier Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

Waaaait, where is this from??


Literally not a single thing open at the gym today. Sitting here and probably going to just leave in a few.

I just left. Fuck this place.
As much as I love to continue bulking, I've got a 2 week vacation coming up in about 6 weeks and part of it includes spending a week in san diego. So Its time for a cut, got to get those abs out for the beach and all that jazz. I'm interested in adding HIIT to my workouts (probably doing it inbetween the workouts) is there a specific version of them I should start off with? I've seen various versions posted here and need to know which one is best for starting out, even if I've already been working out.


Ha, I'll actually be in San Diego from 4/25-28 for a convention. Cheat day on the company dollar? I think so!


Did a few rounds of pushups yesterday. Max pushups within 60 seconds, 3 rounds: averaged 59 reps :D

I really want to get my pushup game up
How do you guys feel about shrug bars? Not that I don't mind doing front/back with the barbell but I wouldn't mind changing it up. I do use dumbbells but I don't have enough weight for my set to make a difference with shrugs.

I can either get an Olympic set of dumbbells to match my BB set OR buy more weights and make my own shrug bar from 2" pipe. I have access to a welder so that's not a big deal. I do make my own stuff from pullup bars, ropes, cable machines, etc. I feel I can make one for like 20 bucks and spend the leftovers on some more plates. I'm stuck at 300 on a few lifts since that's all the weight I have. I'd be able to bump up to 390 AND make a shrug bar for the price of a decent store-bought bar alone. Sounds about right no? Hell I can probably make the bar for free salvaging some 2" pipe from the day job. Hmmmm.

Slow and steady is the way to go
Just want to keep the iron hot is all :D Got a new lease on my diet so I'm stretching its legs a bit.

Awesome to see the pump is working out for you dude. That's phenomenal and its great to see how focused you are because of it
Thanks brother! Means a lot!

I haven't been posting much in the last year or so but if I make it into the game I can be the one doing pistol squats :)

You got it!


What pre workouts do you guys like? I use to use jack3d, then a few years back I picked up the advanced formula and didn't care for it. So I stopped using them for the most part. Just here and there.

Well a few weeks back I started again and finished up that old tub of the advanced formula.

I like them for the different feeling I get at the gym. It's sorta like a treat for me. Or when I'm just beat down from a tiring day and need a pick me up (not often that though).

So tonight I picked up a tub of Mr Hyde. That shit ain't no fucking joke son. I was mean muggin the weights all night. I also blew up the toilet briefly.

It honestly reminded me of og Jack. Not quite there but similar. Unless my memory is a little off. Not as clean/clear if that makes sense.

What pick me ups do you guys use occasionally?


How do you guys feel about shrug bars? Not that I don't mind doing front/back with the barbell but I wouldn't mind changing it up. I do use dumbbells but I don't have enough weight for my set to make a difference with shrugs.

I can either get an Olympic set of dumbbells to match my BB set OR buy more weights and make my own shrug bar from 2" pipe. I have access to a welder so that's not a big deal. I do make my own stuff from pullup bars, ropes, cable machines, etc. I feel I can make one for like 20 bucks and spend the leftovers on some more plates. I'm stuck at 300 on a few lifts since that's all the weight I have. I'd be able to bump up to 390 AND make a shrug bar for the price of a decent store-bought bar alone. Sounds about right no? Hell I can probably make the bar for free salvaging some 2" pipe from the day job. Hmmmm.

Dude, I'd kill to know how to weld workout bars. If you know how, definitely give it a shot. Awesome skill.
What pre workouts do you guys like? I use to use jack3d, then a few years back I picked up the advanced formula and didn't care for it. So I stopped using them for the most part. Just here and there.

Well a few weeks back I started again and finished up that old tub of the advanced formula.

I like them for the different feeling I get at the gym. It's sorta like a treat for me. Or when I'm just beat down from a tiring day and need a pick me up (not often that though).

So tonight I picked up a tub of Mr Hyde. That shit ain't no fucking joke son. I was mean muggin the weights all night. I also blew up the toilet briefly.

It honestly reminded me of og Jack. Not quite there but similar. Unless my memory is a little off. Not as clean/clear if that makes sense.

What pick me ups do you guys use occasionally?

Coffee or caffeine pill. Beta Alanine, creatine. Mio or KoolAid sugar free squeeze flavoring.

Like 10c per my preworkout gogo drink.

Dude, I'd kill to know how to weld workout bars. If you know how, definitely give it a shot. Awesome skill.

I don't know how to weld "pretty" :p

I learned by tubbing cars as a teenager. Didn't need to look pretty on the inside, that's for sure :D

It's pretty easy, tho. It won't look all nice like the store-bought but I figure a rectangular tube with arms and handles is all i need. 2" steel and welds will hold no prob.


Coffee or caffeine pill. Beta Alanine, creatine. Mio or KoolAid sugar free squeeze flavoring.

Like 10c per my preworkout gogo drink.

That seems a lot cleaner. I'm not savvy on which product produces which result. Does ceatine generate a strong pump with a lot blood flow?

Cheaper too. :/


Hi, it's been a while since I posted here for the last time...I was trying crossfit and I liked it a lot, the problem is I was losing to much weight and class times were not good for me. I then went back to the gym last Monday.

Could you give me some tips on my routine? I tried to mix abs, strengh and resistence exercises in a 60 min session. Kind of a crossfit training but more focused in strenght and weight gain.


Knees to Elbows

Shoulder Press
Incline Hammer Curls

Swing Ketlebell
Single Under



Bench Press
Barbell Row

Single Under
What pre workouts do you guys like? I use to use jack3d, then a few years back I picked up the advanced formula and didn't care for it. So I stopped using them for the most part. Just here and there.

Well a few weeks back I started again and finished up that old tub of the advanced formula.

I like them for the different feeling I get at the gym. It's sorta like a treat for me. Or when I'm just beat down from a tiring day and need a pick me up (not often that though).

So tonight I picked up a tub of Mr Hyde. That shit ain't no fucking joke son. I was mean muggin the weights all night. I also blew up the toilet briefly.

It honestly reminded me of og Jack. Not quite there but similar. Unless my memory is a little off. Not as clean/clear if that makes sense.

What pick me ups do you guys use occasionally?

I just eat two hours before I work out tbh. And sip on a mixture of bcaa and creatine
That seems a lot cleaner. I'm not savvy on which product produces which result. Does ceatine generate a strong pump with a lot blood flow?

Cheaper too. :/

Creatine's primary purpose is to restore ATP. Doesn't need to be in a preworkout but i take my daily with it.

Pretty much all PWO are just caffeine with a whole bunch of other stuff that is, quite honestly, fluff, IMO.

Most of the additional aminos aren't even remotely close to the amounts needed if you would be taking if you took them like you are supposed to.

My personal thoughts on PWO are to help blunt fatigue and maybe give you a little bit of a leg up after a long day of hard work. Caffeine is great to do both and you don't need a store-bought for it.

The extras in the mix might be useful in higher doses but usually slapped in to say the PWO has it as a bullet point. Proper diet has done more for me than any PWO. I still have a coffee or a caffeine pill before i lift for the energy but I do work 12's regularly at the day job so i'm wiped and need a boost. Otherwise on weekends I rarely have any, even on leg day.

Just my .02

I'm no pro at PWO supplements - i just know what i like and don't like and keep it simple with my supplements: creatine, beta alanine. Both work for me. I don't get into much other stuff :D


What pre workouts do you guys like? I use to use jack3d, then a few years back I picked up the advanced formula and didn't care for it. So I stopped using them for the most part. Just here and there.

Well a few weeks back I started again and finished up that old tub of the advanced formula.

I like them for the different feeling I get at the gym. It's sorta like a treat for me. Or when I'm just beat down from a tiring day and need a pick me up (not often that though).

So tonight I picked up a tub of Mr Hyde. That shit ain't no fucking joke son. I was mean muggin the weights all night. I also blew up the toilet briefly.

It honestly reminded me of og Jack. Not quite there but similar. Unless my memory is a little off. Not as clean/clear if that makes sense.

What pick me ups do you guys use occasionally?

Like Jack said, id try coffee first. 16 oz. of black coffee and a scoop of pb. Always relying on pre-workouts isn't the safest thing in the long run.

I don't know how to weld "pretty" :p

I learned by tubbing cars as a teenager. Didn't need to look pretty on the inside, that's for sure :D

It's pretty easy, tho. It won't look all nice like the store-bought but I figure a rectangular tube with arms and handles is all i need. 2" steel and welds will hold no prob.

Yeah, I know what you're saying but the difference between $20 and $300+ for a bar you'll use mainly for shrugs...ill take slightly ugly but functional :)
Like Jack said, id try coffee first. 16 oz. of black coffee and a scoop of pb. Always relying on pre-workouts isn't the safest thing in the long run.

Yeah, I know what you're saying but the difference between $20 and $300+ for a bar you'll use mainly for shrugs...ill take slightly ugly but functional :)
Another note for coffee: light roast usually packs more caffeine. I keep some Light Roast Hazelnut handy for the kickass days :D

Most of the stuff I rig is utilitarian. Functional, but ugly. I'm still surprised my cable setup is lasting as long as it is. The pulleys are each rated to 400lbs with brass sleeves. I just make sure to take them apart and grease them with my favorite synthetic (same shit I use on my whip) once a month and they are still smooth as silk months in so giddyup!


Worst feeling. Hang in there and don't lose motivation. That home gym is right around the corner.

Thanks man, your comment actually helped me to chill out. Even complaining, nothing is going to change. And we got word they're going to try to close escrow on the 24th and will be out of the house by the 27th. SO CLOSE.

I know that feeling :(

Why add bread when I can just add more meat instead.

If the kethup is the reduced sugar variety, looks pretty keto-rific to me. Good job buddy.


Thanks man, your comment actually helped me to chill out. Even complaining, nothing is going to change. And we got word they're going to try to close escrow on the 24th and will be out of the house by the 27th. SO CLOSE.

Any time, bud. I know the feeling. I also know how demotivating it can be. You have a lot of awesome shit coming up though!


Any time, bud. I know the feeling. I also know how demotivating it can be. You have a lot of awesome shit coming up though!

It was seriously demotivating. But yep yep, on the way to awesome town. Ordered my bench!


97 bucks picked up at sports chalet using the coupon code active20, has a max capacity of 610lbs which i'll never get to in my lifetime, so should be fine. Thats the very first home gym item purchased!


I feel like there is conflicting information out there in regards to squats. I've heard you want your foot as flat as possible so Chuck's (or even barefoot) is good. But then all of these weightlifting shoes have a raised heel that apparently really helps. People I've talked to have said that raised heel shoes are better for high bar squat rather than low bar. When I first started lifting I did high bar but somewhere along the line I kept dropping the bar on my back so I'm pretty sure I'm doing low bar now.

Anybody feel free to correct me on this one!
I think we want our feet flat on the ground during a squat so that the center of gravity is one line that goes directly through the center of our feet. If we lift our heels off the ground (without lifting shoes) then I guess it's risky because that center of gravity is now on the balls of our feet or our toes and probably not so stable. I guess that's no good. If we have lifting shoes with a bit of a raised heel those shoes are built to be stable and secure. Our feet are still in contact with a "floor". Like Cooter said, it's like putting your feet in cement, and the center of gravity is still able to safely go straight through the mid foot. That plus with the raised heel now we have a bit more range of motion with the ankle.

Good questions. I'm also wondering if lifting shoes are bad if I'm taking a wider stance for squats. I feel like it's more comfortable to me if my feet are slightly wider than shoulder width. I don't fall as easily, and I can get lower.
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