Motivation pretty much at an all time low today. This nightmare with my house purchase (going to fall through today) has just wrecked me. I just about survived a really hard turbo trainer session yesterday... but I fear I gave pretty much spent all the mental strength I had left on it.
Is deadlift day, and after finding that my form was completely screwed up last week (I changed some things after watching a video) I'm really dreading that too.
Do any of you use apps? I just have a notepad for my different days, once I can do 3x7 comfortablebly I tend to increase the weights.
Do any of you use apps? I just have a notepad for my different days, once I can do 3x7 comfortablebly I tend to increase the weights.
Do any of you use apps? I just have a notepad for my different days, once I can do 3x7 comfortablebly I tend to increase the weights.
Grrr...last three days weight:
Eating way below maintenance, a little cardio each day (just walking 30 mins) + workouts 2 of those days. Body being a PITA.
Grrr...last three days weight:
Eating way below maintenance, a little cardio each day (just walking 30 mins) + workouts 2 of those days. Body being a PITA.
First off, if you're lifting heavy and only walking 30 minutes for cardio, a portion of your weight loss over time might be masked by muscle gain.
Secondly, don't put TOO much stock in 3 days...water retention, time of day, etc can alter your results.
Maybe throw sprints or HIIT in there 2-3 times per week to target fat loss.
Yea what bum said. You need to view weight on week averages rather than day by day. The way you're looking at it is going to drive you nuts...
Working from home lifting in your office Bros!I use excel, but I workout 50 feet from my office. I always found pen and paper to be great too as I could take notes ("got 295, but form was slightly off...deload") while you lift
My Dearest Cooter,
It was wreckless and disrespectful to post a progress photo without proper fitting attire. With that said, I've done what I can to make things right. I hope our broship can still be salvaged.
Shit's getting weird. We need that new OT
Well that's it, six months of fucking around trying to sort the house purchase, for nothing.
Just to add to the fun, the alarm I bought to protect the stuff in my garage just arrived. Broken. Think I might go out and kick some kittens or something.
jesus christ your arms are bigger than my legs :[
Nope, just bigger lollighting and pump, friend
I'm sorry to hear this dudeWell that's it, six months of fucking around trying to sort the house purchase, for nothing.
Just to add to the fun, the alarm I bought to protect the stuff in my garage just arrived. Broken. Think I might go out and kick some kittens or something.
You are a big dude and your arms look fine. We are the same height, I weigh 225 right now before my cut so I'm going to wind up slim compared to and pump, friend
I actually hate how flat and "narrow" my arms look in a shirt.
I could post a transformation pic, but I don't look that different because my waist won't let me be great. I'll see if I can find any that show change.
edit: here are some ones from the weightloss thread:
September 2015:
April 2016 (please ignore the dumb face I made):
I'll post better ones once I defeat my gut once and for all.
Yeah besides your arms blowing up I feel like I see a lot more definition in your shoulders/upper chest.Forget the gut for a've made very obvious size gains. Really awesome work.
The link Mike posted will make you smile, for sure.
Mission accomplished!!Was sick in my mouth a little bit.
Motivation pretty much at an all time low today. This nightmare with my house purchase (going to fall through today) has just wrecked me. I just about survived a really hard turbo trainer session yesterday... but I fear I gave pretty much spent all the mental strength I had left on it.
Forget the gut for a've made very obvious size gains. Really awesome work.
Yeah besides your arms blowing up I feel like I see a lot more definition in your shoulders/upper chest.
Excellent increases. Nice.
Great work, Killer!!! Keep the train rolling in OT9
Cheers for all the thoughts on the house move suckage. If I'm honest I just wanted to go down the pub or something when I found out but I pursuaded myself into the garage, and on the bright side, my deadlift wasn't as screwed as last week (though it's still going to be a while before I've got it back again).
One major negative. Cortisol be stealing my gains bruh.
Btw, what kind of food scale do you guys recommend?