Facism said:haha wtf you know who i am i only played with you in GAFe for a year D:
Yes im live_feed :< the shaft stuff was in response to the guy who was talking about bignose having a big cock and using it to lure FFO back into KZ3 lol.
kurisub306 said:dunno if this is the best place to ask, but I figured a fellow gaffer would probably know the answer to this. Does anyone know how to stop, or what triggers a sudden swing of the gun (almost like a swinging melee) while firing? It seems to happen randomly when I'm firing from the hip and almost always gets me killed in a firefight. I primarily play as Tactician and use the M83, although it does happen with the StA as well. I have melee set to R3, but I know I'm not pushing down hard enough to trigger it.
Is this some sorta momentum thing? Moving while firing from the hip that triggers it? It's really starting to aggravate me the same thing happened in MAG as well, and was one of the big reason I never got into that game.
Any idea how to stop this? (other than firing down the sights) It always seems to happen when I'm targeting someone too, I can never recreate it just firing at a wall or the air.
kurisub306 said:dunno if this is the best place to ask, but I figured a fellow gaffer would probably know the answer to this. Does anyone know how to stop, or what triggers a sudden swing of the gun (almost like a swinging melee) while firing? It seems to happen randomly when I'm firing from the hip and almost always gets me killed in a firefight. I primarily play as Tactician and use the M83, although it does happen with the StA as well. I have melee set to R3, but I know I'm not pushing down hard enough to trigger it.
Is this some sorta momentum thing? Moving while firing from the hip that triggers it? It's really starting to aggravate me the same thing happened in MAG as well, and was one of the big reason I never got into that game.
Any idea how to stop this? (other than firing down the sights) It always seems to happen when I'm targeting someone too, I can never recreate it just firing at a wall or the air.
Facism said:You shouldn't be melee'ing unless you're pressing the melee button. The weapon swing is standard melee.
Are you using Move or a DS3? If it's a DS3 it sounds like your R3 is clicking without your input and possibly broken a little bit. One of my friends has a pad like that, literally takes no effort to press in R3 and causes problems for him. Makes no click sound either when it happens.
Massa said:It's not really surprising that you guys are dropping the game, you never liked it to begin with.
My friends list is still filled with people playing it and I always get full servers even when going for the map specific ones.
commish said:I did and do enjoy it. I put in probably over 100 hours btw beta and release. I'm just enjoying the maps and gameplsy of Homefront more right now.
Massa said:It's not really surprising that you guys are dropping the game, you never liked it to begin with.
My friends list is still filled with people playing it and I always get full servers even when going for the map specific ones.
Vasilisk said:Just played a few games of Warzone, with the matchmaking and map voting working properly (thank god!!!), and what to say..