The Division 2 Clans |OT| Endgame

In my experience they've been fantastic and fun to play with. From what I've heard and read it sounds like you were the problem lol.

Well if u believe them then its fine. I asked question and help regarding game and they got personal.

But I'm glad im not in their clan anymore. My new clan is awesome both at pvp n pve. Can't say same for my previous clan lol
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Xaero Gravity

Well if u believe them then its fine. I asked question and help regarding game and they got personal.

But I'm glad im not in their clan anymore. My new clan is awesome both at pvp n pve. Can't say same for my previous clan lol

God damn dude, get the fuck over it. You were kicked because members found you to demanding and annoying as hell. The clan does a mix of both PvE and PvP, so these claims of us being "too afraid to PvP" are ridiculous and unfounded. You never got the chance to play with any of us due to the time zone and schedule differences, on top of your sheer levels of annoyance, so I'm not sure how you're able to infer on what the skill level of the clan was. But keep on crying about it, it's just making you look bitter and everyone else is having a chuckle at your expense. The fact that you're still here days later and STILL bitching about it is just sad. Grow up and move on beyond pointless internet drama. We all have, now it's your turn.
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Lets meet up in pvp. Your clan vs mine. Skirmish pvp plus there's achievement as well.

Fun times and you will learn how to play as well instead of talking shit


God damn dude, get the fuck over it. You were kicked because members found you to demanding and annoying as hell. The clan does a mix of both PvE and PvP, so these claims of us being "too afraid to PvP" are ridiculous and unfounded. You never got the chance to play with any of us due to the time zone and schedule differences, on top of your sheer levels of annoyance, so I'm not sure how you're able to infer on what the skill level of the clan was. But keep on crying about it, it's just making you look bitter and everyone else is having a chuckle at your expense. The fact that you're still here days later and STILL bitching about it is just sad. Grow up and move on beyond pointless internet drama. We all have, now it's your turn.
He's obviously a sad little kid and you're just giving him the attention he craves. No point in risking getting yourself banned by falling for his stupid shit.

Xaero Gravity

He's obviously a sad little kid and you're just giving him the attention he craves. No point in risking getting yourself banned by falling for his stupid shit.
Lol you should see the PMs he's sent me, apparently he was intentionally trying to get under my skin so you're right, it's not worth it.

Apologies to everyone for even falling for the bait and derailing the thread.


Gold Member
DivisionGAF Xbox is up to Level 13 and climbing! We finished the project "Kill 5250 Hyenas", which is awesome. Just fell short of the Tier 1 cache by about 15%. It's understandable since it's not spring break like last week and a lot of us have come to a stopping point with progression...and GAF is probably a bunch of old guys. Hahaha. The good news is that Tidal Basin and WT5 are almost here, and I have no doubt we're gonna kill it this time around.

We will get the Clan Cache rewards next cycle!


Here are the upcoming unlocks for the general Clan Leveling:


Get ready to kick some ass this weekend, agents!
PC DivisionGAF is 18 now. We received 2 silver caches for the second week in a row.

Excited to see how we do this week with everyone back for Tidal Basin.


Gold Member
Alright my Xbox brothers, we have 36hrs until the end of the Clan reward cycle. We are about 80% of the way so it's going to be close. I'll be going hard trying to make it happen. We can do this!

P.S.- We're close to Clan Level 16 as well, where we get a vendor upgrade.

Xaero Gravity

Alright my Xbox brothers, we have 36hrs until the end of the Clan reward cycle. We are about 80% of the way so it's going to be close. I'll be going hard trying to make it happen. We can do this!

P.S.- We're close to Clan Level 16 as well, where we get a vendor upgrade.
I haven't had much time to play the past week due to work, but I should be back on normally starting tonight.


Gold Member
Looks like they put the servers down earlier than listed, but either way Xbox DivisionGAF achieved our goal of Bronze Tier rewards and over halfway to the next tier! Too bad we didn't hit Silver, but great job to everyone who contributed.:messenger_horns::messenger_beermugs:

We're on our way to Clan Level 17, keep the good times rolling!

The 8-player Raid Operation Dark Hours is incoming April 25th. I hope DivisionGAF Xbox can have a squad or 2 available for weekend of release. I'll see you on streets, Agents!
PC clan got to L21. We got Silver cache again. I think that was probably our best shot at Gold.

Someone beat me out on the XP board. First time I realized that the second cache was actually for winning the leaderboard.
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Can someone invite me back into clan? I was grouped with Fest trying to boost him a little but I couldn’t see him in chat and he wasn’t muted, I thought it might be clan related since it wasn’t happening with anyone else so I left to rejoin


Nobody? :(
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Kagey K

Thanks, just joined. Level 27, almost 30! Give me another year or two :c
I’ve been slacking off on this game so bad. Still only lvl 18 or something. Trying to get through AC: Odyssey and grinding levels on Apex Legends. I keep meaning to get back to this.


I’ve been slacking off on this game so bad. Still only lvl 18 or something. Trying to get through AC: Odyssey and grinding levels on Apex Legends. I keep meaning to get back to this.

I just finished a 4-5 hour marathon, quit at 4:41 AM est when I hit 30, went from 27-30

For the last 2 hours of it a couple of randoms joined my group for a main mission and we ended up playing several side missions as well. It was fun, tense, rewarding, tons of action, just an amazing, organic gaming experience. Added both of them after. What a fucking game, the best game released in 2019 so far imo

It's absolutely disgusting how a couple of reviewers gave it 4/10s like the Tucker Carlson guy and it's only got an 82 Meta now, which is important for sales and the future of the franchise. I gotta contribute more here and make a thread about this, it's just ridiculous, something gaming-related that genuinely pissed me off.
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Gold Member
Sorry my Xbox bros for not being on as much. I love the game, but I've slowed down a bit waiting for the raids and also until they resolve the issue of the disappearing Chatterbox. I'll be playing a lot more this week since my brother has really been leaving me in the dust.

As always, if you are looking to join a clan just post here and somebody will get you in. I expect things to pick up big time once the raids drop.


I just finished a 4-5 hour marathon, quit at 4:41 AM est when I hit 30, went from 27-30

For the last 2 hours of it a couple of randoms joined my group for a main mission and we ended up playing several side missions as well. It was fun, tense, rewarding, tons of action, just an amazing, organic gaming experience. Added both of them after. What a fucking game, the best game released in 2019 so far imo

It's absolutely disgusting how a couple of reviewers gave it 4/10s like the Tucker Carlson guy and it's only got an 82 Meta now, which is important for sales and the future of the franchise. I gotta contribute more here and make a thread about this, it's just ridiculous, something gaming-related that genuinely pissed me off.
I'm pretty confident that personal politics played a role in at least a few of those negative reviews.

That said, I just picked it up on flash sale on PS4. Played two long stretches, making it to level 8 and trying to learn the systems / mechanics organically. Have not yet played PVP or with other humans, but so far loving the game. The cover mechanics are superb and the AI is pretty good too. I love how it tries to flank you and combine a rusher with someone shooting from behind them. Have only scratched the surface and can't wait for the high end stuff.
PC clan missed rewards for the first time. :messenger_neutral:

Probably gonna miss again because I will not be able to play much at all this week. (<- I must think highly of myself.)

But if you're PC and reading this, don't fret. Should be back and at next Friday or so.


Gold Member
Despite my bitterness over losing my Chatterbox to a glitch, my brother has convinced me to participate in the upcoming 8-man raids. Hopefully DivisionGAF Xbox will unite once again, for blood and for glory!

Sons of GAF! Of Div2! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me! A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand! Men of the West!

:messenger_winking_tongue: :messenger_horns:
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Can I get a invite sent to djgbah and wif_jenkins added to ps4 clan? Good buddies and part of my gaming group. Thanks
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Almost have my Skill build complete doing (at times) +100 million skill damage in a stronghold mission.
So far
Assault Rifle - 5% damage to elits
LMG - top half of magazine does -15% damage, bottom half of magazine does +35% damage

Mask - Total of 45% damage to Elites
Chest - 20% explosive damage + 10% explosive damage
Backpack - 20% explosive damage
Holster - 790 Skill power total on this part + 2 Utility Slots with extra 6% explosive damage combined
Gloves - 20% explosive damage
Kneepads - 20% explosive damage

Skills used:
Turret - 26% damage + 750 skill power + 905 skill power
Cluster seeker mines - 26% damage + 36% cooldown + 25% damage

I have all the explosive damage perks that push the above stats through the roof. I'm able to take out groups of elites (with full health and armour) if I headshot kill an enemy and then drop my cluster mines. Add to this my turret with its high skill power focuses on weaker enemies so kills keep my explosive damage sky high. Then there is also my grenade launcher which can pretty much one shot some elites or entire groups of them.

My total skill power is around 2500. I have seen another guy run something similar to my build a while back and that was actually my inspiration for this build but i honestly think i have almost perfected it. I'm just waiting for a nice explosive damage drop on my holster. I can do without my current holster with that 700 skill power. I'm just chasing pure explosive damage at this point.

I am busy with a new build now that focuses on high armour and pure weapon damage so this is going to be fun as its different to the above mentioned skill playstyle.
Still though, i will be tweaking both builds going forward.

Have a great day guys and if anyone wants to invite me to their clan (I am keen to run with serious players on some strongholds to farm for gear) then my PSN ID is I_C_PEE1
Please feel free to add me or drop me a message for a run out in Division 2.
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