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Fix This Shit Guerrilla: A Neogaf Killzone 3 Clan

X-Frame said:
What does R3 have to do with Starhawk?

Nothing really, I'm just disappointed with what I saw of Resistance 3 and am hoping Starhawk will satisfy all my competitive multiplayer shooter desires.

My currently most anticipated game is Dark Souls. :)


Handed leadership over to Lince, good riddence to terrible clan based multiplayer. Hopefully I'll see you guys in the next promising looking shooter we can have a clan for, Brink maybe but I've been warned to not expect much :/.


Cagen said:
Handed leadership over to Lince, good riddence to terrible clan based multiplayer. Hopefully I'll see you guys in the next promising looking shooter we can have a clan for, Brink maybe but I've been warned to not expect much :/.

Whaaaaaat?! :(

Can you elaborate a bit? That's the game I expect to fall back on if everything else until then fails.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Cagen said:
Handed leadership over to Lince, good riddence to terrible clan based multiplayer. Hopefully I'll see you guys in the next promising looking shooter we can have a clan for, Brink maybe but I've been warned to not expect much :/.

Trying SOCOM?

Agent X

Abandone said:
Why was I kicked out of the clan?


Looks like I've been removed from the clan as well. I never actually got an opportunity to play along with any of the clan members, unfortunately. Much of this has to do with the game's inability to let you easily join up with fellow clan players online.

I'd still like to get back in, if you've got room for me!


I think this whole clan is going to remain very difficult to utilize until GG actually makes clans useful. All we need is the Join Clan Member option and I assume it would be rare that we'd all be playing by ourself.

Right now it's just a hassle to do anything unless you have clan members on your FR already.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Agent X said:
Looks like I've been removed from the clan as well. I never actually got an opportunity to play along with any of the clan members, unfortunately. Much of this has to do with the game's inability to let you easily join up with fellow clan players online.

I'd still like to get back in, if you've got room for me!

A ton of people said they wanted to be in the clan but never played with us.


commish said:
Trying SOCOM?
Yeah, I will be, though us Euros didn't get beta codes with our copies of K3, boourns!

As for people being removed from the clan either it bugged and kicked you (has happened to a couple of people), you hit leave clan by mistake (pretty easy to do) or I removed you thinking you were inactive to make room for others (seeing as there is no way of telling who is and who isn't active in the members list, fucking GG pandering to the casuals who will make a clan of 6 people where none of these important clan features or filters are necessary).

Shoot Lince a PSN message (his username should be in the spread sheet) and ask to be reinvited.
commish said:
A ton of people said they wanted to be in the clan but never played with us.

I was on 2 or 3 different nights but never received a game invite. What's the best way to organize a squad for public games? Spam invites? I don't want to piss anyone off.


The Xtortionist said:
I was on 2 or 3 different nights but never received a game invite. What's the best way to organize a squad for public games? Spam invites? I don't want to piss anyone off.

Get in the chatrooms either FTSG or GAF.

I won't be playing any more multiplayer either. I hope to see some of you in the SOCOM Beta.

I will be there :) but I will probably play KZ3 sometimes as well because I really want to like it...


KingOfKong said:
any reason i was randomly kicked out of the clan?

As for people being removed from the clan either it bugged and kicked you (has happened to a couple of people), you hit leave clan by mistake (pretty easy to do) or I removed you thinking you were inactive to make room for others (seeing as there is no way of telling who is and who isn't active in the members list, fucking GG pandering to the casuals who will make a clan of 6 people where none of these important clan features or filters are nesccicary).

Shoot Lince a PSN message (his username should be in the spread sheet) and ask to be reinvited.


Holy fuck, how could I miss spell necessary like that. Fuck posting quickly from my phone while I am clearly dementing. :(


Cagen said:
Holy fuck, how could I miss spell necessary like that. Fuck posting quickly from my phone while I am clearly dementing. :(

hope you come back to the game when patch comes out. if we avoid the terrible laggy clan system we can have some fun.

Mikey Jr.

Gonna wait for multiple patches. They don't want to take big gameplay changes it looks like. Just small baby steps.


I'll wait for patches too, but honestly I don't think I'm coming back to play, just too many games this year. On top of that, I am enjoying the crysis 2 mp demo immensely. Not to troll killzone, but that will probably be my go to game for MP for a long time (Socom as well). A lot of things people hate in KZ3, (camping, avoiding death, being able to turn survive encounters from behind, killstreaks, maps) are done very well in that game. Anyway, KZ3 is still great, just a little disappointed with it.
I would also like to get an invite for the clan and any of the chatrooms if there are slots available. I have been signed up at the spreadsheet since before the game came out.

I only jumped into mp yesterday for a couple of matches first time after finnishing the campaign. Would be nice to be able to play with GAFers.

id: LordGriegous
If possible Id like to join up with you guys.

Seems if all my RL friends have given up gaming or are to broke to keep up with me hopping from game to game as they come out.

Shoot me a PM anytime, PSN is same as my forum name


Neo Member
Yeah same here i am also done with KZ3 and Crysis2 will be the game that i will play the most depending on how good SOCOM will be.
Played with you guys last night, and I played terrible.

The last 2 nights, I played my ass off. Scoring in the top 3 nearly every match, a great KD Ratio, everything.

Play with you guys last night. Had one great finish, the others were next to last, lol.

I always play great until I squad up with the Gaffers, lol, then I get intimidated or something. Funny thing is, some Gaffers have been on my friends list for years (Cjtiger, TigerHeli).

I play with the Sharp Shooter and sometimes I just cannot get on a good run. I feel more confident with the controller, but the sharp shooter is so damn fun.

Oh well, I will be ready to play some tonight. The Gaf Squad can always use an Engineering Bullet Sponge.

Add me up if anyone wants to play later!

PSN: Filth_Flannigan
Another one who has played a few nights with FTSG, and I have to say it's damn fun. After around ten hours of multiplayer I think I'm getting used to the SharpShooter, and indeed it's leagues better than the traditional controller (and it's so awesome to play with). And having good team members it's so rewarding.. of course the game has its flaws, the lag (holy shit at that match with the teleport, flying and invisible guys), the connection and matchmaking problems, and it's easy to camper and be a douchebag with the problems of the TSP. But I'm enjoying it a lot with the NeoGAF crew. Can't wait to play with you guys another night :D


With Dragon Age 2 arriving at my doorstep tomorrow I am officially going to be waiting for the Savior Patch before I return to KZ3.

Also, it looks like I was booted or I booted myself from the clan. No worries though, not like the clan system changes anything whatsoever.

When the Join Clan Member option returns and there's Officers I will request to join again. I am really looking forward to upgrading the Engineer since Marksman & Medic seem a bit underwhelming to me. Nobody seems to play Engineer in pubs but good placement of a fully upgraded turret could get you a lot of kills.


You know why it sucks? Because I'm not the clan leader this time around. Gimme leadership.

Just kidding, I don't even own the game. Looks like it was a wise choice


Raist said:
You know why it sucks? Because I'm not the clan leader this time around. Gimme leadership.

Just kidding, I don't even own the game. Looks like it was a wise choice
Even though I miss my French soulmate, you aren't missing anything, MP is atrocious for what we wanted out of it. You still Playing Dead Nation? We need a new game to play together!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
3rdamention said:
Played with you guys last night, and I played terrible.

The last 2 nights, I played my ass off. Scoring in the top 3 nearly every match, a great KD Ratio, everything.

Play with you guys last night. Had one great finish, the others were next to last, lol.

I always play great until I squad up with the Gaffers, lol, then I get intimidated or something. Funny thing is, some Gaffers have been on my friends list for years (Cjtiger, TigerHeli).

I play with the Sharp Shooter and sometimes I just cannot get on a good run. I feel more confident with the controller, but the sharp shooter is so damn fun.

Oh well, I will be ready to play some tonight. The Gaf Squad can always use an Engineering Bullet Sponge.

Add me up if anyone wants to play later!

PSN: Filth_Flannigan

Yeah, that happens to me sometimes - "but really guys, usually I'm a lot better than this!" I'm terrible at getting points, if that makes sense. I know people always run to the choke points and spawning areas to get tons of easy kills, but I tend to just hang by the objective. No one who plays in FTSG really cares about how many points any one of us get, as long as we win!

Good luck with the sharpshooter... I couldn't make the Move work for me so I'm all controller, all the time now.


Raist said:
You know why it sucks? Because I'm not the clan leader this time around. Gimme leadership.

Just kidding, I don't even own the game. Looks like it was a wise choice

I hate myself for listening to FFO, he forced me into buying the game :p
3rdamention said:
Played with you guys last night, and I played terrible.

The last 2 nights, I played my ass off. Scoring in the top 3 nearly every match, a great KD Ratio, everything.

Play with you guys last night. Had one great finish, the others were next to last, lol.

I always play great until I squad up with the Gaffers, lol, then I get intimidated or something. Funny thing is, some Gaffers have been on my friends list for years (Cjtiger, TigerHeli).

I play with the Sharp Shooter and sometimes I just cannot get on a good run. I feel more confident with the controller, but the sharp shooter is so damn fun.

Oh well, I will be ready to play some tonight. The Gaf Squad can always use an Engineering Bullet Sponge.

Add me up if anyone wants to play later!

PSN: Filth_Flannigan

I did the same thing the first few times playing... too funny.


Was finally able to get into a game with FTSG. Unfortunately it was on the other side. Good game though, it was close throughout and ended in a draw.


I hate playing against FTSG! I instantly know I'm going to lose. It's fun getting in kills though on another member when they can't join our side of the fence. We trash talk even though they can't hear.
I'm sorry Rick :p

I should be back on this weekend to play more clan games. Hopefully I don't get session errors anymore :(


I'm the pwonager pwoner.

However, those games yesterday were a lot of fun. I now know why Lince has such a good KDR. He's a spawn rapist at it's finest.


I'm one of the people who got kicked from the clan XD.

Oh well, don't really have much time to devote to this. Only time I have is when I play casually with my friends so don't bother putting me back in.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Got kicked from the clan and I was on practically every night. Oh well. If anyone wants to form a North American clan, I will set it up. One condition: you can't be a fucking whiner.


DenogginizerOS said:
Got kicked from the clan and I was on practically every night. Oh well. If anyone wants to form a North American clan, I will set it up. One condition: you can't be a fucking whiner.

I think it's been randomly kicking people out.

Also, I guess that means Pwonager can't be in your clan. :p
DenogginizerOS said:
Got kicked from the clan and I was on practically every night. Oh well. If anyone wants to form a North American clan, I will set it up. One condition: you can't be a fucking whiner.

I guess this sounds like a good idea. It's near impossible to join/sustain membership of the current clan (due to technical reasons! thanks GG!).


DenogginizerOS said:
Got kicked from the clan and I was on practically every night. Oh well. If anyone wants to form a North American clan, I will set it up. One condition: you can't be a fucking whiner.

It's a bug mate. Loads of other people have been randomly booted out of the clan without Cagen or Lince physically removing anyone. FTSG still loves you :)

If it happens send a message to Lince on PSN or leave a message here, i'm sure he's reading this thread even though he's banned.


Had a good run of games last night. Lots of shaft inhalation.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Bug or not, GG has already made joining games harder than necessary. Having to sync up with people overseas has made it worse. I would rather play with a core group that can consistently meet up on some weeknights at around 930 EST and play for about an hour and a half. If anyone meets that criteria and is interested in trying to form a small clan, send me a PM or a message on PSN.

A few more guidelines:

* We will not play EVERY night as a clan. We need to make a schedule and stick to it.
* You must own and use a mic.
* You need to be willing and able to play more than one classs.
* You need to be punctual.
* You must be a team player.
* No whiners, no screamers, no elitists.
* Most importantly, fun is the first priority. I love to win, but if you are playing one night and just feeling off, just kindly step away. Life is stressful enough as it is. I play games to escape stress, not to create it.
DenogginizerOS said:
A few more guidelines:

* We will not play EVERY night as a clan. We need to make a schedule and stick to it.
* You must own and use a mic.
* You need to be willing and able to play more than one classs.
* You need to be punctual.
* You must be a team player.
* No whiners, no screamers, no elitists.
* Most importantly, fun is the first priority. I love to win, but if you are playing one night and just feeling off, just kindly step away. Life is stressful enough as it is. I play games to escape stress, not to create it.

Well, that means I'm sorta out.


DenogginizerOS said:
Bug or not, GG has already made joining games harder than necessary. Having to sync up with people overseas has made it worse. I would rather play with a core group that can consistently meet up on some weeknights at around 930 EST and play for about an hour and a half. If anyone meets that criteria and is interested in trying to form a small clan, send me a PM or a message on PSN.

A few more guidelines:

* We will not play EVERY night as a clan. We need to make a schedule and stick to it.
* You must own and use a mic.
* You need to be willing and able to play more than one classs.
* You need to be punctual.
* You must be a team player.
* No whiners, no screamers, no elitists.
* Most importantly, fun is the first priority. I love to win, but if you are playing one night and just feeling off, just kindly step away. Life is stressful enough as it is. I play games to escape stress, not to create it.

/Shoo, make your own topic :p


Facism said:
It's a bug mate. Loads of other people have been randomly booted out of the clan without Cagen or Lince physically removing anyone. FTSG still loves you :)

If it happens send a message to Lince on PSN or leave a message here, i'm sure he's reading this thread even though he's banned.


Had a good run of games last night. Lots of shaft inhalation.

Are you Live-Feed? The shaft guy? Your comments were creepy and awesome at the same time. I'd really like to hear more about your shaft.


Thrakier said:
Are you Live-Feed? The shaft guy? Your comments were creepy and awesome at the same time. I'd really like to hear more about your shaft.

haha wtf you know who i am i only played with you in GAFe for a year D:

Yes im live_feed :< the shaft stuff was in response to the guy who was talking about bignose having a big cock and using it to lure FFO back into KZ3 lol.
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