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Flair vs. Foley - Battle of words - Cactus is pissed!

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Mick Foley is apparently furious over the negative comments that Ric Flair has for him in Flair's new book. Foley is also upset that WWE would allow such things to be written in an official WWE publication. Foley is said to feel betrayed by Vince McMahon and is now apparently ignoring all calls from WWE.

- PWTorch


Judging from the bits that I've seen posted around, I wouldn't be surprised if this happens with a lot of guys, Bret in particular.

I mean, is it a book about Flair, or a trash rag of Flair bagging on other people?

evil ways

bjork said:
He didn't go so far as to call Flair a no-talent hack stuntman and whatnot, though.

It's true though, as much as I like Mick Foley, he's nothing more than a guy who got cheered and praised by fans for simply putting his head through tables and falling on thumbtacks/barbwire. He has no in ring skills, or talent, besides being a human ragdoll and the rare funny/good promo or interview.

He's no different than the Sandman who only got over for the same thing, plus drinking beer and smoking a cigarrette or Abdullah the Butcher who's gimmick is that of being a fat, crazy beast that bleeds and uses foreign objects. None of those guys are talented, but that doesn't mean they didn't get over with the fans one way or another.


keep your strippers out of my American football
WTF? Foley ragged on Flair pretty bad in his books but now he can't take the same treatment? Foley loses more and more respect from me everytime I hear about him.

As far as the book goes, Flair has made no secret that he will be getting back at people who have attacked him in the past in this book. That is not the only thing he writes about, but he will be honest about his feelings about those people. Nothing wrong with that.


Ironic that Flair is complaining about Bischoff and Hogan exactly the same way Foley was to Flair. Basically Flair was the booker backstage and told Foley he'll never be anyone. Flair can shove it, Foley's one of the best in ring performers of all time. Sure he didn't have a technical wrestling skills for those wrestling elitists - but you knew when he was on the card that night - he was going to do a damn good job of entertaining the crowd. I get sick of wrestling fans that act like the only way a match is good is if its a 60 minutes submission fest.
I think Foley had terrific promo ability. I have allot of memorable moments of him cutting something good. However, I have to agree....he had no physical ability except to be a punching bag. I still enjoyed his matches though.
bjork said:
He didn't go so far as to call Flair a no-talent hack stuntman and whatnot, though.

I still fail to see where this isn't far from the truth. Doesn't make me like Mick Foley less, but Mick has even said that his trainer thought he was great at taking bumps. And Mick Foley may have held back in calling Flair names, but don't tell me his words were not disparaging towards Flair, as truthful as it may be.

I kind of find it ironic that Foley's crying about what was said, when Foley took wrestlers to the shed live on Larry King when his first book was released. (IIRC, it was Hogan, Piper, and a third person)

Say what you want, but Flair's experiences and caliber of opponents will be far more interesting than anything Foley will ever write.
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