I do owe GAF an update!
Unfortunately nothing actually crazy happened, so sorry to disappoint, but it was a fun trip.
I went with the misses so we did all of the theme parks extensively other than Sea World.
I generally preferred Universal to the Disney parks (although we were there opening day for the new Rise of the Resistance ride which was pretty cool, even though the ride kind of sucked).
We took PKMs suggestion and went to Machine Gun America which was awesome and got me fully erect on several occasions, although I didn't get to ride a tank on this trip, maybe next time (planning to go back in 2021).
It was hilarious to see the Black Friday chaos. Saw a few families fighting over 75" TVs at Target although nobody got shot or stabbed and I got a couple funny looks when I shouted out 'Florida Man, where you at?'
I was generally very surprised by Orlando in general. I appreciate that it's a tourist spot so probably quite 'tame' for Florida but I didn't see any lunatics at all. Definitely saw way crazier people in NYC and Seattle as I went to both those cities last year also. Would happily live in Orlando. If any Gaffers want to marry or sponsor me to live there, hit me up in my PMs
I didn't get to see any Gators which was a bit of a letdown although I didn't go out of me way to try and find any - again something that I'll do next time.
One of the best days of the holiday was a trip to Tampa to visit Bush Gardens (easily the best theme park that we visited in terms of rides). I had a Mustang hired for the trip so the drive there was pretty fun. We took two large Thermos flasks filled with ice cold tequila into the park and got absolutely smashed all day while we went on all of the rides (park was empty). I then drove back from Tampa absolutely hammered doing over 150 mph. Was probably a dumb move on my part but I'm not gonna lie, it was fun and nobody died, so fuck it.
No meth either unfortunately. I like to sample the local cuisine when on holiday so if anyone wants to help me score next time, I'll let GAf know ahead of my next trip so that we can plan it all better.
Overall it was a pretty tame but enjoyable trip and Florida is my favourite US State visited so far. I look forward to visiting again next year.
Apologies for the delayed update. A few days into the trip I realised that I was on GAF a lot, which in my head was a bit weird given that I was on vacation. I decided to follow through with a self imposed ban for a couple months (I like to do this every now and then with anything that I'm addicted to as a test of willpower).