Congrats Hixx
We were overdue for a loss.... at home. We are Everton, so we are going to fuck up along the road. Having said that, it was a bad day at the office. On another, we could have won by 4 goals, but the reality was that we made a horrible mistake and that cost us dearly. Even with 10 men, we played our heart out and they parked the bus, as much as I can hate on them for their negativity on that (we were 10 men ffs) and on the chances wasted on the oppositions goals, They did a job and beat us fair and square. Well done Sunderland!
We were never going to win the league or be the top team so A loss might be a blessing in disguise, hopefully we come back fired up and smash the saints.
Having said that, Osman should not ever play for us. Ever again that useless piece of shit. Fuck off Osman!