Joel Was Right
Giroud being benched is the right choice. Sanogo gives a completely different dimension. Says something about our summer plans
Why is Sanogo starting?
There's a reason he's called big fucking german.I know he's tall but that put things in perspective.
That Guardians of the Galaxy trailer was fucking awful
Back Sanogo pulga. Back Sanogo.
Incorrect. A thousand times more interesting than Thor 2/Iron man whatever/ Captain America who cares
Personally not a fan of players acting all chummy in the tunnel like that. Roy Keane wouldn't act all chummy. They are going to war, not queuing up to go see a movie.
Fuck this.
There are showing some local high school soccer game and some nascar instead of any of the two games. Fuck you FOX.
Lambda is banned? looooool a gift from the football gods as he wouldn't be able to take all Arsenal glory today.
Hope it's not perm
What did he get banned for?5th March.
Kross is soo good.
All AM vs Milan.