He's been grim tonight.Oh wow, i nearly shit myself there when Essien was just standing still with the ball inside the box. Seemed like he had fallen asleep for a second.
FT Liverpool - Ajax 0 - 6
No you don't understand I'd go in there specifically to wrap his confederate flag round his fucking neck. LETS ALL AV A RUMBLE LETS ALL AV A RUMBLE NA NA NA NA.......
He's been grim tonight.
Fuck, my stream died!
Need another stream guys!
FT Liverpool - Ajax 0 - 6
I have a feeling this will end before penalties, the players already seem too tired to defend, and will slip up.
Pens are bad news for us. We need to find this goal in the next 30.
God I feel nervous hope it doesn't go to penalties I hate them even as a neutral
Well both teams still got two subs left don't they?
I don't think this is going to penalties. Someone will surely score in extra time.