Wilbury is the typical english idiot I see in movies.
AhahahahahaAvatar anyone?
Wilbury reminds me of a young David Cameron.
Wilbury is the typical english idiot I see in movies.
:lol:lolAvatar anyone?
Well he likes fudding...
That isn't fudding you moron, that isn't even level one fudding
My tweeter account had more activity tonight than in the two years I have it.
Wilbury is the typical english idiot I see in movies.
I watched the muppets on blu the other day and evertime I seen beaker all I could think of was wilbury.
Sup guys.
Sup guys.
Wilbury, post more pictures so all of FootyGAF can have Wilbz Avyz
that reads like its written by the tweens from meangirls
only uglier ones
Now... Who combines the two?
Also get in here
Wilbury, post more pictures so all of FootyGAF can have Wilbz Avyz
I'm actually not that stupid. I just photo poorly.
or something
Sweeping bans are going to get us guys, I feel it.
that reads like its written by the tweens from meangirls
only uglier ones
All the rest are awful hahaha
I'm just finding the funny ones. The rest are me awkwardly posing or pictures of me as a child my father has put up.
I've seen that film like 50 times, it's so fucking good
jesus christ
Two is better than one
Who is calling who a pervert now? Weren't you asking about whether tag quoting is appropriate?
Was not a fan, honestly.
Lacked the Wilde factor.
I've reached a point where I don't know who is who on the FootyGAF twitter list. Except for the few I converse with.
Same here, I just know like 4-5 of the list.
Don't know if I should follow Kermit, tho!
Come home, decide to catch up on the thread. Simultaneously confused and amazed.
Who are you? I'm not even kidding.
If you want 9/10ths of tweets to be calling you a twatty wankhammer and 1/10th effusive in praise of a post, do it.
I have Stockholm Syndrome with Kermy
Who are you? I'm not even kidding.
I am not very photogenic
I unfollowed you weeks ago, btw.
I cannot look directly at a camera. I think I am but when I see the photo, nope.
Never knew you were following me to be honest. I don't tweet often haha. I use it more to follow people as opposed to awesomegarcia_ who talks about nuggets