Can I assume that people who are against period sex are also against having sex with a virgin?
Do you dip your finger in the red pepper dip, or do you fucking bathe in it
Can I assume that people who are against period sex are also against having sex with a virgin?
But she won't let you touch her butt when she's on her period. I wouldn't be ok with thatMy fiancee refuses to have sex when she is on her period.
Sometimes you get chips that taste terrible you just have to drown them in sauce!
I've never fucked a hooker
My girlfriend and I don't have sex when she's on, but I still get my dingle played with.
My girlfriend and I don't have sex when she's on, but I still get my dingle played with.
Went to Cuba once, fucked a hooker. Funniest cum of my life.
"Dame tu lechita papaitooo mmMmm que ricoooo!"
dog + peanut butter?
Give me your cum mmmmm that rich Papaito
What does papaito mean
Give me your cum mmmmm that rich Papaito
What does papaito mean
It's not even fucking dark yet you heathens.
Wilbury, your avatar sucks
I like the Dylan avatar, Wilbz.
It's not even fucking dark yet you heathens.
It's pretty fucking dark where I am!
Is the best coverage for the U.S elections in the U.K the BBC coverage?
Americanism in a nutshell.
ravelmorrison23 ‏@morrisonravel
#TeamObama #TeamObama #TeamObama #TeamObama #TeamObama #TeamObama
Looking through his twitter, he seems to stupid to ever be allowed to reproduce (this has nowt to do with Obama)
Is the best coverage for the U.S elections in the U.K the BBC coverage?
don't know if already posted but hulk's sister escaped from her kidnappers and returned home this afternoon.
Dimbleby and Paxman, therefore, yes.
Probably. We get Dimbleby don't we?
You are north of thewallWear.
Yeah it starts at 11.35, but it didn't mention Paxman though. It lists Emily Maitlis, Katty Kay and Jeremy Vine.
He musn't be then.
I was watching Gore Vidal versus Dimbleby earlier. lol
Some reports showing Romney is ahead in Ohio.. Goddammit....
Yeah so was I hahaha
"Well I know who you are Mr. Vidal"
"You're one up on me then"
Asked if he had expected more dirty tricks to undermine Mr Obama's campaign, he replied: "I don't know what you're saying that I'm saying, would you do it again?"
Dimbleby rephrased the question, again asking if the author had expected the Republicans to "pull tricks".
"I hinted at that, I hinted at that... I thought you would take the hint and not take it as a statement of reality," Vidal responded.
"Why shouldn't I take it as a statement of reality?" inquired Dimbleby.
"I don't know why you would because I don't know who you are,"
Obama will win.
Get that in your head.
Went to Cuba once, fucked a hooker. Funniest cum of my life.
"Dame tu lechita papaitooo mmMmm que ricoooo!"
You actually fucked a cuban hooker?
When in Rome...
Edit: For this you come back to the thread?!
You actually fucked a cuban hooker?
But she won't let you touch her butt when she's on her period. I wouldn't be ok with that
At least if Obama wins, we won't be dragged into another Middle Eastern war. Instead, he'll just continue droning the shit out of the area.
Bayern-GAF: It looks like Alaba is starting again lately. Is he safe to put into my lineup in fantasy? I have Belhanda but he hasn't done much..
that shit was kind of relevant
cuánto te cobró? y estaba buena la tipa?
Sorry to ask that but why is it some users think they can randomly hurt other people's feelings?
I know you are a well-estimated gaffer, and a good pal to everyone around but could you just stop, please.
OK ?
definitely. best Bayern player right after Ribery and Müller
Chill out. You're active enough in this thread that you couldn't take that as a serious question. You made a pass at being a Villa fan, so I took a stab back at you. There was no contempt in my response, and I'm sorry that it came across that way.