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Football Thread 2013/14 |ot22| Financial Fair Play? Je ne comprends pas.

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Unity did not look like a revolution (pun intended) of the AC formula

Sure crowds blah blah blah, but it gave me AC3 tingles. Can see that game beings bloated and boring
Seriously though. Unity looked ridiculous. First proper next gen game.

And I've been a huge critic of the franchise after 2 (which was sublime).

Really excited for it.

Graphically I thought it looked fantastic, and they nailed the look of the time period (well how would I know, but how I would think it looked). But man, when I see the actual gameplay start it just starts to bore me instantly.



Graphically I thought it looked fantastic, and they nailed the look of the time period (well how would I know, but how I would think it looked). But man, when I see the actual gameplay start it just starts to bore me instantly.


Same, repetitive boring tripe.
Far Cry looks good, graphically great and the antagonist looks interesting, they were so close to making a truly great game with FC3 so hopefully they can build and improve!

Ass Creed looks beautiful, gameplay doesn't look all that different but it's been so long since I've played one I don't need anything radical. The online co-op stuff could be very interesting if they can get it right.

The Crew looks surprisingly interesting, the horrible UI puts me off though. Makes it look cheap.

Rainbow Six, hmmmmm it could be good but no one will play the game like that, so it doesn't really feel like I saw an accurate representation of the game.

Good conference though, roll on Sony.


The interior sections and proper stealth are the two things that really excite me for Unity. The world looks more lived in. And the animation system's had an overhaul. All adds up to something I really want to play.

No doubt they'll ruin it with endless repetition and some modern day guff.


Those Ubi balked MP things are such horseshit it's crazy

They missed out the part where you get paired with some raging 12 year American, a German dude with internet from 1997 and your mate who has gone for a piss

Those games are built on team based MP which doesn't exist. It's crazy!!!!!!!!


Rainbow Six basically looked like a competitive Payday 2.

Which should be amazing... in theory.

I got Payday 2 vibes, which was really fun.......in a couple of spots. If they can extract what made that game feel good in the rare spots where it did, then I'll be very interested.


AC Unity will end up a tonk collect-athon but I lap that shit up anyway so I don't mind.

The animation improvement and fluidity of the parkour system really impressed me the most where traversal is concerned. No need to rely on designated jump spots to get to the ground level and the speed at which you can get from the rooftops to the ground and vice-versa is going to be a godsend. Plus it looks nice.

Core combat is no different but whatever, I'm not bothered by that at all. It's damn satisfying either way pulling off chains.


Those Ubi balked MP things are such horseshit it's crazy

They missed out the part where you get paired with some raging 12 year American, a German dude with internet from 1997 and your mate who has gone for a piss

Those games are built on team based MP which doesn't exist. It's crazy!!!!!!!!

Yeah, that's the reality for the most part and its why I hate multiplayer. Its really hard to get everyone together in real life, as most people have lives or aren't interested in the same games as you (or gaming at all).

That Unity coop looks brilliant, but there will in no way be any strategy. Rainbow Six had strategy to be fair, the audience for that game expected and wanted it. That's why I played the shit out of it, there was actual teamwork. Not sure if that will still be the case with the new one.

I always like Colin in these IGN things, shares the same opinions as me on multiplayer and certain games... just a condescending prick when he does it.
Apparently Neymar was injured in practice today...



Oh shit there was a new P* game at the MS conf? Maybe by the time it comes out Xbone will be cheap enough to afford.

Yeah. Nothing but a CG trailer at the moment with what looks like Dante from DmC fighting big creatures. It's been confirmed that Kamiya's directing though. And there's gonna be dragons.


How would you rate the conferences so far, seems like gamingGAF are all doing it.

MS - 7/10
EA - 5/10
Ubisoft - 7/10

C'mon Sony, lay that TLG smackdown. Gigaton incoming.

It would be nice to one day play videogames that look and play like the Rainbow Six demo. That entire thing was such bullshit.

It was clearly scripted but did look in-game as there was a lot of 'glitchy' movement and animations.

I think the game will look similar to be honest, maybe less light bloom. :)

Deus-Ex all day every day. Fuck the vaporware known as TRICO.

EA would be like a 3 for me. Very disappointing show. Rest I agree on though.

i cant take all this hate

i am leaving this place and never* coming back


*not until TLG has been shown again. Which is most likely never.


Battlefront 3 and Witcher are the best things so far. Assassins Creed looked amazing until he actually started playing properly like wooden says


How would you rate the conferences so far, seems like gamingGAF are all doing it.

MS - 7/10
EA - 5/10
Ubisoft - 7/10

C'mon Sony, lay that TLG smackdown. Gigaton incoming.

It was clearly scripted but did look in-game as there was a lot of 'glitchy' movement and animations.

I think the game will look similar to be honest, maybe less light bloom. :)

True, although tbf it wouldn't be a good demo for people that don't know Rainbow Six if they died really quickly

The visuals did not appear to be anything that could not be achieved on the current hardware. So that's a plus.

It's the vast array of freedom they seem to portray that is unbelievable for me because they have a legacy of games to reference where you have clear objectives and perhaps two or three realistic options to successfully complete your mission.

I mean, they're literally blowing the environment away to come up with a solution to getting to that hostage. That works for this single family home, but what about other levels, maps and missions?


MS 7/10

EA 1/10

Ubi 6/10


Deus-Ex all day every day. Fuck the vaporware known as TRICO.

EA would be like a 3 for me. Very disappointing show. Rest I agree on though.

Wow, EA getting some tough love.

Admittedly, FIFA saved the show for me, only because I watched the trailer beforehand quickly while being distracted a bunch.

Plus the Mass Effect music just gave me chills, didn't even realise how much I miss Mass Effect. Its not even been gone really.

I want Deus Ex as well but they need to make it way more open ended than HR.

Having said that, a next gen Last Guardian would make me piss myself.


there are people standing in line to see the sony press conference at a theater nearby.

imagine the look on their faces when the biggest surprise of the conference is... an uncharted 4 teaser.


The same things that was exciting about Ico and SoTC. I truly miss those kind of games, all we get is 95% shoot shoot bang bang these days.

Yep, it brings the wonder back to gaming.

Its that Last of Us giraffe moment times by 10 and done consistently throughout the game. Just being in awe.

How many games even try to do that?


Wooden help me out here, what exactly is exciting about TLG. I honestly don't get it.

It's the studios previous two games that has everyone excited. Ico is in my top five all time. So more from them is what I'm in too. Plus, it just looks cool. What is that dog-bird thing and why do I want to hug it?
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