W Willkiller Banned Jun 26, 2013 #14,051 Facism said: I guess it only reinforces your point! Click to expand... Indeed it does
B Broder Salsa Banned Jun 26, 2013 #14,052 Thiago Silva always looked like the kind of guy that would kill and murder someone imo. PELANTY
U Ushojax Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much Jun 26, 2013 #14,057 lol Brazil Luiz you silly swine.
S Slizz Member Jun 26, 2013 #14,061 Just got home, missed the first 10 minutes. Has been 10 minutes of flop vs. flop?
B Broder Salsa Banned Jun 26, 2013 #14,071 Mou is hitting the sell button right now. Mr.Marston said: David Luiz is so shit. Click to expand... lol
Mou is hitting the sell button right now. Mr.Marston said: David Luiz is so shit. Click to expand... lol
U Ushojax Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much Jun 26, 2013 #14,075 Forlan you fucking has-been
D Diablos54 Member Jun 26, 2013 #14,082 Good save, that was their chance, Brazil need to take advantage of it now.
pulga Banned Jun 26, 2013 #14,083 LOL FORLAN Why didnt Suarez or Cavani take it? Forlans been done for a while now
B Broder Salsa Banned Jun 26, 2013 #14,084 The advantage to being a fatty like Julio here, he gets quicker to the ground.
C Ce-Lin Member Jun 26, 2013 #14,087 Diego Forlán qué coño haces !!!!!!!!!!!!! f*** Forlán wtfffffff come on now
S Salsa Member Jun 26, 2013 #14,089 Diablos54 said: that was their chance. Click to expand... we're playing great so far. plenty of chances.
Diablos54 said: that was their chance. Click to expand... we're playing great so far. plenty of chances.
B Broder Salsa Banned Jun 26, 2013 #14,094 Looking at that again Julio Cesar was way gone from the line by the time Forlan hit it, should have been retaken.
Looking at that again Julio Cesar was way gone from the line by the time Forlan hit it, should have been retaken.
U Ushojax Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much Jun 26, 2013 #14,096 Pen was telegraphed to hell and back. Even Valdes could have saved that.
T The_Hitcher89 Member Jun 26, 2013 #14,098 Arnie said: Cavani plays shit for Uruguay. Boss save from Cesar. Click to expand... At some point they'll surely have to accept that Cavani on the wing doesn't work, and drop him/adapt for him
Arnie said: Cavani plays shit for Uruguay. Boss save from Cesar. Click to expand... At some point they'll surely have to accept that Cavani on the wing doesn't work, and drop him/adapt for him
S Sviatoslav Member Jun 26, 2013 #14,099 WoodenLung said: Looking at that again Julio Cesar was way gone from the line by the time Forlan hit it, should have been retaken. Click to expand... If the ref did that then he would have been killed post-game.
WoodenLung said: Looking at that again Julio Cesar was way gone from the line by the time Forlan hit it, should have been retaken. Click to expand... If the ref did that then he would have been killed post-game.
C Ce-Lin Member Jun 26, 2013 #14,100 wait Federer out wtf was he injured as Nadal ? lol ! hope Tsonga takes it then (Kappa / Troll lol) edit: Brazil has nothing on Spain they're so shit
wait Federer out wtf was he injured as Nadal ? lol ! hope Tsonga takes it then (Kappa / Troll lol) edit: Brazil has nothing on Spain they're so shit