Neo Member
Last week I watched a documentary called That Sugar Film. It looks at the effects of 40 teaspoons of sugar in your diet. Its very informative.
(How many grams is 40 teaspoons?)
(How many grams is 40 teaspoons?)
The premise of That Sugar Film, Gameaus debut as a feature film-maker and documentarian, rests on a decision three years ago to eliminate refined sugar from his diet. This means the slate was clean to test what would happen if he returned to the sweet stuff. In short: aforementioned liver disease, 10cm of visceral fat around his waist, mood swings and (according to doctors) early signs of what could lead to coronary problems.
The twist is that Gameau didnt splurge on sloppy nosh such as cheeseburgers, chips and sundaes in other words food everybody knows is bad for you. Gameau consumed the typical Australians 40 teaspoons of sugar a day, maintained exercise, the same kilojoule intake of his regular diet and the clincher only ate foods perceived to be healthy. This includes cereal, smoothies, muesli bars and low-fat yoghurt. The kind of products at the heart of advertising campaigns built on extolling their supposed virtues, using faux science and deceptive packaging