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For those of you who liked The Last Jedi but hated Rise of Skywalker

There are a few possibilities. I will list them below

1. You don't like Strong Women and don't like Women as lead Characters. Its 2019 (almost 2020) get over yourself man baby. Women are strong and can do anything

2. You don't like a diversity. Its 2019 (almost 2020) get over yourself man baby. People of Color and Women are strong and can do anything

3. You don't like your expectations subverted. Its 2019 (almost 2020) get over yourself man baby.

4. Its a movie made for children. Its 2019 (almost 2020) get over yourself man baby. You are not a child and it is a movie made for children.

There maybe more. But those 4 are the first that come to mind.


It's just perfect.

They twisted and turned and contorted themselves in an effort to say if you hated TLJ then you're just wrong and watching movies wrong and blah blah blah.

It never occurred to them that these actions would make it more difficult for them to criticize movies in the future without looking like colossal fucking idiots. Now here we are.

"LOL, you are just salty because Rian didn't do exactly what you wanted with Luke."
...Two Years Later...
"FUCK YOU JJ ABRAMS!!!! Why isn't Rose Tico given more screentime? Reeeeeeeeeee!"

It's wonderful.
It's just perfect.

They twisted and turned and contorted themselves in an effort to say if you hated TLJ then you're just wrong and watching movies wrong and blah blah blah.

It never occurred to them that these actions would make it more difficult for them to criticize movies in the future without looking like colossal fucking idiots. Now here we are.

"LOL, you are just salty because Rian didn't do exactly what you wanted with Luke."
...Two Years Later...
"FUCK YOU JJ ABRAMS!!!! Why isn't Rose Tico given more screentime? Reeeeeeeeeee!"

It's wonderful.
I’ll probably go see it now knowing the movie basically forgets TLJ came before it


It's just perfect.

They twisted and turned and contorted themselves in an effort to say if you hated TLJ then you're just wrong and watching movies wrong and blah blah blah.

It never occurred to them that these actions would make it more difficult for them to criticize movies in the future without looking like colossal fucking idiots. Now here we are.

"LOL, you are just salty because Rian didn't do exactly what you wanted with Luke."
...Two Years Later...
"FUCK YOU JJ ABRAMS!!!! Why isn't Rose Tico given more screentime? Reeeeeeeeeee!"

It's wonderful.
It's poetry, it rhymes


im just thinking about the implications of this movie. the biggest thing for me is Force Revive. the idea of bringing people back to life negates death. i mean all the memes are great, Obi Wan & Qui Gon, etc. but still. yikes.

the problem is, JJ could use it because it was set up by Rian. The Last Jedi set the precedent that using too much force could kill you. this unfortunately couples it to the physical realm, likely contrary to the writer's wishes, as we witness Luke die from exerting too much physical effort. Kylo Ren states this in a line early on, making it canon that using whatever power Luke uses specifically takes a toll on you physically. we can extrapolate from there that force powers require some kind of life energy from the user. it is not a mere question of belief like Yoda says in Empire, you either have the capacity to control it with your body or you don't, same as always. witness all the people who insisted Finn wasn't force sensitive.

so, now that the force is tied to physicality, and it can kill you, it makes sense that i can heal you as well. JJ simply took Rian's dumb, universe ruining idea and iterated upon it.
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It's poetry, it rhymes
Honestly all I see is one group making fun of each other because they liked said movie. one group whines about another thing and is made fun of said whining and then that same group whines about something else. SW fandom is divided and both sides make fun of each other for not liking something. AKA all SW fans whine equally.


Oh, can we have some more crying please?



Gabriel Knight
i don’t have any stake in this and think a whole lotta man babies need to get a grip but.....
how can a major studio not have some sort of overarching vision and let two different (in the beginning 3) directors have free reign? i guess it doesn’t matter since they made a lot of $
sort of like James Dolan and the Knicks


Elden Member
Normally I wouldnt care about this, but tlj defenders are the ducking worst, I’m glad JJ openly gave that film the middle finger.
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Normally I wouldnt care about this, but tlj defenders are the ducking worst, I’m glad JJ openly gave that film the middle finger.

When I left cinema for TLJ I turned to my friend and the first thing i said was 'was that a joke?' I thought it was so weird and ridiculous.

Having seen TRoS.... I dunno which ones better tbh.. I did like happy Luke
It's just perfect.

They twisted and turned and contorted themselves in an effort to say if you hated TLJ then you're just wrong and watching movies wrong and blah blah blah.

It never occurred to them that these actions would make it more difficult for them to criticize movies in the future without looking like colossal fucking idiots. Now here we are.

"LOL, you are just salty because Rian didn't do exactly what you wanted with Luke."
...Two Years Later...
"FUCK YOU JJ ABRAMS!!!! Why isn't Rose Tico given more screentime? Reeeeeeeeeee!"

It's wonderful.

Im sure they dont even see it as the same thing i mean they believe they are right


Elden Member
When I left cinema for TLJ I turned to my friend and the first thing i said was 'was that a joke?' I thought it was so weird and ridiculous.

Having seen TRoS.... I dunno which ones better tbh.. I did like happy Luke

tros wins the fight for me just because I actually had fun during parts of it.

The only “WTF” moment I really had was that stupid dagger path finder thing that lined up perfectly with the Death Star ruins.... like wtf how were they are the exact perfect angle to make that work

TLJ was wtf moments one after another.
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tros wins the fight for me just because I actually had fun during parts of it.

The only “WTF” moment I really had was that stupid dagger path finder thing that lined up perfectly with the Death Star ruins.... like wtf how were they are the exact perfect angle to make that work

TLJ was wtf moments one after another.

Yeah and thats the thing - I didnt think they went FAR enough in TROS.

About 5 minutes in when Kylos like "I killed Snoke. Ill kill you" I realised what I was in for - paper thin plotting, logic and reason. Fine. If that doesnt make sense then make it a visual feast - which they did a fair amount - the best thing about this film (and TLJ) is that it was sporadically beautiful. At about half way through I just wanted an ending that was doubling down on fan service, but didnt really get it, considering it was just random event after random event to spread out introducing character/plot.

Was okay, but I wanted Anakin and Luke to appear with Rey to team up against Palps together in some epic finale with ILM effects out the wazoo. I felt nothing at the end of TRoS, similar feeling to TLJ i guess. Luke and Anakin fighting together as father and son would've been really sick to see, and pleased so many people. And at that point all the pre-established 'force-workings' are thrown out the window so just shove everything in.

I imagine Palps knocking down Rey & Kylo at this point, and he's away to kill them with the lightning when it suddenly stops. Camera follows Rey/Kylos eyes looking up where Anakin & Luke are standing there reflecting the lightning with sabres as the camera moves up and has loud drum beat Star Wars epic music kicks in as theyre both wearing some sick all black/white robes towering high/glowing and Lukes smiling or something at Anakin. Would've been cute and epic if done right. Music builds up and then goes silent - anakin/luke says "this is where the fun begins" (or something lol) and they both kick Palp's ass together with Rey and Kylo joining in eventually. (im no prequel 'stan' , theyre bad films with a potentially good story, but seeing Hayden under JJ's direction and ILM effects - wouldve helped solidify the character a bit more)

I don't think I'll be watching any of them again soon. I seen TFA a number of times, TLJ twice and TRoS once.
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Elden Member
Yeah and thats the thing - I didnt think they went FAR enough in TROS.

About 5 minutes in when Kylos like "I killed Snoke. Ill kill you" I realised what I was in for - paper thin plotting, logic and reason. Fine. If that doesnt make sense then make it a visual feast - which they did a fair amount - the best thing about this film (and TLJ) is that it was sporadically beautiful. At about half way through I just wanted an ending that was doubling down on fan service, but didnt really get it, considering it was just random event after random event to spread out introducing character/plot.

Was okay, but I wanted Anakin and Luke to appear with Rey to team up against Palps together in some epic finale with ILM effects out the wazoo.

I don't think I'll be watching any of them again soon. I seen TFA a number of times, TLJ twice and TRoS once.

I completely agree I don’t think I’ll watch any of these films again. Which is sad, I’ve probably seen the original Star Wars trilogy 100 times over now, and still get urges to watch it.


I just don't know how anyone can like TLJ.
Even if you don't care about Star Wars or Luke or any of that, it's just a shit movie. The plot is terrible, the writing is terrible, the action is pretty bad, etc. Did anyone really watch that pointless 30 minutes long casino sidequest and end up "wow that was so much fun!"?


I’m not sure what raped a franchise to death worse with fan fiction attempts.... TLJ or Halo 5.

to be honest I kinda hated Halo 5 more...
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I’m not sure what raped a franchise to death worse with fan fiction attempts.... TLJ or Halo 5.

to be honest I kinda hated Halo 5 more...

For me, Halo 5 was merely an enormous disappointment and terrible wasted opportunity.

TLJ actually killed Star Wars for me. The space battles and hyperspace, the characters, The Force itself ... all mutilated to an unrecoverable degree by any follow up. And the bits that weren't any of that were either bad, or heavy handed posturing that was also bad (in terms of both concept and delivery).

Halo can recover from 4 and 5, but Star Wars is forever tainted by TLJ like an old mattress in a squat that a succession of drug addicts have shit themselves on.
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funny watching all the "JJ walked back Rian's best stuff!" takes. from what i hear, everything cringey about the movie really took root in TLJ, from the heightened Reylo stuff to force powers causing you do die. TFA had Rey being mind raped by Kylo, TLJ set the precedent that maybe they kinda find each other hot. a lot of "JJ's bad writing" decisions in this sound like direct follow throughs on whatever dumbness Rian was doing.

the funny fact is most of the jump the shark crap in this seems to be directly following up from his movie. amazing smokescreen he's been able to pull tho. LOL he has some very dedicated stans.
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I just don't know how anyone can like TLJ.
Even if you don't care about Star Wars or Luke or any of that, it's just a shit movie. The plot is terrible, the writing is terrible, the action is pretty bad, etc. Did anyone really watch that pointless 30 minutes long casino sidequest and end up "wow that was so much fun!"?

Honestly I think it is a combination of many factors.

A lot of people are really big Rian Johnson fans. So for them this is like "Star Wars finally gets a REAL director" and they are willing to push that one as "the only good Star Wars movie" or "the best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back" because they are massive fans of RJ.

The movie released a year into the Trump presidency and I think this was a big factor also. The film is kind of strangely seen as this big anti-Trump, anti-Alt Right statement. So you see that reflected in things like the misguided idea that TLJ shows that "anyone can use the Force" etc. There was a basically successful attempt to spin the narrative that only right wingers could dislike the movie because the movie is a refutation of their politics.

Similarly at the time of the movies release the Russia narrative was in full flow and of course they had successfully floated the idea that negative review scores were down to "Russian Bots". Why the Russians would want to destroy Star Wars of all things is beyond me but here we are.

In the end, the release of this movie with this director at this specific moment in history created a weird situation where liking it or not liking it put you on one side or the other of a completely unrelated political divide.

Here is an example of what I mean.
"Birth Movies Death" is movie website that I once respected.

Their "takes" on The Last Jedi:

From Vietnam to Trump: The Last Jedi as a protest film - https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/12/18/from-vietnam-to-trump-the-last-jedi-as-protest-film
Article about the Rotten Tomatoes Score - https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/1...t-jedi-and-its-rotten-tomatoes-audience-score
You are watching movies wrong - https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/12/28/the-last-jedi-unlearning-what-we-have-learned
Outrage because some randomer online made an edit without women - https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2018/01/16/well-adjusted-hero-re-edits-the-last-jedi-for-men
Half or the negativity was just political or fake - https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2018/1...s-were-politically-motivated-or-not-even-huma

The narrative spinning from this one site alone shows the lines being drawn in the sand with this movie.
It's not about the plot. It's not about the action. It's not about the writing.
It's not about whether or not the movie is good.
It's about what side you are on.
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