Man, first it was the FFXV event on March 30, then it was then PSVR event on March 15. Now this. WHAT A MONTH! HYPE!
Ps: They may bring the shows back but I hope a podcast like GT Time is also included! Make it happen, guys! It was the best podcast around, period.
This sounds awesomeThey'll announce TrailerGames: A mobile video production studio about video games all shot from inside a trailer. The gimmick however is that they do not have a car, and they need to ask randos to pull them. They start out in Maine, and need to go all the way to Los Angeles, and maybe solve some mysteries and crimes along the way. Will they make it in time for E3?
btw, matt blaire didn't tweet the image?
Oh yeah? But do you miss ELBOW DROP
truly, the dream.What if the announcement is that they've formed a first party nintendo studio to create Waluigi's Sneak N' Love
So, I'll be honest, I've just never really watched a whole lot of GT stuff. But I thought they had a woman on their staff? The crew of their new endeavor is seven white dudes?
Wait 7 of them??? The only way such a model could work is if they made some kind of website with subscription enabled content like Giant Bomb but Brandon Jones said that won't happen in the KF podcast. How else are they going to make something work to fund 7 people to work full time on?
So, I'll be honest, I've just never really watched a whole lot of GT stuff. But I thought they had a woman on their staff? The crew of their new endeavor is seven white dudes?
The only thing i ask is that they need to embrace youtube or twitch a little more this time.
The only thing i ask is that they need to embrace youtube or twitch a little more this time.
YouTube Gaming, judging by the lettering and the Geoff connections?
Or am I daydreaming?