Just had to post this video, as it really does a good job showing Nick's badassery. Yeah, he didn't play on the album, but god damn does he own the shit out of it.
Megadeth were my first ever "favorite" band. I was lucky enough to see them in '98 during the Cryptic Writings tour when I was 13 with the RIP line-up. Talk about awestruck.
Didn't Dave write a song on the latest album bagging him out too? It's called 'the emperor'. Holy Wars will always be the greatest metal song in my eyes. Hopefully Nick is rusting peacefully.
I doubt that's about Nick, or anyone of note. He didn't seem to have any issues with Nick and Ellefson was the reason the reunion fell through. Mustaine really wanted it to happen, so I doubt he'd turn around and talk shit.
I doubt that's about Nick, or anyone of note. He didn't seem to have any issues with Nick and Ellefson was the reason the reunion fell through. Mustaine really wanted it to happen, so I doubt he'd turn around and talk shit.
First I heard Ellefson was the reason, he always seemed like a dte guy.
RIP Nick. I'll never forget that day I bought the cassette of Rust in Peace the day it released and heard it for the first time as I drove home in my car. Epic.
Just had to post this video, as it really does a good job showing Nick's badassery. Yeah, he didn't play on the album, but god damn does he own the shit out of it.
Megadeth were my first ever "favorite" band. I was lucky enough to see them in '98 during the Cryptic Writings tour when I was 13 with the RIP line-up. Talk about awestruck.
Really sucks to hear, would have like to see him rejoin but that wasn't going to happen. Rust in Peace line-up is the best.
He was a beast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVV-HU0BM-Y
Was sad to hear about this after getting back from work this afternoon. Rust In Peace is one of my favourite albums ever and featured what is easily Megadeth's best lineup.
I was lucky enough to catch the Menza/Friedman lineup during my first Megadeth show around the time they released Cryptic Writings. Good times.