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Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to plead guilty to child pornography charges

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I read about a bloodhound that's able to smell electronic devices, and it was able to find a hidden usb drive Fogle's home. Absolutely incredible. This story is nuts.


Whoa, on that link someone just posted about the franchisee who reported Jared, they ran a video story at the top of the page saying they used a dog that could actually sniff SD cards to find one hidden in the house. That's nuts!


Whoa, on that link someone just posted about the franchisee who reported Jared, they ran a video story at the top of the page saying they used a dog that could actually sniff SD cards to find one hidden in the house. That's nuts!
That's pretty amazing.
Audio recordings of Jared will be played on Dr. Phil of all places this Thursday and Friday.

NY Daily News said:
"It just felt so good. I mean, it felt — it felt so good," the 38-year-old says while allegedly discussing a prior sex act with a child.

Compelled to investigate and learn more, she said she befriended him and pretended to be his confidant over the next four years. Audio capturing their twisted discussions were then turned over to the FBI, leading to his ugly unmasking this summer.

"What turns you on the most, the young girls or the young boys?" she allegedly asks him in one recorded conversation released by the talk show.

"Both of them do. Both of them," he allegedly responds.

When she asked him about his age preference, he allegedly replies with:

"Well, it depends which — who is ready for what. Who's gonna give you the glance, you know what I mean?"

Fogle allegedly went on to suggest attending a children's birthday party to look for more potential victims and discussed flying "us clear across the world if we need to. To Thailand or wherever we want to go. If we're gonna try to get some young kids with us it would be a lot easier."

As their relationship grew, however, so did his trust and hopes to get personal with her and her children.

"Are there any of your kids' friends that you think are pretty hot?" he allegedly asked her.

Never in a million years am I going back to Subway again.


Unconfirmed Member
"What turns you on the most, the young girls or the young boys?" she allegedly asks him in one recorded conversation released by the talk show.

"Both of them do. Both of them," he allegedly responds.

I love how they know that by now their audience considers child molestation so passé that the only thing would really get their blood boiling is a paedophile with no gender preference. Dr. Phil is essentially contempt-porn for middle aged women and the elderly.


Reading those quotes from his conversation was hard. I physically didn't want to move my eyes to read more of what he said. It's really, really, really horrible and disgusting, hateful, and just plain evil that he would do what he did. Sick, sick stuff. How could you hurt a child like that? That's fucking sad.

Hopefully Subway burns and Quiznos rises back from the ashes.
Complete tonal change from the above...
Yessssssssssss. Honey Bacon Club!!!!!!


Major props to that journalist for her work.
The burden she shouldered gathering the evidence to bring him down is not something anyone should have to go through.


Someone call Quiznos. Their time has come. Chicken carbonaras for everyone!

It's funny how subway won the battle by having the cheap sandwiches...and now we finally acknowledge the garbage that is subway and mcd
A lot of pedophiles are indiscriminate when it comes to the sex of their victims. I don't know why. When it comes to adults they seem to get a lot pickier.
It's probably because they are attracted to immature bodies and all kids' bodies are nearly identical before puberty, save for genitals of course.

Those lines from the audio recording... I said god DAMN that's some twisted shit.
Props to the woman for making the recording and turned it over to the FBI, but I'm not sure I'm on board with this going up on Dr. Phil. Seems like too many people, woman included, looking for their own payday.


They knew in 2008? You would think even the hint of pedophile behavior would have scared off the company, yet they continued to keep him as their spokesperson until he actually plead guilty? That's crazy. Was Subway corporate trying to hide this or think it would just go away?

There's not a lot of people worse than a suspected pedophile as a company spokesperson. To continue to employ this criminal has got to be the stupidest corporate decision in history.
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