Formula 1 2016 Season |OT| This thread is unavailable due to a copyright claim by FOM

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I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
It's escalation. First he did it for a podium, then for a race win. Now he's onto Hollywood stars. Eventually he'll try it on Putin and then mysteriously vanish a week later.

Putin or Ricciardo?


The bastard's got everyone cornered up there on the podium, who's gonna say no to champagne from Ricky when there's millions watching :lol


Looking at the Hulkenberg onboard and yeah, he bails out of the turn and drives straight into Vettel. Whoever said it was Vettel's fault was wrong

Whoa we need a new thread very soon

Formula 1 2016 Season |OT2| Are you still watching? Hello?
Formula 1 2016 Season |OT2| A new style of driving
Formula 1 2016 Season |OT2| I'm not finishing 4th


Formula 1 2016 Season |OT2| Next year is Ferraris year

From the F1 subreddit


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Formula 1 2016 Season |OT2| Something Doesn't Feel Right #RiggedSeason


Whoa we need a new thread very soon

Holy shit we do! I've hardly posted in here lately.

Unfortunately wasn't able to actually pay attention to the race, but I saw the start & the results. Is it worth a re-watch?

We need a good OT title. |OT| Not so #Blessed


That stuff on the podium was the best teamwork this season between Hamilton and Rosberg. ;p

Also, bwoah, Ferrari needs more pit stop trainings. Again.


Confession: I voted Max for DotD hoping to make this exact bullshit happen.

No ragrets.

Yeah that was what I wanted to do, but my friends called me out on that bullshit so I voted for Lewis. No mistakes made. Excellent drive.

Alonso and Sainz would have been good to, but I voted in lap 40 or something.


So not worth it
People get very worked up about an internet poll.

A fucking internet poll about nothing.

I hope they add a fan boost reward as well just so everyone flipping their shit about DotD can get even more salty, let me taste your tears.
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